27: Insults

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Ana's POV

"Wait you are saying Joe and the doctor were flirting together?" Glory asks as we weave our way through clustered bodies at the general market.

"That is exactly what I'm implying," I answer on her heel while I dodge a basket of tomatoes being carried unceremoniously by a speedwalking woman who even has the audacity to hiss at me when we almost clash.

"And you say this is a woman in her early forties?" She interrogates, her back to me as we wait for a barrow pusher ladened with heavy goods in front of him to pass.

"Yep," I declare. "She wouldn't be a day younger than forty."

"I wonder what Oluchi will think of this," she chuckles, striding forward when the coast is clear and we continue our struggle in the crowded noisy atmosphere. It's a miracle we can hear ourselves amidst shouts and music blasting at different angles.

"She won't think anything," I shrug. "Helena is married and with three kids, she isn't a threat."

"She may be, seeing as she was blushing all the while from your vivid description," she opposes, quietly apologizing to a groundnut seller as her feet mistakenly kicks a cup down.

"Sorry ma," I insert and drop a thousand naira which I forgot I am holding in my palm atop the cup to appease the scowling woman.

"Yeah, but you know Joe has that effect on women," I tell as I lift my strapless nude gown a bit to prevent the edges from kissing the water puddles on the floor as a result of the rain that poured last night.

"True," she agrees, jumping over a muddy patch in black pointy heels, luckily she didn't miss and slip, or worse fall.

"So don't blame the woman," I notify, as we walk ahead, not yet reaching our destination in the vast market square.

"Who says I am," she counters. "I'm just marveled at how a woman of her age could swoon at Joe's antics."

"I know right? I was a bit in shock too, though not for long, hence I once fell for that," I confess, brushing off a leaf crumb from the orange turtle-necked blouse she's donning atop black leather pants.

"And Oluchi appears to be getting hooked too," she stickers. "It comes off as I'm the only one immune to his charms."

"You aren't immune, he just hasn't turned it on, on you yet," I inform, breathing a sigh of relief as I can see the shop we are looking for a few feet away.

"Maybe," she shrugs. "How do you manage to live with him in the same compound, by the way, to put it frankly you two were one-time lovers, so it can't be that simple."

"I call it maturity I guess," I utter in reply. "He began dating Nancy and I just knew we'd had our fun."

"Wasn't it difficult?" She interviews, now standing beside me as we are about to cross the path to the organic dealer's compartment.

"Of course it was," I answer, looking sideways before we make our move. "Like I said it is all about maturity."

"You don't fear that feelings may start flying again?" She inquires, eying me from below her artificial long lashes that circle her brown orbs.

"Hell no," I shudder in disgust, getting that image out of my head.

"It's crazy how you two can go from sleeping together to indifferent neighbors and even friends for that matter," she speaks, happening to be voicing her thoughts as we arrive at the place we are headed.

"I know," I snort, and face the familiar middle-aged man lounging at the entrance of his shop. "Good day sir."

"Aaah, young madam, welcome," he acknowledges, striving to heave his robust body from the reclining chair, his dark skin covered in sweat.

"No need to stand," Glory snorts behind her palm in humor as he seems stuck to the seat, not succeeding in his task.

"Thank you," he exhales in gratitude, relaxing back as he pants for air. "Wetin carry una come today. I think say na your workers deh come buy things. (What brought you two, I thought it's only your workers that run these kinds of errands for you)"

"We just decided to come and leave a message," I communicate, grimacing at his bare upper half as I just observe the dude is not wearing a shirt.

"Yeah," Glory frowns, probably noting his state of dress too. "We came to find out the date when the raw materials our company ordered for will arrive, it's been a week later than scheduled and we still haven't heard or seen anything yet."

"Ah ma," he laughs nervously, making a grab for the hand fan on the stool at his side. "E go come no worry. (It will arrive, don't worry)"

"I hope so," I express, crouching to stare him directly in the eye. "Because if e no reach by Monday I go comot this your shop, u hear? (Because if it doesn't arrive by Monday, I'll break down your shop, understood?)"

"I hear ma, e go reach, ( I understand ma, it will arrive)" he gulps, catching a glimpse of the determination lining my words.

"Thanks for doing business with us," Glory beams, as I retreat to my previous stance, rubbing a protective palm on my belly. "We hope to hear from you by Tuesday latest."

The man only nods in fear as I smirk and follow Glory out of his arena, feeling a little tired.

"I didn't know that's where John and the others order the raw materials from," Glory mutters as we go back to the hustle and bustle of the main market in our mission to attain where her car is parked.

"I've been there only once, it happens the owner has gotten incompetent these past few months," I explain, sighting the vehicle when we cross the market gates.

"You can say that hence the man I just saw looks like a fraud," she observes.

"True, but I'm sure he should know better than to mess with us," I announce and wait for her to unlock the doors with the remote control.

"Let's hope he has enough sense for that," she scoffs and a sound ensures, causing me to tug the metal ajar and enter, banging it after as I lean into the cushion.

"Where to from here?" She requests, firing the engine and revising out of the area.

"Tasty flavors, I'm hungry," I voice, gazing wantingly at the steering wheel as if a box of candy.

"I don't know if that look shows how hungry you are or the fact you want to drive," Glory pronounces as she spots my expression.

"Ugh," I groan, not giving her a tangible answer and gape upwards. I've been banned from behind the steering wheel till after I give birth, Glory, Joe, and Oluchi's doing.

"Suck it up, it'll be over before you know it, only four months left to go," she teases in a wink and I shut my eyes to show my disapproval of that theory.

The reason we were at the market square a few minutes ago is as you have seen to check up the materials that were deemed to arrive a week ago but haven't due to a cause we don't know about.

Ever since our lipstick product made a hit with no side effects recorded so far a month ago, we've been getting amazing feedback and our customers are appearing to be craving more products like that apart from the usual tablets, capsules, caplets, and you know anything used to treat an ailment.

We've been advised to explore more into the cosmetic field and so after much deliberation with the board it is decided we try our hand at body lotion/cream for caramel-skinned ladies like me thus making one for fair skins is rampant and almost every pharmaceutical company in the country is working on that so it will reduce the hazard of competition if we begin with this one.

Now you see why I was strict with that man hence we are backward in our testing phase, ha, we haven't even begun the first stage yet.

"Why does she have to be everywhere?" I hear Glory ask, and I whirl to lend her an inquisitive glimpse. "Emily, who else."

"Where is she?" I question.

"I just spotted her walk into that place," she points at the building where a boldly written 'Tasty Flavors' is inscribed on the wall.

"I'm not going in there," I disclose, remaining rooted to my seat despite her not having asked me to go in yet.

"Oh no no no, don't tell me you are scared of that bitch," she counters, turning off the engine to glare at me.

"I'm not, I just don't want to be anywhere near her," I announce, not in the disposition to face her.

"That just proves you are scared of her so I'm not buying it," she reprimands, titling backward to pick up her bag from the back seats.

"Even if I am, it's not a big deal, you can just go in there and get our food, then we can eat somewhere else," I say, fear evident in my voice as I ponder on what Emily will say when she sees my baby bump.

"Firstly, your baby bump isn't that prominent in the dress you are wearing," she informs and I gawk at her in the surprise of having read my mind. "You were staring at your tummy and intertwining your fingers absently."

"Genius," I jeer.

"Secondly the Emily I recall is dumb enough not to notice a thing, so you do not need to worry," she comforts, peering at me.

"I know but I'm just not ready to be close to her now, please?" I beg, using my puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, no more Mrs nice girl, you are following me in there and that is final," she warns and kicks ajar the drivers' door, a meaningful look overtaking her facial features as she steps out, a second later she is at my side, hauling the metal open in resolution.

"How many times do I have to say I hate you before you believe it?" I taunt, a sweet smile on my lips that doesn't match the distaste in my eyes.

"For the rest of your life and it won't still stop me from doing what I think is right for you," she contradicts motioning towards the edifice.

"One day it will," I rise and stroke hair strands blew to my face by the light breeze, slamming the door and preceding her into the eatrie, the glass doors sliding automatically to let us pass, and the chilly air from the airconditioning welcoming our entrance.

She simply rolls her eyes at my phrase and ambles to the counter, there leaning to speak with the girl who takes the orders while I stand quietly, the toe tip of my heel pinching me as a result of my slight increase in size.

"Well well, look at what the cat dragged in," Emily's screechy utterance sounds from behind and I cringe, both in irritation and fear of what drama she will bring with her presence.

"Always a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Emily," Glory turns to respond, lips inclined at the ends after seeming finished with the clerk.

"I won't say the feeling is mutual Glory," she retorts as I keep mute between them.

"That was a lie by the way," Glory mocks, and collects the tray of ice cream cups and cookies plates placed neatly in it. "Will you excuse me?"

"Doesn't she speak anymore?" Emily taunts, poking my side and I pretend not to be irked by the action.

"We were just leaving," I say, channeling a pleading glance at Glory who seems to be gripping the tray hard.

"Good, because I wouldn't want any fat bloated bitch blocking my vision," she ridicules.

"What did you say?" I ask, twirling to offer her a questioning glimpse.

"I called you a fat bloated bitch, what are you gonna do about that?" She imitates, coming off as prepared for a fight.

"Nothing, I'm just going to excuse myself," I mumble, understanding her plan and motion Glory to follow.

"Are you just going to let her walk over you like that?" Glory quizzes in awe at my reaction.

"I'm in no mood for her rudeness Glory, let's just go," I invite taking the lead to find a vacant table.

"Yeah, just leave, like the coward you are. You are not meant to be with Ike, you've got no backbone for the responsibilities that come with it, so scurry back into that hole you came out from, you don't belong out here." She rants at our backs as I shake my head amused at her statement.

"What the fuck is she speaking of?" Glory polls, resting the tray at a free table.

"Ignore her," I scoff, nearly sitting when her words stop me halfway.

"No wonder he can't bring himself to marry you and chose me instead. He sees it too, you are not cut out for this," she blurts, eyes me, and storms out of the restaurant, leaving me confused on whether to seat or remain standing as I'm frozen in place, the words hitting me in the most painful way possible.

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