the day it happened

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"Dashie wake up! Pinkie Pie screams. "Five more minutes. Rainbow says. "NO GET UP, THERE ARE NEW STALLIONS IN PONYVILLE!!!!! "And why should I get up for that? Rainbow questions. "Cuz the more ponies The better! Says pinkie. "You just made that up. "SHUT UP!!! Pinkie screams while pulling Rainbow Dash put the door. "See there they are! Pinkie pie says while bouncing over to them. "Hi guys! Pinkie pie says. The rest of The mane six is already talking to them. Rainbow sees a Pink Stallion, a blue one, a yellow one, and a white one. Rainbow walks over to the pink one first. "Oh Hiya! Says the pink pony. "I'm BubbleBerry! For some reason to rainbow dash the pink pony seems as perky as pinkie pie. Rainbow Moves on to the white pony.

"MY HAIR! The white pony screams. "Oh sorry I didn't see you there, I'm Kevin." Says Kevin. "I'm Rainbow Dash. Says Rainbow as she moves on. There stands a Yellow Stallion named Butterscotch. He is hiding behind a tree and hovering over the ground. He sees Rainbow and Screams. "Ahhh!" He says while hiding even more. "Please don't hurt me!" I walk over. "Hey Rainbow!" I say while giving her a fist bump. "Who are these Stallions?" Asks Rainbow. "That's Butterscotch!" I say excitedly, I then point to a Orange Pony. "And that's Apple Bolt, MEH SENPAIIIIII!!!" Then I point to the last one. "And that's Rainbow Blitz!" "R-Rainbow B-Blitz?!" Rainbow says. "Yep." I say. Rainbow falls over."DASHIE!!!" Screams Pinkie pie. "DONT WORRY I KNOW CPR!!!" Says Pinkie. Rainbow Suddenly Pops up. "I'm okay." Rainbow Runs away to her house and hides under the cover with Tank. "Tank what am I gonna do?" Rainbow Asks. Tank Just blinks at her. "There is another me as stallion form, HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!!!"

CLIFF HANGER!!!! I'm doing this for StarRose44 she loves those. OH GIVE A SHOUT OUT TO StarRose44!!!

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