52: Lovebirds

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Ana's POV

Throwing the covers to the side and hauling my feet downwards, I slide them into the pair of flip-flops I always position at the foot of my bed and rise from the sunflower-designed mattress sheets.

I make sure my nakedness is covered as I secure the cloak by tightening the strings. Removing the hair cap from my head I toss it somewhere and stroll out of the room, beelining for the main door that leads to an expanse of German floor after my veranda.

I arrive there and pull it open, sighting the two people I call my closest friends hurling insults at themselves so early in the morning.

"What is the cause of this one eh?" I groan out in a query, glimpsing at Oluchi who's clad in one of Joe's vests she hijacked and using a plain blue bucket that rhymes with the red material on her body to point at Joe who happens to be loving their banter regardless of his stony expression.

"Is it not this idiot whom I call my Ex thinking he has the right to touch me now we are not together," she retorts, referring to Joe who stands in multicolored shorts, his bronzed defined upper half on display for all to see.

"Don't act as if you didn't enjoy it for a moment," he snorts, a pompous expression on his facial features.

"Why would I?" Oluchi investigates, crossing her arms below her breasts and I sight a lustful sign rush through Joe's eyes even from the distance between us.

"We aren't even dating anymore, and your touch disgusts me," she sneers, flinging the braids over her shoulder in a smirk that goes off when Joe speaks.

"And who gave you the idea that we were ever dating?" Joe counters, a mocking look on his face.

"We had sex Joe, every effing day and you have the guts to tell me that?" she queries in shock as I am not able to keep in my gasp.

"Ana and I had steady sex for months but you don't hear us ever say we were dating," he shrugs and I'm about to give him a piece of my mind for acting indifferent to her feelings when I observe the playful mood he's wearing, even Oluchi sees it too, I think?

"You are seeing this right? Ana, do you see what I'm talking about?" She interviews, swerving to see me striding to them. "This motherfucker is a total pain in the ass."

"Follow me, baby girl," I urge, hooking my arm around her waist and guiding her back to the house. "Morning Joe."

"Morning neighbor," he responds, and Oluchi channels me a disapproving glance which I ignore completely.

I know most of you might lend me balls of disapproval such as she just did but yeah, Joe and I are on good terms.

He explained to me all that went on, rather each time I aim to pass the information to her she doesn't want to hear it so I've decided to keep mute on the matter and she can't stop me from conversing with my neighbor despite her being my best friend, yes I'm that type of friend.

No, I won't convey the reason yet hence it's always better to hear it directly from the horse's mouth.

"It's time to cheer you up," I gleam in retort to her gaze and she only pouts in answer.
"Are you up for an outing?"

"Are you seriously asking me that?" She asks, offering me a dumbfounded stare as we enter the living room and I disengage my hand from her body.

"Yes," I reply rolling my eyes.

"You of all people should know I'm always up for an outing, any outing at all," she clarifies in a theatrical posture.

"So you mean if I tell you we are going out and take you to see a chief-priest (wizard) in one village like that, you'll be comfortable?" I ridicule, foreseeing her reaction.

"Hell to the fucking no!" She exclaims, shivering at the thought. "Why did you ask me that?"

"Just making sure," I chuckle at her outlook. "Let's proceed."

"Where are you taking me?" She questions, suspicion overriding her look.

"Don't worry, we are not going to a chief-priest," I cackle, hooking my arm to hers. "Your room or mine?"

"Yours of course," she gleams, winking at me.

"You are happy I can't use my leather and short revealing dresses and skirts right?" I tease as she drags me in the direction of said area.

"Yass," she beams. "Who wouldn't, especially as it gives free liberty for me to make use of them without fear."

"I hate you," I voice, feigning sadness.

"I love you, baby!" She yells in this excitement, nudging the door to my room open, leaving me at the doorway to head for the closet.

"What Joe said about you two never dating, was it true?" I quiz puffing, a hand on my waist while I gently lower myself on the mattress, my belly getting more swollen as time goes by.

"I'm confused about that statement myself," she reveals, coming off as confused as she appears to be contemplating between a green criss-cross bodycon dress she wore the day of the night out where I met Ike for the first time and a yellow tube-like thin strapped blouse and jean skirt.

"Did he ever ask you out?" I inquire, an eyebrow raised.

"Ask me out like how?" She implores channeling me a baffled glimpse. "We had sex and I know feelings were included in the little time we spent together so I can't fully comprehend what you are striving to say."

"Oh, Christ, you are hopeless," I facepalm at her lack of knowledge on matters like this.

"Don't give me that expression," she scolds turning her face away to toss back the gown in the wardrobe, choosing the other outfit. "You of all people should know I'm clueless about the protocols of a relationship, heck I've never had a boyfriend."

"So you've been giving me wrong advice all the while?" I taunt, cackling. "Anyway, I'll say it in a unique language. "Did he ask you to be his girlfriend?"

"Um," she stops her actions, seeming to ponder on the question. "I don't think so."

"You are really hopeless." I sigh, "just go have a bath and a change of clothes let's be on our way."

"What about makeup?" She interrogates.

"We'll drop by at a make-up studio," I mutter, smiling at her glee. "I want you to look your best."

"Thank you best girl!" she shouts, running to squeeze me in a hug and dashing to my bathroom when she halts, whirling around slowly. "Ana, did you have feelings for Joe when you both were having a fling?"

"Nope, not at all," I state, feeling the urge to avoid her look.

"I can't believe we both sucked and fucked the same dick," she gags, laughing afterward, surprising me.

"Yeah, Nancy included," I chuckle, shuddering at the realization.

"I don't want to hear that witch's name," she spits and I offer a sorry action by lifting my palms in the air.

"You are not mad?" I poll, needing confirmation thus she doesn't appear angry at me.

"About what, Nancy?" She requests.

"No, about me and Joe," I clarify.

"Why would I be mad at that?" She mocks, shaking her head in humor. "I wasn't mad when I discovered it years back, so why would I now?"

"Simply making sure," I exhale in relief.

"If I'm mad, that will make me a hypocrite," she goes on to say. "Because almost everyone knows I'm no saint and I fuck any sexy man that crosses my path though I'm aiming to change, you get me."

"Thank you for being an amazing friend," I grin in gratitude, cleaning a teardrop from my cheek. "So, off you go, we've got to get you all glamorous and beautiful before afternoon."

"Aye aye captain," she salutes and goes to have a shower.


"You are driving responsibly," I commend, noting how calmly she's handling the wheel as she steers into the parking lot of a fancy restaurant after we had breakfast in an eatery close to the makeover place and lunch later when we were done.

We then went to the cinema to watch 'Kambili, (the whole 30 yards) to allow our food digest and this is the finale, dinner at this amazing restaurant to end a beautiful day.

Joe wasn't home when we were leaving which shows my plan with Ike is already in motion.

"Thank you, I was taking driving classes from Joe before you know, the whole ordeal," she shuts the engine and inhales in a bid to hold in the waterworks so as not to ruin her mascara as her lipstick when we were chewing on popcorn.

This caused her to apply an emergency touch of nude lipstick instead of the red one she had on before.

"It's okay," I encourage. "Tonight is to help you get a clear explanation and guide you on what to do next after."

"I don't understand," she confesses.

"We should go, our reservation is for 5 pm," I utter in dismissal, unlocking the passenger door and stepping out in a toe-length red cleavage exhibiting short-armed frock that prevents a view of my slipper clad feet.

"You acted weird," she declares, using the remote control to lock the vehicle and reaching me.

"There's nothing weird about stating a fact," I shrug and lead the way across the interlocked flooring, past other cars parked in the area, the nice scents emanating from the beautiful flowers around adding beauty to the light of the setting sun.

She keeps silent as she follows behind, slow music streaming through the glass windows and doors as we go to the entrance, a butler opening to let us pass.

"What's your reservation?" A waiter asks sighting us.

"Table 12," I answer

Her attention goes to the clipboard in her palm, some seconds later she peers at me as she speaks. "Table 12, two people are---"

I don't allow her to finish as I murmur a "Two people are only allowed to sit there right?" And give her a signal.

"Yea," she says, acknowledging the look. "Table for two only."

"Thank you," I nod, and motion Oluchi to walk ahead.

"What was that about?" She queries.

"Never mind, you know how dumb some of these waiters are, we should find our corner and eat," I murmur, not meeting her stare.

We stride through the pathway in between tables that contain couples or friends having a good time on a Saturday evening, probably thinking of heading to the club at midnight.

"Isn't that our table?" She requests, spotting the one with a 12 placard positioned at its center. "Who are those men sitting there?"

"Maybe the waiter was right," I mumble, pretending not to know the two men who are donning a suit, their backs to us. "We should go find out."

"Joe? Ike?" She interviews, stunned as she recognizes them and switches her focus to me. "What are they doing here? Ana?"

"Olu, calm down," I urge, observing her outlook morph into one of rage.

"Are they----" she hesitates, clicking her fingers. "You planned this? Ana you---"

"I'm sorry Olu, but you need to hear him out," I notify, pointing at Joe who stands to his broad height.

"Ana when you and Ike had and still have your issues did you ever for once see me meddling?" She raises a question, her breathing hastened, loosening the waist bag on her waist to drop on the table.

"You only scold me and give me advice but---" I struggle to explain instead she interrupts my sentence.

"I asked a simple question, therefore I'll appreciate a simple answer," she orders.

"No, I---"

This time I'm slashed halfway by Ike who rises and thunders, his voice calling over people's attention as he bellows, "This nonsense must end now! Oluchi, I command you to sit your huge ass down and listen to all this man here has to say."

"Heaven knows he's sorry and loves you, what happened wasn't intentional and a scheme by Nancy so you are going to listen to him and settle this feud before Ana and I return," he asserts, coming out of his corner to station beside me and hold my hand. "We should go outside for a bit."

"Okay," I agree, gazing warily at Oluchi who is fuming in her seat, and Joe appearing nervous.

"They'll be fine don't worry." He informs and steers me to the exit, the growing night sky colorful as the sun goes down. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you," I blush.

"Can I hold you?" He requests as we attain to where his Ferrari is located and lean on it.

"Yes you can," I accept and lean into him as he circles his arms around me. We are both quiet, enjoying each other's company and the slightly cool air.

Time flies by and I seem to doze off standing when his low voice shakes me. "We should go see how those lovebirds are doing."

"Alright," I smile, as he intertwines my fingers to his and saunter side by side to the building.

As we go closer and enter the premises we note everyone hooting and cheering at something or someone. I and Ike ignore them and waddle to our table only to see that Joe and Oluchi are the cause of the uproar as we sight them having PDA with no care in the world for their audience.

"High five," Ike blurts and lifts a palm which I slap mine to, grinning widely at the vision before me and the fact that he kisses my knuckles.

*Author's POV*

Two women, one chocolate-skinned and the other fair-skinned walk in to sight what's going on.

The chocolate one, changing cause to turn back and out of the place but is held back by the fair one.

"I can't stay here," the chocolate one says in response to the inquisitive glance placed on her. "I can't do this anymore. I'm calling off the shots."

"Why?" the fair one questions, an irritated look on her features.

"I love him, and I can't continue to hurt him more than I already have," the chocolate one lets out in a bid to make the fair lady at her side see reason.

"You've come too far to back out now," the fair woman states in a no-nonsense attitude. "You just have to channel your jealousy and sadness into making him miserable, if you can't be happy, he shouldn't be allowed to."

"Take a look at the other two beside them," she continues. "Despite their attempt to find happiness, I'm that toothache that keeps throbbing and startles them out of whatever wonderland they happen to find."

"I'm not like you, Emily," the chocolate one mutters, her mind set. "I can't allow myself to do more than this, you should do the same and back out of this silly game."

"You are right Nancy, you are not like me," the fair one now known as Emily pronounces, biting her lip as the Nancy lady leaves. "Therefore I can't give up."


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