When Bats Strike Back.

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Penny: Yeah, I'm new here so I don't really get how stuff works, but thank you to anyone who read my first chapter. My first chapter was short but, I'll be making them longer. I don't know when I'll be updating exactly but, I hope people enjoy this story. 

"Hey, Dickie-bird," Jason said to Dick teasingly.

"Todd, I believe something is wrong with Grayson," Damien said pointing out the obvious as Dick passed them wordlessly.

"Dick, what's wrong?" Jason asked as he grabbed his brother's shoulders. Dick blushed a deep red and tried to get out of his brother's grasp.

"See, I told you something was wrong. What's wrong?" Damien asked his youngest brother. Dick looked up at his older brother and contemplated his options.

"Nothing's wrong. Now let me go!" Dick yelled at Jason who just laughed.

"No offense Dickie but, you're in no position to be making demands. Tell me now." Jason demanded.

"Roy kissed me. There happy?" Dick said angrily. Jason let go of Dick and cracked his knuckles. The two boys walked toward the zeta tube. Damien went back to grab Dick and carry him along. "Guys, where are we going?" Soon though he knew his answer, and he wished he didn't. They were in Mount Justice. "Red I'm fine; Nightwing let go of me now!" They ended up in the living room with all of the other teenage heroes. All of the young justice members stood up at attention.

"Where is Roy?" Damien or now Nightwing asked with a voice full of venom.

"Are you supposed to scare us or something. It's not working. You're not Batman." Artemis said with her arms crossed. Nightwing nodded to his brother who pulled out his gun and fired it into the air.

"Maybe I can convince you?" Jason or Red Hood said. His helmet made his voice sound ominous. Robin stood behind his brothers who were threatening his own team.

"Perhaps we could settle this without any violence?" Aqualad asked walking over the two bat boys.

"I think not. He did something and we would like to punish him." Nightwing said pushing away the team's leader.

"Yeah, I wanna blow his brains out." Red Hood said holding his gun up.

"Well since you put it that way... fight me, bitch," Artemis said overconfident. Konnor picked up a table and threw it at Red Hood who dodged with precision. Roy walked into the room thinking that there was a normal everyday fight. Sadly he was wrong.

"Roy run!" M'gann yelled but, it was too late. Jason shot his gun up in the air.

"Not so fast Harper," Jason said.

"Crap. What do I owe to a Red Hood sighting?" Roy asked laughing nervously.

"You know what you did. Now face us like a man." Damien said charging the poor redhead.

"CAn't I hit him first?" Jason asked nicely.

"We should probably introduce ourselves first. My name in Nightwing and this is Red Hood. We are here for revenge.

"Yeah, no one kisses my brother and gets away with it." Red Hood said.

"I get to hit him first though," Damien said as nice as possible.

"Hey, did big cold supey over there hurt your feelings? Did he break your heart?" Jason asked talking to his little brother but, not looking at him. Jason turned around to see Robin's teammates being thrown around like ragdolls. Robin nodded yes and Jason pulled his little brother into a hug. After the little moment, Jason fired his gun and stepped forward. "You're done, Haper," Jason said shooting his gun towards the boy on the floor. Nothing happened and he shook his gun trying again and again as Dick laughed in the background.

"What did you do!" Jason shouted at his brother. 

"I emptied your gun while you weren't looking," Dick said dropping the bullets from his hand. "Hey, guys we should hang out at my house, maybe have a sleepover?" Dick asked before setting the coordinates on the machine to the Batcave. "Let's go!" Dick yelled before they all piled into the Batcave. Damien and Jason had left after the whole bullet fiasco. They ended up in the cave and the team did not look impressed.

to be cont...

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