41: Threats

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Ana's POV

It's been days since Cecilia visited and revealed a lot to me, so much that I can't wrap my head around. Shit happens, but I didn't know such stories were real until I heard it from the horse's mouth.

My fingers clicking away on the keyboard of my laptop, I do some research in regards to the new product we are working on which we are to proceed by this time next week after everything is arranged.

A tone bellows, snapping my attention from what I'm working on. My hands seize their movement as I whirl in search of where it's sounding from.

I halt my frantic actions as I recognize it as my ringtone and fish for my silver purse from beside my feet. Snatching it, I dip my palm in its folds and find the device that's producing the lyrics of Faded through its speakers.

Lifting it to my sight I note the caller as Ike, a smile manifesting on my face as I acknowledge this.

"Hello baby-daddy," I greet cheerily.

"Someone's in a good mood," his husky and enthralling voice replies, provoking goosebumps to grow on my skin.

"Don't start," I snort. "Just appreciate the mood."

"I'm not sure if what you just said makes sense," he ridicules and I roll my eyes even though he can't see me.

"I said, appreciate the mood," I state, gliding my hand on the mouse to prevent the system from going into sleep mode.

"There's only one mood I can appreciate now," he declares through the phone as I sense him get unnecessarily excited.

"And that is?" I ask in ignorance.

"Sex mood bitch," he announces while I facepalm.

"Why do you always think about sex?" I query in a groan.

"I'm a man duh," he replies.

"Don't you know sex can affect the baby at this point?" I implore, knowing he might catch the lie.

"Yeah, as if the tip of my dick would touch the baby's head," he sarcastically responds, and I hold in a laugh at his dry tone.

"What do you know, it's possible," I laugh. "It could even enter the offspring's mouth."

"True, because he/she has their mouth open awaiting my triumphant entry,' he scoffs.

"He/she could be hungry, you never know," I egg him on.

"Well he/she can't eat my manhood so we are both safe," he answers.

"You and who?" I inquire, reclining in the chair and kicking back a little to allow me to place my leg on the desk.

"Me and my child of course," he blurts.

"What about me? Don't I need to be safe too?" I interview, releasing the first button on my white long sleeved shirt. "Besides, I'm the one being drilled."

"When you put it that way," he says and I swear I can hear him cringe at that.

"You men can be so funny," I break out in a laugh.

"You know we are bad parents right?" He mocks and I nod before recalling he won't see me.

"Because we are talking about sex and our baby this way?" I quiz, shaking in humor.

"Yes, while we are supposed to be discussing baby names," he says.

"True, we really are bad parents," I chuckle.

"I heard someone say sex, and I thought to come check," Glory inputs, materializing in the office clad in a peplone pink blouse and black midi skirt.

"Is that Glory?" Ike queries.

"Yup, she's the one," I clarify.

"Oh, you are on the phone," she observes, taking a seat. I don't answer but instead wave the device in the air in affirmation.

"Then why are you talking about sex with someone on the phone?" she questions, coming off as bewildered.

"I'm speaking with Ike," I retort the person in question quietly listening to our exchange.

"Oh, I get it now," she murmurs, flipping her long brown twist braids over her shoulder.

"Say hi to her for me," Ike conveys.

"He's sending his regards," I communicate, shaking my legs that's covered in flower-designed palazzo pants.

"Hello Ike!" She shouts so he can hear.

"I guess you've got work to do so imma leave you two to it," he mumbles, a smile being heed in his voice.

"Yeah, talk to you soon," I agree, beaming.

"I love you," he confesses, and as I've been doing for some time now, I don't reciprocate his words, instead I keep silent and end the connection, sighing.

"Let me guess, he said he loved you?" Glory taunts, judging my expression.

"Shut up," I reprimand, flushing as I return the phone to its dwelling place.

"So tell me, what did our man say?" she jeers, tongue in cheek as she winks.

"You know the only person allowed to say that to me is Emily right?" I mock, despite the way those syllables jab my heart.

"Yeah, that's true," she ascertains, gazing at me in distress. "Sorry about that."

"No need to fuss, I'm fine," I ratify, reducing my feet to the floor.

"We both know that's a fib, but let's just deceive ourselves," she grunts, glaring at me in pity and apparent irritation.

"Let it go Glory," I sigh, lacking the zeal for this topic.

"Speaking of the devil," she mutters, prompting me to jump, orbs prancing around until she chuckles. "She isn't here so don't worry."

"Why did you do that Glory?" I ask in a frown at her trick.

"I couldn't resist," she chuckles heartily while I grumble curses under my breath. "But really, speaking of, have you heard from her recently?"

"Who, Emily?" I solicit, needing validation.

"Who else?" She derides. "Been a while I noticed her bark, or most come here to make trouble."

"You are right, now I think about it," I assert, pushing the chair to the table with my ass and arms. "Especially after what Cecilia told me."

"Who is Cecilia?" She interrogates, causing me to discover I haven't relayed that info to her yet.

"She's Ike's sister," I enlighten, going on to keep her up to date with all the details.

"So you mean, you've met her once, the day Ike ordered that necklace without your knowing?" She raises a question.

"Exactly," I verify.

"And she divulged all these in one day?" She investigates.

"Yeah," I cackle at her stunned expression. "I feel you though, it's not everyday your unknown baby-daddy's sister shows up at your house and tells you their family history. Despite all I feel appreciative and endeared by her efforts and trust in me."

"She must really like you," she blurts.

"Yeah," I beam. "It really means a lot that they think highly of me even though Ike and I don't end up together, I'm touched that they see me the way they do, regardless of having never met me."

"Good people are recognized instantly, either by tale or by reality but the truth is a good soul is known immediately, rather at times we tend to pretend not to notice or try to make them feel bad about themselves, so I'm not surprised they love you already," she explains.

"Awwwn, that is so sweet," I gush, feeling the need to hug her.

"No hugging," she shuns, interpreting my look and laughs afterward when I pout.

"You are a funkiller," I mouth in a grimace.

"You won't die trust me," she titters. "So, how did your research task go, before you got carried away by your lover and talks about sex."

"Oh God," I moan at the realization that she's once again found another way to irk and torment me as I observe her smirk.

"Answer the question my love," she grins, her lips stretched wide to show her mischief.

Groaning, I eye her seriously though I note it doesn't affect her a tad and sigh, giving her the response she asked for. "So far it went well. I will probably be done by tomorrow."

To my surprise she begins laughing, what's more shocking is the fact that she's not faking, instead she's really having a good laugh at my expense.

"What's so silly in what I just uttered?" I poll, gaping at her in plight.

"Nothing really, don't mind me," she giggles. "I just didn't predict you would truly answering that."

"Why?" I request, her response not helping ease my confusion in any way.

"It just came off as if I'm the boss and you are the employee the way I interrogated you," she continues in fits of chuckles.

"You, my friend, are crazy," I snort, seeing the humor in what she says and deciding to mimic her. "How is your own part of the job going? And this time I'm asking as the boss I am."

"Oh shush," she gleams. "You'll need to come down there with me by the way to access the state of things. I've put the materials in their designated forms and locations, the ones needed to be grinded are done, the ones to be dried are also done, and the same goes for the rest."

"You seem to have it under control so why do you need me?" I inquire, perplexed.

"You are the boss," she responds.

"Right, let's go then," I urge,hissing as the baby kicks, not in pain but in surprise of how it gets me unawares everytime.

"Are you okay?" She worries about crossing the space to me, rather I decline in a gesture.

"The baby simply moved, that's all," I beam.

"With the way that baby keeps moving are you sure it ain't Wonderwoman you are grooming in your womb?" She teases as I stand, walking to her location.

"Who knows?" I jeer. "She'll help me fight off Emily and Ike's father, because I know those two will haunt me for the rest of my days if the marriage doesn't hold."

"We should pray for that then," she smiles, taking my hand as my steps appear a bit slow. "Come here big guy."

I accept and we proceed to the main structure.


The moment Glory and I are about to return to our offices after leaving the factory and company building, I hear the gateman exchanging harsh words with who seems to be a lady from the sound of her voice.

"Who is that?" Glory calls in inquiry at him.

"It's Miss Emily," he retorts loudly in order to be heard above the noise of her screaming profanities.

"You caused this," I groan, channeling a stern look at Glory.

"How is that," she motions to the gate. "My fault?"

"You were saying how she hadn't made trouble in a while," I say, repeating her gesture. "So look, here she is to make trouble."

"Should we tell him to let her in?" she invites as he gapes at us in expectance from the metal barrier blocking Emily's entrance.

"You know it will only get worse if he doesn't," I rasp and turn to the gates. "Open up, let her come in."

Not a few seconds after I say that Emily comes badging in, the insanely high slit of her toe-length blinding pink chiffon dress riding almost her hip bone as she barrels towards us while I prepare myself mentally and emotionally for what her appearance may bring.

"Here we go," I mumble, lending Glory a knowing glimpse as she reaches us.

"How dare you order that illiterate gateman of yours not to let me into this premises? Have you forgotten who I am? Don't you know I have the right to shut down this company just by the snap of my fingers?" She quizzes, stopping in my face, her breath fanning my cheeks as she stations in what I presume to be 6inch blue pointy heels in the same blinding fashion as her dress.

"Oh brother," Glory groans, facepalming.

"I'm in no mood for your nonsense so I'll advise you to keep your smelly mouth shut," she whirls to sneer at Glory, turning back to me the next instant.

"Emily!" I greet through my teeth which are clenched tight in anger to prevent a spill of insults at her attitude. "What brings you to my domain this time?"

"Ptttf, you call this a domain?" she mocks, making an uninterested face as she peers around the horizon.

"Just say what you came here to say and leave already," Glory voices, not containing her distaste at her behaviour.

"Since you put it that way," she blurts, eyes shining in rage and disgust at the both of us.

"I can put it anyway I want," Glory counters.

"Like I earlier stated," she jeers, shifting to her. "I've got no time for you."

"You are here for me I know," I acknowledge, bringing her attention to me. "So kindly do what you are here for, I've got work to do."

"Fine," she grunts. "I'm here to warn you to stay clear of Ike's part, I know he has given you the impression his mom and sisters are in your favour, but I'm telling you this instant it's not over, it doesn't end there."

"And who says it does?" I taunt, folding my arms.

"I'm glad we agree on one thing," she declares, eying my belly. "Don't rejoice yet because they don't matter, same way this child in your womb doesn't."

"Everybody matters Emily," I smirk as I continue. "Learn not to look down on people because when they retaliate, you won't know what hit you."

"Are you threatening me?" She contests.

"Maybe I am, or I'm not, depends on how you see it." I cock my head to the right so as to stare up at her due to her heels. "Please leave Emily."

"I will, I just want to inform you to watch your back so as to know what hit you," she speaks, hauling my words back at me in a deadly look. "To top that, you are fired."

"This ain't the first time you are doing that hun," I ridicule. "The wedding isn't gonna hold anyway."

"We'll see," she smiles evilly. "I'll show you what I'm capable of."

"I'll love to see you in action, maybe you bite a bit and not just bark!" I yell at her retreating figure, provoking her to hiss and speed-walk to the gate, pushing the gateman away and almost falling in the process before making it through the exit.

"Do you have any idea what you've just done?" Glory asks in awe.

"Yep," I beam at her. "And I feel good about it."

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