10: Brother

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Ana's POV

I am lounging on my office chair, my head thrown back and posture coming up relaxed, sadly I am anything but as my mind is full of unsettled thoughts.

Swindling the seat around, I go over the events of the previous day in my head. I can vision the headlines as if it's in front of me and also recollect Lisa's words.

I feel so overwhelmed that I sit still and release a heavy sigh. Planting my elbows on the desk I rest my face in my palm and say a prayer.

"In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holyspirit," I begin, my lids shutting. "Dear Lord I say thank you for all You have done, doing, and about to do. I also solicit for forgiveness and strength, forgiveness because I have sinned and strength to overcome what I'm going through."

"I really need you, Lord, to come to my aid and rescue. Let me be able to bear whatever it is that awaits me. In Jesus Name, Amen." I finish.

"Why is here quiet?" Glory inquires, the sound of her feet and voice startling me that I open my eyes in haste.

"You didn't knock," I state, lending her a glare.

"Since when do I knock," she jeers, dumping a folder on the furniture.

"True," I shrug and tap my pen rhythmically on the said folder not tending to open it.

"That contains the list of raw materials we need to begin our cosmetic production." She informs, settling down in her knee-length indigo print dress that puffs around her.

"I'll look at that later," I murmur absently.

"You know it's not your fault right?" She questions in a low tone.

"I'm the one who had an affair with him, how is that not my fault?" I ask, my voice shaky as I run my fingers through my weaves.

"Shit happens girl, this is just one of them," she assures, leaning towards me to take my hand. "You haven't answered my question."

"What question?" I quiz in confusion, scratching my neck where the high collar white corporate blouse I'm wearing rubs every few minutes.

"Why is here quiet? I expected to see you busy," she utters, gaping at me.

"I can't seem to get my mind to focus Glory, each time I try, it just keeps going back to the words printed on that newspaper," I confess in irritation.

"I understand," she beams. "I suggest you go home and have some rest."

"And leave you alone with all the work? That's unfair girl," I assert, shaking my head.

"I'm your personal assistant for a reason Ana. Besides, I handled things over here for a week and nothing happened, so a day is a little task to me," she assures. "I'm sure Oluchi will be happy to see you back early."

"She's not around," I tell, retreating to my former position.

"Where did she go?" She requests, sitting straight.

"To her elder sister's place, she's been there since yesterday," I tell.

"That would give you time to yourself then, that girl can be a handful," she chuckles, her lips crinkling at the ends.

"Yeah, but she's great company," I smile.

"I know. So get up, shoo!" She commands rising and walking over to where I'm sat.

"What?" I poll, baffled.

"You heard me, up!" She orders and yanks on my arm. "Time to go home."

"But---" I aim to protest, instead she cuts me off.

"No, you need the rest. I don't want you fainting on me any time soon," she resists and succeeds in hauling me halfway up granting me no choice but to stand wholly to prevent crashing down.

"Ugh," I groan, eying her.

"You'll thank me later," she pronounces and hands me the brown shoulder bag.

"You are acting like Oluchi," I tell, not moving an inch after I collect it from her.

"Then I'm doing the right thing," she winks and slowly drags me out of the office building to my car.

"I'll get you back for this," I caution when I'm right at the car door.

"I'll love to see you try," she smirks and blows me a kiss as I get into the driver's side. Not bothering to reciprocate the gesture, I swerve and drive to the gates.


Arriving home and about to unlock the door I observe it is narrowly ajar. I turn sideways to query Joe but notice he has receded to his apartment. Shrugging, I push it open while I juggle the bag in my arm.

I pause in my step the instant I hear a throat clear. Lifting my head I see Nuel my junior brother stand tall in his 6ft muscular lean build.

His chiseled face morphs in a stony expression, and orange-brown eyes blazing in what seems to be fury. I take note of the short-sleeved red shirt that has the dark skin of his arm peeking through.

I ignore him causing his brown pouty lips to set in a straight line, his pointy nose-blowing hot air in between his high cheekbones, a bone in his sharp jaw ticking every second.

"You finally succeeded," he asserts, hand on hips and limbs spread wide.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I interview, resting my items on the nearest couch.

"What do you think it means?" He questions glaring at me.

"Go straight to the point Nuel," I sigh as I throw myself beside the bag and press my back to the plush leather cushion.

"Since you'll like me to spell it out for you, then I'll state it clearly," he sneers peering down at me.

"Yes dear brother, I'll appreciate that," I mock cocking my head to the side, my right arm on the armrest.

"You had a relationship with an engaged man," he declares. "Not only that but the man in question is the fiancee to your ex-best friend."

"Way to state the obvious," I scoff not in the mood for his dramatics.

"How can you take this lightly?" He polls, "do you have any idea of the damage you've caused?"

"I do, thank you very much," I snort, shaking my head as I peek at him.

"Then why are you nonchalant? Why aren't you guilty or remorseful?" He bids his look one of disbelief.

"I don't have time for this," I breathe and haul my weight up to head to the room, instead I'm stunned as he drags me back.

"What do you want Nuel?" I ask in exasperation.

"I want you to see the wrong in what you did," he announces as I match my stare with his.

"So you think I don't?" I quiz.

"Yes, sis you don't seem to care!" He yells still holding onto my hand.

"Of course I care," I taunt. "I'm the one who's gonna take all the blame. I mean they always blame the poor side chick, no one ever stops to think that she might be the victim."

"What are you insinuating?" He riddles, perplexed.

"That I'm the victim! I had no idea who he really was. I had no fucking idea he was engaged!" I scream in anger, restraining myself from punching something. "So before you or any other shitty person comes to conclusions, learn to listen to the other side of the story."

"I never knew you to be dumb sis, I'm so disappointed," he blurts releasing my palm to pace around. His reaction showing he doesn't believe me.

"And I never knew you to be this heartless," I say, my voice cracking at the ends. "You should have at least cared to ask how I was doing, rather all you care about is the family name!"

"Stop yelling at me, I'm not the one who put you in this situation!" He barks, stopping to face me.

"I did this to myself I know, so let me bear the cross in peace," I grunt, my energy dwindling.

"Everything alright?" Joe asks in worry as he rushes in, clad in a black kaftan.

"Yeah," I exhale, my fingers going to massage my temples in fatigue. "He's just leaving."

"Are you ordering me out of your house?" Nuel inquires, incredulity written over his features.

"I advise you leave," I grit in frustration, emotionally and mentally drained.

"Alright," he rasps, pushing me to the side that I almost fall if not for Joe's arms that catch me. "I'm sure Mom and Dad would be glad to hear about your stupidity, that's if they haven't already."

"Don't do this Nuel," I plead, my eyes going glassy. "Let this slide please."

"I love you, sis, trust me I do, but I think you need to know the grievances of your actions." He declares, not wanting to give me a listening ear.

I open my mouth to say something but Joe who's been standing idly through the drama mutters a "fuck off," at him

"What did you say?" Nuel polls.

"I said, 'fuck off!" Joe howls his fingers indicating air quotes as he steps forward, lending him a hard stare.

"I'll do just that," he nods, offering me one last gaze before exiting.

My strength failing, I grip the nearest seat to hold my stamina as I inhale and exhale slowly to calm my emotions.

"I hope you are fine," Joe voices coming to where I'm situated.

"Yeah," I murmur as I settle down back on the couch.

"It will be okay," he assures and offers my shoulder a squeeze before departing as he realizes I need to be alone.

An hour or two later I'm still fixated on the cushion with my feet up on the glass table in the living room when I hear rapt knocks on the door.

"Come in!" I holler, not containing the resilience to change my position but it appears whoever is on the other side is either deaf or a pain in the house hence the thumps increase.

Groaning I go back on my decision and put my legs on the tiled floor. I rise from the seat and yank down the ends of my plain black skirt which had ridden up and stomp to where the noise is coming from.

I grip the handle as I reach and turn to pull it open, my expression turning to one of distaste as I observe who's in my view.

"Get out," I mutter and bang the wood in his face.

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