32: Summon

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Ana's POV

I didn't die, no I am very much alive, that's if you can call breathing with fear coarsing through your veins living then yes I am alive.

As you all know, I fainted when I realized it was my dad calling which happened as a result of pent up emotions and escalated panic.

I stirred an hour later, after a bucket of water was dumped on me of course and was in shock to see myself in Glory's arms while Joe is seen consoling Oluchi who was crying a dam.

Reaching utmost consciousness I spotted Ike who was staring at me from the seat adjacent to me with fear in his eyes. Helena was also in view as she was busy disposing her medical gloves, a scowl directed at me.

It was later discovered that I had little bleeding that prompted Joe to give her and Ike a call and Oluchi breaking into heart-wrenching sobs.

After my ear got beaten off by Helena's harsh scolds of my irresponsibility and resistance to adhering her earlier words my Mom began calling this time, giving me a little of her disappointed but loving feelings and informed me that I am summoned to my home town for an emergency family meeting by my father.

So here I am at this moment, applying foundation to my features as I get prepared to partake on the 20 kilometer journey.

My parents reside on the outskirts of the city in a small village located along the expressway leading to the state's airport. I and my brothers were born and raised there and only left to chase our dreams and attend University.

Despite this, we each visit from time to time, individually or plan to be there (all of us) in order to surprise our parents or when summoned as we are now.

"Are you ready?" Oluchi invites, materializing in front of me, adorned in a tight fitting red ankara skirt below a loose white blouse. A purse the same shade as her skirt is crossed on her shoulders while her feet are encased in white Nike (✔️) air force one.

"You look___" I trail, not finding a suitable word.

"Simple? Beautiful? Hot? Rugged? Lazy? Which of these did you want to belt out?" She implores in a grin.

"Never mind," I roll my eyes rising in a black baggy t-shirt and brown kapri pants, a pair of brown leather sandals buckled at my ankles. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

"You aren't afraid?" She requests, gazing at me in confusion.

"Afraid of my parents or your crazy driving?" I tease, wandering to the exit, phone in hand as I have no need to carry a bag.

"Don't mock me," she warns sternly. "You know what I'm talking about."

"No dear, I don't. Can you be specific?" I snigger.

"Sometimes I wonder how we are friends," she blurts, shoving me to the side as she storms out of the house, leaving me to push the door closed after me.

"Me too, seeing as you just manhandled me," I deride, strolling through the patio to where the car is parked. "Can you let me drive?"

"Hell no, you are gonna sit quietly in the passenger seat as I drive you recklessly to the village," she sneers, her lips curved in a wicked smile.

"And you ask why I am afraid," I shiver, peering frightfully at the vehicle and the key in her hold.

"Don't worry," she cracks up seeing my reaction. "I won't kill you, at least not yet."

"There's power in the tongue," I mumble, taking some steps to my side of the car as she unlocks it with the control buttons.

"I said not yet," she shrugs, getting in and I follow suit, pulling my door open to lower my weight into the interior.

She swerves sharply, and I hiss at the screech of tires on the flooring as they burn due to her speed. "Fuck!" I yell.

"You ain't seen nothing yet," she cackles, driving to the gates.

"Joe!" She screams, blasting the horn to alert his attention from within.

"Calm down Olu," I chuckle at her growing excitement. Oluchi has got a driving license but she has an irresponsible way of driving, she loves the thrill of going too close to vehicles as if hitting them but dodging the next minute, or zooming way above the designated speed limit.

To top all these, she has a tendency to listen to music at extreme tones that don't allow her or whoever is her passenger to listen to horns from other drivers or loud instructions from traffic wardens, or most hear what the next person is saying.

Now I'm sure you can see why Glory didn't let her drive us the other day. Everyone knows that she is a terrible, terrible driver.

She knows it herself too which is why she hasn't gotten around to getting a car of her own thus she acknowledges the fact she might crash it the next second, rather she revels in man-handling other people's vehicles hence she's got nothing to loose.

"Oh it's time?" Joe questions, his voice low as a result of the hum of the engine and Oluchi's steady appalling horns.

"Yes Joe," she answers, blowing the bubble gum she's chewing into a balloon before it pops spreading on her lips.

"I feel bad she's taking you," he speaks gazing worriedly at me. "If I didn't have a deadline for this job, I would have pushed it to the side and driven you but my hands are tied."

"It's okay," I aim to assure. "I've survived her driving many a times, this won't be a problem."

"You weren't pregnant that time," he counters. "Anyhow, I pray you survive this too thus there's a monster behind the wheel."

"How dare you call me a monster," Oluchi gasps.

"Technically I didn't call you a monster," Joe defends fingers going through his recently tinted grey hair. He's rocking a new look, did it himself last night and I'm surprised at how good it turned out.

"To hell with your technicality," Oluchi reprimands, face squeezing in a scowl. "Go open the gates."

"Goodluck Ana," he calls, doing as she says. "You are going to need it. For everything."

"Thank you," I appreciate as Oluchi whisks us roughly past the gates down to the commercial roads.

"Get ready babygirl, we are going to have the ride of our lives," she beams eagerly, whirling to lend me a wink as her right feet presses hard on the pedal, the speedometer going crazy as we zoom off.

"Save me Lord," I say a quick prayer, securing my seatblet and shut my eyes, the wind blowing in my face while I grip the door handle with every ounce of strength I can muster.


We arrive at my parents home in one piece despite Oluchi's frantic control of the wheel and we head into the spacious compound after a person who appears to be a gateman and new unlocks the barrier.

Oluchi swerves and parks in front of a white walled two story building that contains eight bedrooms, two kitchens, two living rooms, one for visitors and a private one. Each room consisting of a bathroom and a walk in closet.

I erected this home for my parents two years after I signed my first writing contract with an online paying platform for my first book.

From the grin on Oluchi's face it's obvious she's parking here on purpose thus the recently developed garage has vacancy to house two more vehicles aside from the four it's embodying.

"You did this on purpose right?" I ask in confirmation.

"You my girl are correct," she gleams, shutting the ignition.

"You my bestfriend, are a trouble maker," I retort, shaking my head as I giggle and alight from the machine to peer a the end of the compound where a poultry operated by my dad is built aside a fishery he also runs.

A reception area used for meetings or get-togethers when my extended family comes visiting sits close to the garage.
She hands me the keys and we climb the flight of steps leading to the front door.

I knock, the same time Oluchi crouches in one of the red plush sofas that line the tiled floor veranda, nice aromas from the beautiful flowers planted at the foot of the house wafting into my nostrils.

The door is being opened by my father who directs a frown at me when he spots where the car is perched. "Why didn't you put that in the designated location?"

"I did that," Oluchi speaks, getting off from the seat.

"Didn't you see the garage to park it?" He interrogates, voice booming as he stands in a milk colored short sleeved shirt and black trousers, a vein popping in his neck which doesn't scare me because one thing I've grown to know about this man is that he loves things to be organized and put in place.

"Chill sir," Oluchi smirks, hitting him lightly as she waltzes into the house like its a self acclaimed show and she's the star host. An outsider will never stop to believe it's my parents living room especially as she calls out a "Hello Fam!"

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