39: Woman

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Ana's POV

I wait, lids quivering in anticipation as I get prepared for the worst, rather the only thing that pierces my skin is the embarrassment when I am asked a question.

"What are you doing?" Ike's father queries, prompting me to slowly release my eyes and note the confused stares directed at me.

"Um," I clear my throat. "Nothing."

"Good," he asserts and extends a palm to the desk where I now see the box closed, huge bundles of cash resting close to it. "I've come to ask something of you, and it would be a great pleasure if you accept my offer."

"Please sit then, let's discuss this," I persuade, discreetly eying the money in a suspicious manner.

"No, this will be snappy," he communicates, picking up a bundle. "Biodun!"

"Sir!" The bodyguard who almost made me shit my pants responds in a bellow, the pistol I sighted earlier hanging on his waist.

"How much money did you retrieve from the case?" He interrogates, not shifting his gaze from me.

"Three million naira sir," Biodun divulges, chin up and starting forward like a robot. If I hadn't observed his lips move, I would have sworn he didn't utter a syllable.

"You heard him," Senator Okwu, smiles sweetly at me. "Three million, and more, only if you can accept. Simply name your price."

"I don't understand this sir," I confide, not discerning what he's getting at.

"I want us to conduct a smooth business," he informs, further confusing me.

"What sort of business sir?" I question, slanting my head to peer pointedly at him.

"No need to worry, it's a simple one," he grins, blowing some air on the wads of naira notes.

"Okay?" I say in more of a question than a statement.

"I've come here, Miss, Ana, Ogechi Alex," he smirks, gradually crawling the perimeter as he tosses the money around in his palms. "With an offer, I'm sure you can't refuse."

"Tell me, what is this offer about?" I propose, taking a seat, thus I've seen they all prefer to stand.

"The offer is, three million or more, you make your pick," he beams, stopping in my view. "If you agree to leave the country without my son's knowing."

"How dare you!" I clamor, my temper skyrocketing at that sentence, having no idea I had slammed my palms now in fists on the furniture.

"Bring down your voice ma'am, I'm a respected politician," he warns, not shaken by my abrupt outburst.

"A respected but a disrespectful one," I sneer, my left lid twitching as rage cooks within me while I stare at the one thousand naira notes in his hand.

"Are you interested or not?" He inquires, his lips swirling in a sneer. "I know you need the money, so why don't you make it easy for everyone and accept it."

"Easy for everyone or you?" I mock, surprised at the courage rushing through me as I speak.

"Make the right choice Ana, the money will do you great," he jabs. "I can double it you know? Triple it even or rather, bring it up to ten million naira."

"There is no other perfect choice than the one I'm making right at this very second!" I shout, my dark blue orbs probably changing to black per my resentment.

"This will be in everyone's best interest if you accept. Daniel doesn't need this bastard child of yours, how am I even sure that's my son's baby?" He jeers.

"I have had enough of this madness senator, with all equitable respect sir, I implore you to leave my office," I order, inhaling to stop myself from screaming at him.

"Are you sure you don't want a rethink? Maybe a few days to ponder on the decision in which you are making in a haste?" He interviews, tossing a bundle my way.

"I don't need to think twice about this Mr. Okwu, so please I beg of you, exit my office and company this instant," I declare, hurling the currencies at his chest.

"You are making a very big mistake," he grits, catching it in his palm.

"No, I am not," I contest, my gaze stern.

"To me you are," he titters, whirling around as he faces the door, his last words putting an eerie feeling in my gut. "One you will surely regret in no time."

"God willing, I won't," I retort, watching fervently as the other bodyguard pulls the door open for him to head out.

I sight Glory channel a scared look in my path from her corner a second before the wood is banged shut after them.

As expected, my strength leaves me and I slump in my chair, my head cradled in my hands as I shake in fear and shock of what had just occurred.

"I heard everything," Glory's voice informs as I sense her existence an instant after I heed the door creak.

"I know," I sigh, sliding the palms down my face to peep at her in a wary expression. "What if I should have played along?"

"No, no, don't say that," she dashes to me, crouching at my knee. "You did the right thing, and you have no idea how proud I am of the strong decision you made."

"Thank you," I sniff, aiming to compose myself. "But what if he does something drastic? These politicians can be ruthless."

"He wouldn't dare touch a hair on your head," she tries to assure.

"But my dad called him a ruthless and a heartless man, plus I glimpsed the fire in his eyes and understood the underlying meaning of his words," I argue, my mind refusing to settle.

"The good thing is that you made the right choice and if he tries to play any prank on you because of that? Then he has God Almighty to contend with," she asserts in a confident tone. "So don't worry, God's got you."

"Sometimes I feel like the Big Man upstairs is angry at me," I say, gaping at the ceiling.

"He was, but the God I know is merciful, and as far as you knelt in forgiveness to Him? You are forgiven and He is ever-present in your life every day," she encourages, clasping my palm comfortingly.

"So cheer up, and let's focus on how to bring back the good name to this company that was robbed off by a silly action," she compels when I keep silent for a while.

"Okay," I nod, an idea forming on the type of body lotion for caramel-skinned ladies to make that will attract back our old customers, and maybe, bring us new ones. "I have a plan."

"That's the spirit," she grins, getting up and hurrying to the chair facing me across the desk. "Oya, spill."


Inputting my thumb to enable the gate to unlock and let me pass through, I wait as it clicks in approval and grab my bag from the drive-in as it slides open to allow me through.

The moment I'm on the other side, I press the lock button and it does this action, prompting me to cross the space towards my apartment.

Joe and Oluchi boarded a plane this morning to Abuja because he has an important meeting to attend to and to my surprise, he asked Oluchi to go with him thus it's going to be a three day trip and what surprised me more is the fact that Oluchi agreed to it in a heartbeat.

I knew they were excelling in their relationship despite Joe holding back hence he had a bad experience with Nancy, rather I didn't expect them to take such a giant leap especially for Joe knowing that Oluchi is some sort of a play girl who has never been tied to one man in her life.

Yes, Oluchi is known for discrepancies, you think I'm bad? Try Oluchi before the Joe phaze began, I rarely saw her. I'm happy though that she's changing, I guess as they say, 'love changes people, except if you've never found it yet'

No other car is in sight except mine which I've abandoned for weeks now. Apart from giving it a warm up in the mornings, I'm not permitted to take it out hence the no driving rule is still in place. Glory was the one who dropped me off by the gate.

I pat the smooth surface of the vehicle as I pass it in the position I left it this morning, sitting in front of my own side of the house thus Ike showed up while I was steaming it, and the fact I was way late for work had me forgetting to put it in the garrage before he drove me.

Making a mental note to do that as soon as possible I steer to the front door. Discarding my shoes on the balcony, I sought for the key in my bag and grin in triumph as I find it.

Sliding it into the lock, I twist it and nudge the soundproof metal to stroll into the living room, kicking it close with my bare foot.

Dropping the bag on the floor I walk to the windows to push them open and let light and some fresh evening air in before I shut it soon to prevent mosquitoes.

I secretly pray for NEPA to bless me with their presence as I don't know how to cope thus I'm banned from strenous activities and that includes putting on the power generator by pulling on the string hence the other one needs to be serviced, and Joe or Oluchi are not around to help me out.

"What would I eat?" I ask myself as I stride to the neatly kept kitchen, opening up pots to discern which to heat up and consume.

Deciding on eating the left over spaghetti from the morning I snatch the box of match sticks and about to ignite the cooker when banging sounds from the gate halts me.

Pausing for a second, I listen well and hear it as knock noises followed by a faraway voice. This provokes me to lay the matches close to the pot and amble to the door.

Jerking it, I wander without slippers or flip flops to the gate, there I peep through the hole to know who the intruder might be.

Not recognizing the person from the hole, I can only understand it's a female. In anxiety I tap the button and unlock the side door of the barrier, shock running through me as I now recognize who it is.

"Hello," the curvy woman dressed in a thin strapped green top that is hemmed into a yellow ankara skirt with polka dots of different colors scattered on it and black pointy heels greets. A silver chain decorating her long neck below a round beautiful face.

"You again? How did you know my house?" I ask the lady whom I've probably only seen once in my life.


To keep myself busy and distract my brain from the incessant throb in my midsection I retrieve my phone, deciding to check my Wattpad app to reply to some comments and check the progress of my books.

"Excuse me?" Someone queries, diverting my attention from what I'm doing.

I lift my head to glance at the average height voluptuous dark-skinned lady before me. Her bob brown colored wig framing her round face as her black irises stare down at me above a pointed nose and glossy red painted lips.

"You are excused," I reply. "Any problem?"

She shakes her head, "no nothing really, I hope you are fine, I saw you looking distressed while you walked in."

"Thanks for your concern." I beam, "it's not a big deal."

"Good to know," she responds. I focus back on the task at hand, assuming the conversation is over. I'm surprised when she speaks again after a few minutes.

"Can I ask you a question?"

A bit alarmed, I offer a weird smile and gesture for her to go on.

"If I'm not mistaken, I noticed a guy with you while you came in, am I correct?" She asks.

"You are, you are." I answer, "and again, any problem?"

"No, dear, I just want you to know how lucky you are to be with someone like him," she tells, confusing me.

"Sorry? I don't get you," I blurt, looking at her like she's lost her senses.

"Don't you know who he is?" She doubts.

"As said earlier, I don't get what you are implying." I voice out in a firm tone.

"Oh, I apologize, I must have got it all wrong, he might not be whom I think he is," she mutters, partly to herself and to me.

"And whom do you exactly believe him to be?" I query, wanting to know what she's trying to tell.

"I'm sorry ma, I got it all wrong, sorry for the inconvenience," she mumbles sheepishly, sending me an awkward smile before sauntering off to wherever she came from, leaving me baffled and lost in my thoughts.

*End of Flashback*

"I'm glad you remember me," she gleams, a bit in fear. "Can I come in?"

"If you must," I say before I know it, having no other choice than to abide to my words as I give chance to let her enter into my domain.

Did Ana make the right decision by letting her in?

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