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Hearing the second knock on his door, Rohit Sharma opened his door at 5'O clock in the morning. Surprising, the simpering Mayank who had heard a lot about Rohit Sharma's infamous sleeping schedules and the vigorous efforts it takes to wake him up.

Rohit opening the door on the second knock that too looking quite awake and looking at him questioningly, made Mayank fidget at his place again. Okay, was Rahul bluffing? God knows and what should he say now?

"Should have gone to Virat's room!" Mayank thought mentally frowning and looking at Rohit with awed eyes.

"Everything alright, Anku?" Rohit asked, frowning lightly leaning against his door. Okay, why was the kid gaping at him at five in the morning? And more importantly, why was he actually awake at five in the morning on a rest day?

Well, the answer was quite simple. There's only one person on the whole planet who affects his sleeping cycle like this, a person called Virat Kohli. Yes, the same Virat Kohli who is suffering from a light cold right now and Rohit is being worried sick of his Virat.

His Virat, who, told him to go and sleep. Well, his exact words were, "don't loom over me like an angry fussy mother hen Ro. I'm not going to hibernate. Go sleep and lemme sleep too,"

Humph, when he wants to sleep that guy doesn't let him sleep and when that guy tells him to sleep, sleep doesn't grace him with her presence. Ugh, the greatest dilemma of his life and why is this kid so silent now?

Rohit couldn't help but look at Mayank again with furrowed brows and Mayank couldn't help but spill the beans. He didn't want too but he was kinda very worried for his idiotic besties, where were they actually?

"Umm...Rohit bhaiyaa, actually Harry and Rahul are missing," Mayank said, squirming on his spot. Well, he had come to Rohit's room because Rahul said Rohit won't wake up but Rohit was quite awake frowning at him.

"Missing!!" Rohit said, his brows touching his hairline. If those two idiots were planning something, well, god save them from Bhuvi and Jassi and Mani.

Well, should he do something too? Rohit means, those idiots are Virat's dearest kids. So, by default his kids too. So, he should act as a strict brother too right. Virat is ill so, he had to do this too, he guesses.

"Yeah, I can't find Harry and him," Mayank mumbled, cursing his fate. God, where was his idiotic bestie if Harry and Rahul are out somewhere and here he is spilling beans on them. He might get murdered. Should have gone to Virat, he thought again but Virat was Ill. Just his luck.

"Did you check Virat's room?" Rohit asked Mayank, Mayank nodded his head in negative. Of course, he didn't check Virat's room. He doesn't have the habit of randomly checking his captain's room.

"No!" He still responded dutifully to Rohit. Why wasn't Rohit sleeping? If he was asleep, he wouldn't have opened the door. If he hadn't opened the door, Mayank could go back to sleep assuring himself he tried but Ro was asleep.

But No, Ro is wide awake looking thoughtful.

"Let's check-in Virat's room first," Ro announced merrily. He had just gotten a legit reason to check in Virat's room and check on, Virat. Rohit wasn't letting it go.

"But Virat bhaiya is sick right. We shouldn't disturb his sleep," Mayank mumbled thoughtfully about his Virat bhaiya. He had heard so much about that from Rahul. He is surprised, he hadn't slipped and called Virat, Moi K bhaiya yet. He wasn't looking forward to the day, he slipped.

"I've his room keys!!! Let's go!!" Rohit beamed happily and Mayank felt a little terrified. Okay, why was Rohit so excited to go in Virat's room? Mayank didn't know but he dutifully followed Rohit to Virat's room, internally planning to murder Rah and Harry. He noticed Rohit suddenly halt whisper yelling "Manii" and stiffened at his place.

Rohit was visibly dancing his way to Virat's room. This was the perfect excuse to check on that idiot. On his way there, he noticed Manish walking towards him from the opposite direction. Rohit couldn't help but whisper yell, "Manii"

"Ro!!" Manish exclaimed in a similar startled tone.

"What are you doing here? Who's with Vi?" Both of them asked each other at the same time, looking all startled.

"I thought you," Both again said in perfect sync, groaned, face palmed, understanding something only they could and rushed towards Virat's room.

Poor Mayank couldn't help but follow after his seniors cursing his fate. He should have just slept. He is definitely going to murder someone. He watched as Rohit hastily opened Virat's door and entered the room to find the rooms in total chaos.

There was a fort type thing built over the bed. The cushions were lying on the floor along with duvets. Jaddu was stretched on one side of the bed with kulcha and Virat's head over him. The missing Rahul and Harry were also there, sleeping absolutely like puppies in a puppy pile. One over another curled around each other.

A relaxed smile playing on each of their faces.

Manish and Rohit looked at each other then at the sleeping people.

"Do you reckon they did something crazy?" Manish asked Ro sighing, God, was that Vi's cough syrup in the plant pot?

"Understatement of the century," Rohit mumbled, picking up the pillows and duvets scattered on the floor.

Manish helped and snorted watching what looked like painted shirts and towels hidden beneath the bed. Rohit just facepalmed noticing that and noticed, Mayank eyeing everything warily.

"Ugh...Mayu, we found the missing duo. Come sleep here, only" Rohit said, thinking Mayu also might be as sleepy as him.

"No, It's fine" Mayank began denying but Rohit wasn't hearing it.

"Nonsense, there's space. Let's sleep. They won't mind," Ro announced merrily as he threw the collected materials on the recliner.

Having no other option, Mayank nodded. In his mind, he was murdering Rahul and Harry for dragging him in this situation. He wanted to throttle Harry and Rahul. He stayed up most of the night worried for these two and here, the said beings were sleeping peacefully. It was just so unfair.

Sulking, Mayank climbed on the bed and slept between Virat and Harry and Rahul. Yes, he vindictively pushed them away from Virat. He wanted to push them down the bed but didn't. He just kicked Harry and Rahul for most of the night.

Shaking their head and not commenting on this crazy antic. Rohit and Manish slept beside the pile too. Rohit could finally fall in sleep peacefully beside Virat. Mani and he just worried a lot about their bestie. Especially, after the past month incidences.


Shreyas was sitting with Rishab and Subhman at the breakfast table. When a scowling Rohit Sharma walked towards them and sat in front of them. His whole attention and energy focused on the ringing of his phone. The moment the phone was picked.

Ro whined in an absolutely childish tone; "Mahi bhaii, your cheeku has lost his mind,"

"Well, when was he not unmad Ro?" MSD couldn't help but ask, eyeing the cup of his morning tea remorsefully.  He has a feeling the tea will go cold way before he will get the chance to drink it.

"He has gone more madder bhai. Lost all his marbles, kinda mad. Gone nuts actually. You know last night they made a plant drink cough syrup because they felt the plant was feeling cold. Don't you think he is feeling too much??" Rohit asked his Mahi bhai, emphasising on the feelings point. Well, he needed to prove to his Mahi bhai that cheeku had actually gone bonkers.

"Cheeku did it??" Mahi bhai couldn't help but ask, sounding totally surprised.

"Well, not Vi exactly, it was Jaddu but Vi didn't stop him na," Rohit redeemed his statement.

Mahi bhai took a sigh of relief. Yeah, that sounded like a Jaddu work alright. Yeah, jaddu did it. World was fine again.

"Ro baccha! how would have Virat stopped Jaddu?" Mahi asked Rohit, no one, could stop Jaddu ideas.

"He should have found a way, bhaii. Now, he is the one coughing his lungs out and making gooey eyes at the cough syrup bottle," Rohit said rolling his eyes, Virat looked quite pathetic like that and Manish was currently searching cough syrups with Jaddu.

Because Virat was doing absolute Nautanki on taste of cough syrups.

"Cheeku got cold??" Mahi bhai couldn't help but ask very worried. Virat was his dearest kiddo, after all. The kid he had spent the most time taking care of

"Yes!" Rohit said feeling very satisfied as he very-very happily informed Mahi bhai about how Virat acquired a cold. "Yes, Mahi bhai, Virat got wet trying to save puppies. No, I didn't push him in rain, bhai. Yes, he gave his limited edition Jacket to the puppies. Yeah, Harry is still whining about that.  He said it was to protect them from rain. Yes, he is planning to adopt them. Yeah, he has a sore throat, cold and cough and light fever, not much. He is doing absolute nautanki though. He just won't eat meds. He wants strawberry flavoured cough syrup. Yeah, bhai, no, I'm not joking. Why would I Joke Mahi bhai?"

Rohit was really relishing doing this! Well, there is nothing as satisfying as ranting about your best friend and then watch them get scolded.

On the other hand, Mahi bhai couldn't help but held his head. God, he thought these kids has grown up but no, they're still the same dunderheads. One of these days, Mahi is certain, he'll have to appoint a babysitter for these creatures.

"How's he really now?" Mahi bhai asked sighing, now, understanding why he was getting all those "I'm on silent fast" messages from Virat.

"Almost like a drunk monkey," Ro said thoughtfully, analyzing his besties antics. Yeah, he was absolutely like a drunk monkey.

"Ugh, no, more like a monkey about to crash after drinking lots of bhang," Rohit amended.

Mahi bhai facepalmed. Can he for once in his life get a like normal human analysis of his kids? But no, that's expecting too much from them.

"Can I talk to Virat?" Mahi asked instead.

"Naah, he is in his room being a gloomy monkey. He wants to eat golgappe though," Ro let slip, eyes lit with mischief.

Mahi bhai facepalmed again. God, he really have to check on those idiots.

"And you're letting him eat?" Mahi bhai asked instead, he wasn't hoping for much. Just hoping Bhuvi or Ash had enough sense to stop this.

"Nops, naah, that's why he is sulking na. So, where was I? Yeah, Mahi bhai you listen to me, don't ask stupid questions naah," Ro whined and Mahi bhai rolled his eyes. Yeah, he is the one with stupid questions now. Just great.

So, sipping on his tea. Mahi bhai just hummed to whatever Rohit said. Well, most of it was random rambling dedicated to idiot Virat. But when, Rohit almost slippery mentioned little incidences during the whole misunderstanding created by the media manager and its effects. Mahi bhai couldn't help but be a little worried for his kids.

"Umm...Ro everything alright, kid?"

"Yeah, yeah, absolutely Bhai. Just Cheeku things," Ro said in a manner that didn't reassure Mahi bhai much. But he let go for now and listened as Ro rambled a little more and then disconnected the call, promising Video call session with Cheeku.

Even after the call got disconnected. Mahi bhai couldn't help but ponder about Ro's odd behaviour.

On the other hand, Shrey, Rishu and Subh couldn't actually connect the Vi in Ro's words to the Virat Kohli image they created in their minds. It was kinda a clashing place and what rumours? What? They were so confused but whom to ask?

Rohit bhaiya?? Should they??

They were thinking so when Ro spotted, a very happy Hardik pestering a poor waiter and called him towards him.

"What were you doing to the poor guy?" Rohit couldn't help but demand from Harry.

"I was asking for Virat bhaiya's breakfast, Ro-Bro, we're eating in his room," Harry said buzzing around Ro.

"Really, then we should all have breakfast there," Rohit said, smiling encouragingly at Shreyash, Rishu and Subh.

Harry's buzzing stopped immediately. He frowned down at the idea.

"But bhai has a cold. They'll catch a cold too," Harry said, trying to dissuade this idea.

But Ro wasn't in the listening mood to Hardik's reasons. Ro gave Hardik a look. Hardik soured, discreetly glared at Shrey and co.

And messaged his gang to be prepared.

They weren't letting the senior's plan succeed.

Mayank who was still sleeping with his head resting on Virat's chest was very rudely wakened up by Rahul and Yuzi.

He felt, he really should have throttled them last night.

At least, he wouldn't have to see their obnoxious grins first thing, waking up.

~to be continued~

I've no idea, what I've written. 

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