36: Sisters

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Ike's POV

I wake to the noise of argument coming from downstairs which indicates my sisters must be at it again, and my Mom who isn't able to walk freely can do nothing to seize their fights.

"It's just 7 am," I mutter as my orbs dash to the digital clock that rests on my bedside table. "What would those two be struggling about this early in the morning eh?"

Realizing I can't return to my slumber hence their voices happen to increase, I groan and uncover my body with the black and gold-rimmed blanket that coexists with the white sheets on the bed.

Stationing my palms on the space at my sides, I haul my left leg across the mattress, my right following till they are both touching the ground. With my arms, I heave my weight off the sheets and stand erect, releasing an animalistic sound as I stretch my hefty muscles.

I shake my head to rid off the remnants of sleep prominent on my lids and stride stark naked to the bathroom, my bare feet kissing the cold tiled floor as I head to my destination.

On arriving there I turn on the faucet and splash water to my face, cleaning the space between my eyes and nose as I do this.

Done with the facial part of my body, I proceed to grab a toothbrush and some paste that I use to remove the stale scent of my breath, thereby decreasing the sound of the commotion at the other fraction of my home as I brush furiously.

Rinsing my mouth, I evacuate the space of the washroom and trudge back to my room where I grab a small blue towel hanging off a nail on the uniquely colorful painted wall that was done by a member of the PencilDecimo group on a special request.

It was at the time of this that I spotted her for the first time. Till this instant she has no idea I've known her since then, because she didn't see me but I did her, thus that kind of beauty can rarely be hidden.

"These girls will be the death of me," I grumble as I heed the noise of clanging metal that sounded like that of a tray being thrown to the ground.

In a haste, I dry my face with the said towel and glide my feet into a pair of black leather slippers laying on the side of the glass stand holding the DSTV decoder, and home theater set that is connected to the 64inch LG flat-screen TV stuck to the wall opposite my bed.

Snatching my phone from the glass table where I keep my gadgets and accessories, I amble to the door but halt some seconds later as I observe something shocking. The knowledge I'm still stark naked, my long and thick manhood on display as my fair skin that clothes my bones is all that can be seen.

Not that my sisters will mind but it will scar them for life and I don't think I'll ever live that down as they will predictably tell the story to anyone who cares to listen. Don't be fooled by their going to be seen angelic faces because those two are witches in disguise.

Despite not having the same paternal relation with them I love them to death and will do anything to make them happy.

"Shit, Ike you are so stupid man," I chastise myself after sighting my state of dress in the mirror. Strolling to my wardrobe, I pluck a red background baggy shorts and a white singlet. Donning it on my structure, I gaze at the mirror, and contented with my reflection I steer to the bulletproof nude painted door and fling it open.

"Cecilia, Mirian!" I yell, coming down the stairs.

"Hello Ike," my sister Mirian responds, turning to grin mischievously at me.

This tall chocolate complexioned lady with slim cute curves, an oval face that comprises of a pointed nose, thin cheekbones, a small brown lipped mouth, tiny carved brows above black orbs like mine which are decorated with brown specs in their midst is popularly known as the troublemaker of the twin and the very one to stir up trouble.

She is senior to Cecilia but her character is anything but as she has the mindset of a child and always looks for how to have a hearty laugh at the expense of anything as far as it makes her happy. Mirian has her serious and mature days, rather these days are rare and to be cherished thus they appear once every year. Yes, I meant what I said.

"Good morning bro," Cecilia greets and I smile in gratitude at her manners. As you can clearly tell, she is the total opposite of her sister and the junior of the two. She is the one who met Ana the day we were at the mall. Ana had no idea who she was hence she showed up as a random person and asked her some silly questions.

I got scared the moment I spotted her from afar conversing with her that I kept my distance and called her to the side afterward to ask why she was present and what she was doing.

I later discovered that she kept her cool and pretended not to know Ana in her presence and later scolded me as to why I hadn't revealed my Identity to her yet.

I was thankful it was her who got to meet Ana and not Mirian because the Mirian I know would have messed up the whole situation.

Cecilia is of the same height as Mirian but voluminous and thick in all areas, Her round face containing a not-so-pointy nose, a pair of brown eyes with black flecks, cute cheeks, thick arched brows, and nude lips. As I told you before her character and behavior are a total negative to Mirian's.

"Morning sisters," I respond, walking to their locations on the floor facing the large screen that is playing music videos, the hum of the generator purring through the opened almaco windows implying that the machine is still running, no sign of electricity from NEPA too.

"Tell me why two 22-year-old women are sitting on the floor, dressed in their nighties and arguing at 7:23 am?" I inquire of them, a brow raised. "And oh, chewing on crackers."

"You know we are early risers," Mirian beams, filling her mouth with the biscuit.

"Early risers or you couldn't sleep and decided to wake your sister too?" I quiz, sure of what I'm saying.

"You know me too well," she smirks in reply while her twin remains silent and focused on the television sitting on a wooden stand in front of the gold tiled wall that contrasts with the black cushions that have gold armrests. Don't judge, my love for gold and black can never be matched.

"What were you two arguing about anyway? Also, let Cecilia speak this time," I command as she is about to respond.

"She asked me to leave for her the remaining crackers when I was the one who brought it from the kitchen," Cecilia answers in accordance with my request, a frown gracing her expression.

"Mirian, why do you like being a pushover?" I ask, and she smiles sheepishly. "Where is Mom?"

"Still sleeping," Cecilia mumbles and I gasp.

"With all the noise you two were making?" I poll in surprise.

"Well she hasn't come out, so.." Mirian trails off.

"And you know Mom is a heavy sleeper," Cecilia joins.

"Okay then, you both should tone down with your fights and let her----" My statement gets sliced by loud knocks from the entrance doors.

"Are you expecting someone?" Cecilia questions, finally staring up at me from where she's perched on the base.

"No one knows about this house, not even Ana, so I'm as stunned as you," I utter, gawking at the door as if it just manifested from space.

"You forgot two people," Mirian voices.

"You twins?" I query, baffled.

"No dummy," she rolls her eyes. " Dad and that bitch ass fiance of yours, Emily."

"Fuck!" I shout, kicking a nearby sofa as the truth in what she says dawns on me.

"Yep," she bobs her head, and as if on cue, the voice of my dad reverberates through the metal.

"Ike, it's me, open up."

Taking in a puff of oxygen I exhale slowly before walking to the door. A palm on the handle I feel the stare of my sisters as I'm sure they are silently praying for me not to lose my temper.

"Good morning sir," I say in acknowledgment to one of the people I despise so much as I observe how he's adorned in a milk-colored agbada that makes him appear more bloated than he is.

A red chieftaincy cap on the top of his skull, traditional red beads on his neck and wrists, his attire coming off as multicultural especially with the handmade leather slippers mostly worn by the Hausa folk in the country.

His robust figure and expensive outlook scream rich. Even the pompous lift in his shoulders and boast tone of speaking exhibits my point.

"Good morning Daniel," her voice greets and I hiss in irritation the moment I spot her standing behind him in a tiny strapped green dress that is too short and revealing for the chilly morning weather. Her position simply proving why I didn't note her existence earlier.

"Why did you bring this woman to my house?" I grunt in inquiry, my fingers gripping the handle hard as I try to restrain myself from banging it in their annoying faces.

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