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“Class, this is Gokudera Hayato. He’s from Italy…” Nezu-sensei introduced a white haired boy with a prominent scowl on his face. The teacher urge him to say something to the class but the Italian ignore him and goes on looking around while glaring to whoever dare to meet his eyes.

Ietsuna that time is also looking around the room finding almost all their girl classmates smiling towards the transferee who they dub as ‘hot delinquent’. He gritted his teeth knowing it was no way a good sign. Obviously, this stupid new student will be his popularity rival. He can’t have that, the airhead baseball ace is more than enough competition. Ie was seething too much inside that he missed when the white-haired boy’s gaze landed on him until Nezu-sensei’s blaring voice snap him out of his own world.

“You’re late Sawada!”

Gokudera was half way going to the blond who he recognized as the Tenth Generation Vongola Boss when their old fart of a teacher called out a familiar surname that he halted in his steps. He throws one last glance in Ietsuna’s direction before turning around only to find a small boy with fluffy brown hair cowering at the door. He never heard that there will be two Sawada and potential next boss though looking at the wimp who look like a mess with creased uniform, he could safely assumed that he was never going to be the Tenth.

Changing his mind, the silver-haired went back to his seat deciding he’ll just have a word with the future Vongola Decimo after class.

Tsuna on the other hand, slowly makes his way to his seat trying to hide all his pain but of course under his bully’s hawk eyes, his slight limping didn’t go unnoticed. With his mind too preoccupied of the relief his seat could give, he didn’t notice when someone stretch their legs to trip him.

“Fvck!” the brunet unconsciously cursed shocking the whole class. They never thought that the shy, weak-willed shrimp can curse or even knows any curse on that matter.

Black dots were dancing on Tsuna’s eyesight but he shook his head to stay conscious. He was already used to pain given his line of work and the constant beating from his classmates but walking with a fractured femur is just plain too much. Thank God he manage to brace himself with his arm before his right knee hit the ground.

He and Hibari arrived in Japan two hours prior right after the mission, tired and injured, well at least he was injured while the prefect is simply tired. The only first aid he received was a small amount of sun flame to somehow glue his bone back together but he was no way okay.

Putting on their uniform in the plane, they went directly to Namimori middle not bothering to visit their respective homes or house in Tsuna’s case. But then, pain started to catch up to him so he requested, more like begged, Hibari to let him sleep for one hour in the reception room. The Skylark relented but his sadistic nature step up the moment a second gone past one hour and he literally kick him off the couch. After calling the raven ‘heartless, sadistic bastard’ he was kicked again, this time out of the reception room.

Tsuna must have been staying down on the floor for a long time now when he hears Nezu’s somewhat worried voice, “Go to your seat now Sawada!”

Gathering all his remaining strength, he pushed himself up the floor and half dragged his right leg to his long awaited comfort. An audible sigh left his mouth the moment all his weight was supported by the chair, finally relaxing his leg. At least he got what he needed in exchange of a broken bone.

The class goes on completely ignoring Tsuna in his own little corner but the brunet could feel a heated gaze drilling a hole in his head. It wasn’t threatening though, not yet. He subtly turn around to look at the guy grilling his head only to stop frozen when his eyes meet a pair of pale green glaring ones. To say he was shocked was an understatement. The fuck the Smokin’ Bomb doing in his class. He never heard about it anywhere. Ugh, Reborn.

He should have known, that baby hitman always works off the record and gathering personal information about him was a hella difficult.

Turning back to reality, he turn away from the bomber and face the board only to zone out of it again. Before he knew it, the bell for lunch already rings.

“What the hell do you want?” he heard his brother shouted. The classroom by now was empty except for his idiotic brother and the new student. He didn’t know if his brother has a death wish for picking a fight with a Mafioso or just plain idiot. Wait, it could actually be both.

“Meet me at the back of the school!” Gokudera mutter in the coldest tone he could before turning his attention to the quiet brunet and left the room.

Scary~, Tsuna thought.

Ietsuna got up from his seat to follow the silver head delinquent while Tsuna fell into a panic mode. His brother has no chance against the dangerous bomber and he’s definitely looking for his death if he fight him.

He wanted to stop him for the sake of, well being brothers. He don’t want a mourning parents up his ass and he wanted to avoid possibly hearing it should have been better if it was him that died. But still, he don’t know what to say to stop him. There’s no way he could tell him that his opponent is a pro bomber and was even famous for concealing bombs all over his body. He’s supposed to be the idiotic and clueless one not the other way around.

After a few weighing of his situation, Tsuna silently follow his brother to the back of their school. He wonder how Hibari still haven’t caught a wind of it. Come to think of it, maybe the bastard was asleep when he was there suffering from a broken bone while trying to save his twin’s soon-to-be-burnt ass.

“You’re pathetic. Die” Tsuna heard Gokudera followed by a few explosion. What the hell? They were starting already.

“Hey! Dynamites aren’t allowed in school bastard!” Ietsuna shouted while running away from the directions of the explosives. His brother was really a genius, Tsuna thought with sarcasm overflowing his whole being. He should at least suspects by now that his enemy is not an ordinary delinquent. He is being trained as a Mafia boss for fucks sake. Who does he think will come to him, angels that will just bow down and kiss his ass because he’s a boss?

Gokudera throws another batch of dynamites that froze both Sawada. Ietsuna has nowhere to run being cornered by the school fence and back of a building while the lit explosive sticks were getting closer.

Tsuna was ready to jump to his brother’s direction when a loud bang make all of them stop. Almost at the same time, they whip their heads to the source of the sound, while the dynamites fall on the ground after the wicks had been cut.

“Ciaosu!” the baby hitman greeted before turning to the silver-head. “You came earlier than I expected, Gokudera Hayato”

“Hey! You know this punk?” Ietsuna asked after gathering his cool.

“He’s a Mafioso I called over from Italy,” Reborn answered.

“I see. The Ninth’s most trusted assassin. You were serious about the offer?” Gokudera butt in ignoring the blond he was killing.

“Of course I am. You will automatically become the Vongola Decimo after you killed the heir,” the hitman replied while smiling calmly.

“Does it include him?” the bomber asked pointing at the brunet who immediately squeak in his place at the sudden attention.

“Like hell Dame-Tsuna is an heir. I don’t acknowledge useless people like you as my rival,” the blond fumed just thinking that people were treating him and his stupid brother on the same level.

Dame-Tsuna is beneath him, a stupid, useless one like him doesn’t even had the right to be called a part of his family. His father was supposed to love him alone but he was always taking his attention from him. Like hell he’d let Dame-Tsuna have a chance to show off again.

“Tsuna shares the same blood as Baka-Ietsuna so technically he’s an heir,” the tutor said, ignoring the protest from his student.

“I’m the only heir and I’ll kill both of you before I’ll let you take what’s mine,” Ietsuna said, clenching his fist tightly.

“Then fight with your dying will,” Reborn said and Ietsuna finds a green gun pointed at his direction. That again? He was about to dodge Reborn’s bullet but Gokudera’s dynamites goes off at his left sealing off his escape route. A loud bang was what he last heard before his dying will takes over.

“REBORN! Kill Gokudera Hayato with my dying Will!” shouted the naked blond before lunging at the silver-haired Mafioso.

Reborn clicked his tongue while pulling his fedora over his eyes in annoyance. He called in Gokudera as a potential Guardian for his dame-student but with his Dying Will, he'd lose more than he would gain allies.

The hitman watched at the sidelines as his student deflects Gokudera’s dynamites while continuously going in to attack the Smokin’ Bomb. He also throw a glance at the brunet beside him and noticed his unusual posture. It looks like Tsuna had shifted all his weight on his left leg while his right was barely touching the ground. It was obvious, given that the grass under the brunet’s right feet did not even folded meaning he has no weight put on it.

“Double Bomb!” they heard the silver-head shouted. Reborn turn to the fighting duo, temporarily dismissing his suspicion on Tsunayoshi. Though the mystery around the kid is really getting the best of him.

“Attack! Attack! Attack!” Ietsuna shouted back, swinging his leg for a kick that almost got Gokudera if he didn’t jump back in time.

“Tch. Teme! Triple Bomb!” Gokudera then pulled out triple the amount of dynamite but having trouble balancing it. Ietsuna sees the opportunity, knocked the dynamites from the bomber before jumping away.

“Die from your own weapon,” the blond said while the Dying Will Flame on his forehead slowly fades away.

Gokudera on the other hand could only watch as his dynamite sticks slowly falls down from his grasp. What a pitiful way to die. From his very own prided weapon of all things, not even from the Vongola Decimo’s hands.

He closes his eyes waiting for his end until another body pushed him. He was thrown a few feet away from the explosions while another landed beside him with a dull thud. He opens his eyes looking at the fluffy brown hair of his savior. His dynamites continue to go off but it was pushed at the back of his mind as nothing but mere background noises.

“Dame-Tsuna!” the hitman shouted after recovering from his shock. He was taken aback when a sudden blur of brown jump past him and the next thing he saw was the brunet pushing Gokudera away. That reckless bastard!

“T-Tsuna-sama…?” Gokudera called but was still glued on his spot. The brunet look up wincing while trying to lift his right leg that took all his weight when he jump.

“Stupid!” Tsuna muttered before losing consciousness, not having time to explain if he was referring to the bomber or to himself for being idiotic enough to jump on exploding dynamites.


I probably shouldn’t say this but…I’m not giving the guardians to Ietsuna. There. A major spoiler from me. :-P

I hope you enjoy reading. Vote and comment on your way out.


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