Chapter Three

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Olaf's P.O.V.

A few moments after Y/n had left the crypt, I left the crypt as well after taking one last look at the slain family, saying my final goodbyes. The moment I stepped out of the crypt, I felt small drops of rain land on my face. As I walked through the graveyard and began walking the few blocks to my house, it started to rain harder, and I had to occasionally make a few stops in the shade until the rain calmed down.

By the time I had made it back to the mansion, I was soaking wet, and I changed into dry clothing. My father was still at work, so I had the mansion all to myself. Living in the mansion had not been the same since my mother had perished in a fire. I remember that day clearly, there was a fire a few blocks away from the opera house, the Volunteer Fire Department had been sent out, and my family went out too because it was our duty to stop both literal and figurative fires.

The house had started to crumble, and there was one survivor left inside the house, and my mother rushed in to rescue them, but then the house collapsed, my mother had rescued the survivor, but she had sacrificed her life to save theirs. After her death, my father had entered a period of mourning that lasted for three weeks, and even after that, I had a feeling that he would never recover.

I sat in my father's study reading through The Incomplete History of Secret Organizations when I heard the telephone ring, and I ran out into the sitting room to get it. "Hello?" I answered when I picked it up. "Olaf? Is this you?" a familiar voice asked. I recognized the voice on the other end as one of my former conquests, Kit. "Yes Kit, it's me, what is it?"

"You know about L/n family tragedy? You know, the story that has been making the front page of the Daily Punctilio?" she asked. "Yes, I just came back from the funeral, I met the surviving member of the family, her name is Y/n L/n," I answered. There was a brief moment of silence between us, then I heard Kit let out a small sigh. "Good, then you know exactly who we need you to help out," she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked slightly confused about what she was implying. "We want you to console her, she doesn't know that her parents were part of V.F.D. she needs to know the truth, but only you can help console her, and when she's exited her period of mourning, we need you to provide her information about our organization," Kit instructed.

It had been a while since I talked to Kit, the last time we spoke to each other was when we called off our engagement because we knew that we were not a good match. "Please say you'll volunteer," she said. "Of course, I will," I said before hanging up the phone. This was my first official assignment as a member of V.F.D. even though I had been a member for three years, I was never given an individual assignment, so I was determined not to fail.

I mean, how hard could it be? It seemed like such a simple task.

I guess we'll have to find out...

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