Chapter 1: Preparations

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Hey guys so I've been hyping this fanfic up for a while now and I can't wait for you guys to finally read it. I hope you all like it.



In the courtyard of the monastery, all the ninja were preparing for a very special occasion. Jay and Nya's wedding day.

The entire team was helping out. Lloyd was going over all the RSVP's on the invitations, Cole was working on a song to perform, Zane was preparing food for the reception, Pixal was decorating the courtyard, Kai was in charge of throwing Jay's bachelor party (because Nya didn't trust him with anything else) and Nya was supervising them to make sure it all got done exactly the way she wanted. Jay was only given two jobs: to stay out of the way, and to figure out who was going to be his best man.

Jay set on the couch in the living room trying to make this difficult decision. He knew all of the ninja so well and they were a team, he didn't want to pick just one of them. Cole was best friend and had always been there for him no matter what, but, despite all the big talk about him marrying his little sister, Kai was about to become his brother in law and had almost always been supportive of his and Nya's relationship. Jay also had to consider that Lloyd had always made him feel better when he was down, but Zane had been a good friend too and he was the most likely not to lose the ring. He just didn't know who to pick. It was too hard.

He was hanging upside down on the couch, because he thought it help, when Nya bursted into the room. She slammed the door so hard it scared Jay so much that he screamed and went flying off the couch and onto the floor.

"Oh, hey Nya." Jay smiled at her while still on the floor. "You look lovely from down here."

"Oh sorry about that Jay." Nya helped him up, trying to hold in her laughter.

"It's ok." He laughed. "Is everything ready for our big day?"

"So far so good, but I can't shake this weird feeling that something bad is going to happen." She frowned.

"I don't care if everything goes wrong, as long as we end up being husband and wife I'll be the happiest man in the world." Jay kissed her on the cheek, but that didn't seem to amuse her.

"Ok Jay, you know I love you but please don't scare me like that." Nya sighed.

"Sorry." Jay giggled.

"Anyway, have you picked your best man yet?"

"I'm... narrowing it down."

"To who? Kai, Cole, Zane or Lloyd?" She crossed her arms.

"There are about 4.4 billion males in the universe. The fact that I narrowed it down to four is actually quite impressive." Jay innocently smiled.

"Well you better pick one soon because the wedding is only three days away and I want everything to go just right. And if you don't pick one, then the boys will be fighting about it and then they won't be focused on anything else and..."

"Nya, breath." Jay put his arm around her. "I promise I'll pick a best man before the rehearsal dinner tomorrow."

"Ok." She took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I've just been really stressed about everything lately."

"It's ok, I know you've been busy lately." He smiled. "And look, I promise this will be the best wedding ever."

"I hope so."

"It looks like you could use a break." Jay noticed how tired she looked. "How about we take a break and go get lunch or something?"

"I'd love to, but I already have plans. Kira's coming over to take me to my dress fitting."

Kira was Nya's best friend and maid of honor. She had become friends with all the ninja after one of Lloyd's solo missions to Hiroshi's Labyrinth went horribly wrong. He had gotten lost and injured himself in a ravine, only to be found by Kira, who fixed him up and got him home safe and sound.

They were so grateful that they said Kira could come by anytime she wanted. At first she kept coming back to make sure Lloyd was getting better, but over time her and Lloyd both were starting to develop feelings for each other and she became good friends with the rest of the ninja too. Now they saw her all the time.

"Oh, alright." Jay said before kissing Nya on the cheek. "Have fun."



Meanwhile, Lloyd was in the courtyard stacking invitations into piles of yes's and no's. It was very tedious and repetitive, but it had to be done.

Then through the doors, Kira walked in. Lloyd couldn't help but gush over her long brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. She always wore a green bandana in her hair.

"H-Hey Kira." Lloyd blushed.

"Hey Lloyd." She smiled at him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm taking Nya to get her dress fitted. She wanted me to go with her so she could get a second opinion."

"Oh ok. How have you been?"

"I've been good, you know me just hanging out in the old treehouse." She tried to sound happy about it.

"Sorry I haven't been visiting lately, we've all been busy with the wedding and everything."

"I understand, as her maid of honor I've been busy too." Kira said.

Nya came out of the monastery with her purse ready to go. She signaled to Kira that she was ready to go.

"Well, I guess that's my cue." Kira laughed. "It was nice talking to you again."

"Yeah, it was nice talking to you too Kira." Lloyd smiled.

He tried not to let her see him blushing, but Kira and Nya both knew he was. Kira followed Nya to her car and they took off to the tailors.

Lloyd was sitting there, thinking about Kira. He'd had a crush on her ever since they met, but he'd never had the guts to tell her how he feels.

"Someone's got a crush." Kai said as he snuck up behind him.

Lloyd was startled and almost fell out of his chair. During his stumble, he knocked over the huge stack of invitations next to him. He turned to Kai and gave him a look of disgust on Lloyd's face.

"Oops sorry." Kai was trying not to laugh.

"Whatever just help me clean things up before Nya gets back." Lloyd said.

Kai agreed and then he and Lloyd started sorting out the letters again. It was quite a big job.

"Soooo, are we gonna talk about it?" Kai smirked at Lloyd.

"Talk about what?" Lloyd asked.

"About how you're in love with Kira." He teased.

"What? I'm not in love with her!" Lloyd blushed. "I mean, she's a good friend and everything, you know, she's nice and sweet and caring and..."

Kai smiled at him and gave him a smirk. Lloyd sighed and knew he needed to confess.

"Ok fine, I can't stop thinking about her." He sighed. "I haven't felt this way about anyone since Harumi."

"Well then, tell her how you feel. The wedding seems like as good a time as any." Kai shrugged.

"I'll tell her after the wedding. The wedding is about Nya and Jay, not me asking out Nya's maid of honor." Lloyd said. "Besides, she'd never go for a guy like me anyway."

"Don't say that Lloyd, you're awesome!" Kai said.

"Whatever, let's just get this done."

Without saying another word, Lloyd continued sorting out the invitations again. Kai was a little concerned about his friend's confidence. Lloyd didn't seem himself at all.


Nya and Kira were on their way to the trailers. Kira looked at Nya like she could tell she had something on her mind.

"Still worried about the wedding, aren't you?" Kira guessed.

"Yeah." Nya sighed.

"What is it?"

"It's just I have this weird feeling that everything's going to go wrong."

"That's probably just cold feet." Kira shrugged. "It'll be fine."

"I don't know what it is, I just can't shake it. It's just so weird."

"Maybe you're just worried that Jay's not the one you wanna be with."


"You know, 3 days from today you'll be Mrs. Nya Smith Walker. Maybe you're just having second thoughts about being married to one guy for the rest of your life."

"No it's not that, I love Jay and there's no one else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with, but this is something else. Something bad."

"Stop worrying so much Nya, I'm sure it'll all work out."

"I hope so." Nya frowned and yawned.

"You sound tired."

"I am, I was up all night going over the last minute details." I said. "And I know Jay should be helping me, but let's just say we have... different tastes."

"I can see that." Kira laughed. "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

"I hope you're right."

The next day...

Nya's P.O.V.:

I woke up from my bed ready to start the day. Although it was unusual for the monastery to be this quiet, especially since it was the day of the rehearsal dinner.

Kira had spent the night with me last night so we could get a head start in the morning, but even she was missing. I searched all around the monastery for them, but I couldn't find them anywhere.

In the middle of the courtyard, there was a piece of paper with a familiar looking symbol on it. I knew he had been here.


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