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Jason, as we know, had yet to out his own secret, however Seth as we also know, always knew what that secret is. Nobody needed to tell him, Seth could feel it, sense it and he was more than alright with what he more than suspected. Jason indeed could tell that Seth knew and could also tell that Seth didn't hate him for this. And with this, something special grew. For Vampires and Werewolves all through history never got along with one another. If anything, there was hatred between both species.

There was no hatred between Jason and Seth, there was however friendship and good friendship at that. Jason was ready to stand with Seth for whatever was coming. Perhaps, if anything, what Jason is may just be of aid to Seth when the time comes just as it also could be a hinderance, but timing would also be of importance, there would be a full moon soon and that would have its own implications for Jason. In times of there being a full moon it is more difficult to control the wolf side.

Just like Seth had trouble adjusting with the cravings from his Vampire side, Jason struggles in times when there is a full moon. But unlike Seth, a mentor is not of any use to Jason. Once he loses control and his transformation takes over then there is pretty much nothing that Jason can do but ride it out.

Usually when he transforms at will, he is conscious of who and what he is, he can control it and remember everything once the transformation reverts back, but during times of a full moon, Jason can black out and when he awakens back in human form, he would have no memory of anything he had done once that transformation has occurred. Sometimes this can lead him to wake up in some strange places.

Now that Seth knows that Jason has his back, Seth wants to be able to return the favour, but there still is an unspoken acknowledgement between the two as to what Jason actually is though if the timing was ever to be right then now would be as good a time as any for that to change.

The first night of a full moon was approaching. It was early evening and the night's dark sky would soon begin to fall. When the group separated Seth followed after Jason. Jason pleaded with Seth to be left alone but that wouldn't be enough to convince Seth to leave a friend at a troubling time. There had been full moons before of course, for this one is the first at a point in time when a special group had become close enough to care so deeply for one of its most recent newcomers.

'I can tell you know what I am, and I can assure you when the time comes, I will have your back, I appreciate you keeping what you know about me to yourself but trust me, I am better off alone right now.'

Jason was being honest and serious, but Seth would only feel all the more helpless if he just walked away.

'Look Jason, I know our kind do not usually get along, but you are and will be putting yourself at risk by helping me, so not only are there things we need to discuss, but you also need to let someone in, and since you ARE going to do just that, then it makes perfect sense that the someone should be me'.

Jason knew Seth was right and Jason really did appreciate the efforts being shown to him despite wanting to be alone.

'Look this upcoming full moon means that I am not quite myself at the moment. I could unintentionally hurt you and I wouldn't want for that to happen.'

'Don't worry my friend, I can handle myself.'

Seth accompanied Jason back to his home. Jason's family obviously all being werewolves would go into hiding during times of the full moon. They had an encampment where they could restrain themselves but, on this occasion, Jason was staying behind; he was committed to helping Seth. He did not want to abandon the group or Seth even with what was coming his way. He would deal with things his way, even if he hasn't fully thought it through.

The nighttime sky was arriving, and the moon had already come out to show itself. Jason locked himself in a reinforced room, built to keep him inside at necessary times. The window was boarded up and covered over with steel mesh and iron bars. Jason sat in a corner of this room and began to shake and sweat just as if he were a drug addict going cold turkey.

In his heightened irritable state, Jason stands up and begins to pace the dark room he has been locked into. Outside it is getting darker and darker. The darkness descends like a blanket leaving nature in a shadow away from the setting sun's light. The urge to leave the room intensifies, so much so that Jason can't take it anymore. He begins to punch the walls and the door. Feeling claustrophobic, it is more than just his desires that makes Jason want to escape his home-made prison.

Continuing his punching spree, Jason hits in between the bars on the window, breaking the boarding that blocks the view to the outside. He punches again and again, ignoring the damage this is doing to his hand. The boarding falls away and the full moon is now free to shine into the room. Immediately this racks Jason's body with pain, and he begins to howl as his face in places begins to pulsate.

The hair on his face, head and body begins to grow at a furious pace, the howling resonates with intense pain. Jason's ears become enlarged and grow into a tip at the top. His jaw extends and become squarer. His mouth begins to bleed with the lowering and rising of his fangs. Jason's hands and fingers elongate as do his nails and they turn a dark yellow in colour.

His skin darkens and his body mass increases. His clothing rips and falls away with this increase in size. Jason's transformation is complete; he is now very much a wolf, a wolf which definitely looks as if a man and a canine have merged together.

In his human state Jason is naturally stronger and faster than those around him. In wolf form, his strength and speed ability increase ten-fold. Right at this very moment, his human side is no longer in control.

Outside the room which holds the beast prisoner, Seth waits patiently as the creature inside tries to pound its way out. Even though the room has been reinforced, Jason is too powerful for it to keep him bound. This is the first time he has tried to restrain himself here and he may just have underestimated his own strength.

Being a day walker, Seth is generally stronger than the average man, and when he lets his Vampire side out, that strength increases again, but even at that Seth is no match for the power contained within a fully transformed Werewolf, and that is what now stands before him.

Seth lowers his own fangs and tries to plead to the human side of the beast on front of him to no avail. The creature lets out a roar before pushing Seth out of his way and going on to begin a run which sees the creature escape through a living room window. Seth still on the ground wonders if he had reached Jason in some capacity or another as Seth was left unharmed but now was not a time to wonder, Seth needed to get after Jason and keep the wolf's destruction to a minimum.

Vampires are capable of moving with great velocity, but werewolves are quicker, so Seth stopped a motorcyclist and took the bike forcefully and apologetically, wasting little time to get after Jason. Jason left a path of destruction so even though he was not in Seth's line of vision, he was easy to follow.

Seth soon caught up to Jason and now faced the problem of how he was going to stop a fast, large, angry, and most likely hungry werewolf. Seth on the motorcycle matched Jason for speed and once again tried to appeal to his human side. Seth repeatedly called out to Jason by name, telling him everything would be alright, and telling him that Seth himself was here for him as he had promised he would. Seth must have struck a nerve as not only did Jason look directly into his eyes, but he also knocked Seth off the bike.

Seconds after Seth hit the ground, Jason came to a halt a couple hundred meters or so ahead of his friend. He stood there for a moment looking back. Seth had definitely not previously realized that holding up his end of the bargain would be so difficult.

'Sheesh man, are you trying to kill me or something?'

The wolf seemed calm as if he actually recognized Seth. He seemed to have no problem with Seth coming right up to him which Seth indeed did once he got to his feet.

'We have to get you somewhere safe' continued Seth.

The sound of sirens in the distance meant Seth needed to hurry.

'Jason, come on, follow me.'

He must be getting through to something as Seth motioned for the wolf to follow and it did. They came to a wooded area, Seth figured the deeper they got into the woods, the less likely any law enforcement would follow in the nighttime darkness. They even came across a couple of deer. This would provide a reason for Seth to let himself go and serve a purpose for both himself and the wolf next to him. Jason fed on one while Seth tasted the blood of the other.

Dawn had come and both friends had long since fallen asleep. Jason had reverted to his human form and was first to wake. He panicked at the sight of a bloody and unconscious Seth to his side. This panic quickly passed as a loud snore came from Seth, a noise that also woke him. Jason could only vaguely remember parts of the night before and was very glad to discover that he was not responsible for bringing about any harm to Seth.

Both Seth and Jason could hear dogs barking in the distance. They figured there was a police patrol out to investigate the disturbances of the night before. So, both boys needed to get somewhere safe and fast, Seth needed to get out of the morning light too. He hadn't got any sunglasses with him which would hinder his vision somewhat.

Jason was already part of the group who had Seth's back, but now he had more of a reason to stand by Seth. Their pre-existing connection they had now was stronger than ever, a bond come complete. Jason knew he didn't owe anything but still felt that he was in Seth's debt, and it would be a favour he would have no problem repaying ...

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