59: Mercy

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Ana's POV

The antenatal checkup with Helena went well with only one disturbing news. Oh, don't panic, I won't die, just that my baby is in a transverse position, meaning I'll have to give birth through CS especially as it's my first child.

Glory helped console me though because mehn I was freaking out, the pregnancy hormones kicked in such that I began blaming it on Emily's appearance at the office thus she must have brought juju as Oluchi called it after I told her.

It's been three days now and Emily has been stopping me at every chance she gets to plead with me. I believe she's stalking me because I always run into her at every angle.

Due to the constant movement of the infant in my womb, I've thought it best to stay home today. It turned out to be a good decision because the rain has been pouring nonstop since noon making it a four-hour rain as it refuses to give a gap or seize its actions.

As if we are being honored there has been electricity since yesterday and till this instant, there hasn't even been a blink despite the heavy downpour that signifies we are now in the heart of the rainy season.

"I've been looking at this NEPA one kind o, and I deh fear. [I've been watching this electricity and somehow I'm scared]" Oluchi asserts, wandering into the room as she rubs her lids.

"I'm scared too, because if this light goes, I don't know when next we'll see them again," I affirm, glancing at the bulb.

Another thing to make clear is that the electricity service over here is unstable like I told you some time ago. This means there isn't always electricity, and it is known that the power always goes off when there is rain even if it's a drizzle.

So what Oluchi and I are musing about is the fact that they are still present means they are up to something. If they go off any moment as I expect they should, we have no hope of sighting any sign of electricity till after a week.

"I swear, which is why I took time to iron my clothes last night, at least that'll last me a week if not two weeks," she says, throwing herself on the couch, her weight causing it to shake, producing a squeaky noise in the process.

"Break it," I blurt in sarcasm, hissing as she fires me a grin.

"Any food available?" She implores, almost swallowing me with the width of her yawn.

"See you, 'any food available?" I mimic. "I don't know who's pregnant here considering you've been asleep for five hours now."

"It's not my fault Joe wore me out," she winks and I shudder in disgust.

"Why the hell did you tell me that?" I ask, aiming to get the image of my bestfriend and Ex-lover out of my brain.

"You are my bestfriend, if I don't keep you up to date with my sex life who will?" She queries in defense, a happy smile on her face. "We hadn't done it since our break up and makeup and then getting accustomed to each other, so last night it just happened and we were at it all night. He didn't even know when I sneaked out of bed to come to sleep here."

"Firstly, I didn't ask you to keep me up to date with your sex life," I assert, whirling to her as I continue. "Secondly, gist me, how was it?"

"Omo!" She exclaims excitedly, clapping her palms as she sits up. "It was mad!"

"Tell me more," I urge, knowing my reaction will only bring her joy.

"Well he's gotten stronger, and you know the love is now felt, so much that it becomes an ecstasy," she sighs, staring at the ceiling, a contented expression on her face. "He also keeps hitting me in the correct spot."

"All these," I chuckle, moving my palm in the air around her face. "Is an explanation for mindblowing sex?"

"This isn't just mindblowing sex," she argues, shifting close to me. "This is making love girl, making love."

"I thought you hated that line," I lift a brow.

"That was because I hadn't experienced it," she exhales, holding my arms as she flushes while seeming to recall the memory. "There's no other way to put it, it was just pure love."

"Finally!" I shout in glee, swinging our arms together. "My bestfriend is now a changed person."

"Yass baby, love has changed me," she giggles, crouching to lay her head on my lap. "I'm no more the playgirl you used to know."

"Amen!" I yell, and we laugh our asses off, my hands going round to cuddle her.

"I love you, Ana," she looks up to say.

"I love you Olu," I correspond, beaming down at her figure.

"Come to think of it, why is the television not on?" She inquires, observing the state of the device as the rain appears to subside, letting me hear her low murmur.

"As you know it's not good to watch the tv during a rainstorm, because of that," I point at the flashes of lightning in the sky outside. "Can cause damage to it. Moreover, the StarTimes ain't working as their systems are jammed as a result of the weather."

"Oh," she bobs her head. "That makes sense."

"Sure it would, I'm not you whose brain is filled with the aftereffects of good sex," I tease, awaiting her response.

"I have told you that we made love, not sex," she defends, removing her head from my exposed thigh as a result of the short loose-fitting Ankara gown.

"Whatever floats your boat," I chuckle, pushing her remaining body that's wrapped in a furry pink robe.

"I need to find something to eat, cheeseballs, chin-chin, anything," she notifies, standing. "Have you eaten?"

"Yes, one and a half Sharwama," I answer. "The remaining half is in the fridge, you can reheat it."

"I'll do that later," she informs walking in the location of the kitchen in her flip-flops-covered feet. "Let me just get snacks and a bottle of Mirinda to eat as an appetizer before the main course."

"Do what you want boo," I speak to her retreating figure as I plop my legs on the vacant space of the couch, shutting my eye for a moment only to hear my phone ring, disturbing my peace.

"Why is Joe calling?" I blurt out loud in query, taking note of the name on the screen.

"Joe is calling you? Why?" Oluchi whom I didn't know is in earshot quizzes, coming back, a large bowl of what looks like cheeseballs and groundnuts in one hand, the other holding a can of iced Mirinda.

"Hello Joe, anything the matter?" I ask a bit in worry, as I lend Oluchi an 'I have no idea' look to her question.

"I have been noticing a shadow below the barrier, and so as the rain calmed a bit some moments ago, I grabbed an umbrella and went to investigate, and guess who I saw?" He ends his explanation with a qualm.

"Who?" I take the bait and ask, peering at Oluchi who happens to be uninterested as her focus is on the snacks in her face.

"Emily," he declares, shocking me.

"What?" I interrogate, refusing to believe what I just heed.

"Emily and she looks drenched and shivering," he conveys.

"Where are you now?" I poll, having no inkling of what to do.

"I'm staring at her at the moment," he responds, and the constant sound of water meeting the concrete floor confirms his answer. "Should I bring her in? It appears she's been camped out here ever since the rain began."

"By all means, please do," I instruct kindly, not wanting another sleazy tabloid publishing a headline that read 'Daughter of governor and Ex-fiance of Daniel Ike Okwu, Emily Ije, found cold dead in front of his mistress's house.

"We'll be there in a minute," he communicates, cutting the connection afterward.

"What did he say?" Oluchi issues, startling me thus I must have forgotten about her presence for a second.

"Nothing much, only that someone at the gate is asking to see me," I say.

"Who would that be in this weather?" She interrogates, and I shrug. "Joe has no idea who he/she is?"

"No," I mumble, gazing anywhere but her.

"What did you say then?" She consults.

"I told him to bring her in," I confide.

"Okay," she asserts, lending me a baffled glimpse. "Let's hope she's no serial killer."

On cue, a knock comes on the door, prompting me to shout a "come in!" as Oluchi's mouth is occupied with food.

"No, be juju be that? [Is this not voodoo magic?]" Oluchi lets out in amazement as she spots Emily, crumbs of cheeseballs escaping her gaping mouth.

"Oluchi?" I call in hesitation as she turns to me, "calm down."

"So you lied to me?" She interviews, betrayal clouding her features.

"I'm sorry Oluchi, I knew you would react this way which is why--" she cuts me off.

"Of course I'll react this way!" She announces, returning her stare to where Emily is stationed, her arms clasped in front of her as she shivers, water dripping from her head down to her toes. "And why is she all wet like a chicken beaten by the rain?"

"She's been at the gate through the whole storm," Joe pipes in, a white cashmere sweater molding his chest as his lower limbs are encased in black sweatpants.

"Okay, you know what? I'm out of here," Oluchi proclaims, rising hurriedly, some balls of cheese falling from the bowl in her arm.

"Where are you going?" I request, fearing she hates me.

"To Joe's," she retorts. "Because I can't be here, if not I'll feel sorry for her and I won't allow myself to do that hence she deserves everything she's getting."

"Alright," I answer, relief coursing through me at her reply.

"Let's go, Joe," she orders, dragging him by the arm in the direction of the door.

"I'm sorry Oluchi," Emily apologizes as Oluchi reaches her.

"Not a single word," Oluchi grits, pointing a finger at her face in irritation before hauling Joe out of the house, the noise of the door closing echoing in the arena.

"Why are you doing all these Emily?" I ask as she stands in front of the door. "Come sit."

"Thank you," she mumbles, her shivering seeming to subside in regards to the warmness of the room thus the heater is turned on.

"Answer the question Emily," I urge, kneading my forehead as my emotions happen to be having a battle on which one to act on.

"Because I'm sincere in my actions Ana," she sniffs, accepting the blanket I hand over which I was using in place of a pillow. "I am guilty of my actions and ashamed at my behavior."

"Hm," I sigh, sitting upright as my orbs search hers, not able to find any mischief in them. "Before I think about forgiving you, I'll need to you tell me everything, the reasons you did what you did and why you derive happiness when you see people suffer."

"Are you sure you want to hear this?" She implores, dragging the blanket tighter around her frame, the wet material of the red kaftan under seeping through the thick cover.

"Do I look like I'm bluffing?" I sneer, my face forming a scowl.

"It all started when I was little," she begins, offering me a hesitant peek before continuing. "My father was the king of my village, everyone adored us. Kids my age wanted to be me, parents wanted a child like me, and I was always the center of attention. My radiant skin and childlike beauty didn't help either."

"My mother spoilt me despite my father's warnings. She always made me feel like I'm more important than the rest of the people in the room wherever I went," she explains, gawking at the seat. "This took a toll on me as I grew with that attitude."

"When my father dropped his crown to chase his political carrier, people used me as a point of contact to get on his good side, they showered me with gifts and worshipped the ground I walked on."

"The more he climbed the political ladder, the more the attention on me increased. My mother instead of advising me not to let it get to my head encouraged me to revel and bask in it," she confesses. "For this reason, I never had real friends, only fellow snobby kids like me. But when we crossed paths."

"What happened?" I investigate.

"I knew you were different, you and Oluchi, and for a moment I was happy," she communicates.

"But?" I query.

"It didn't last, I envied you, everything about you, your achievements, your lovely connection with your family which compared with mine is nothing to write home about," she says. "The moment Ken came into the picture triggered my bad habits."

"I needed him to see me the way he saw you and so I messed up badly like I always do," she weeps. "I did what no friend was supposed to ever do, you saw me as a sister and I hurt you. Even when you complained I didn't bat an eyelid, I didn't even feel guilty for my actions because to me it was justified."

"To think I did all these while Ike and I were dating proves how stupid I was. Ike loved and cherished me, but that was what I could pay his love back with," she sobs. "You know, I loved him too, I was even going to tell you about him when hell broke loose."

"This is a lot," I let out, gawking at her in astonishment.

"It is," she admits. "I hurt the two people who loved me more than my parents could. It only took for Ike to end our engagement for me to see things the way they really are."

"It opened my eyes to the reality that I'm not as important as I thought myself to be. That the world doesn't revolve around me all the time, that I'm only human like everyone else," she utters. "Even though I don't show it, I'm grateful to Ike, for showing me love like a man should and for keeping up with me all the while."

"I'm also sorry for being a barrier to your happiness," she laments. "I know you might see yourself as the middle man, but the truth is, I am the middle man, the one who is blocking two people who are helplessly in love from being together."

"Your unborn child deserves a father, he/she deserves a stable home, and for that, I'm willing to back down from whatever tussle I was creating, because I've seen my wrong, and I plead forgiveness for my attitude," she inhales, now glancing at me. "Have mercy on a poor fool, a poor fool who was once your friend."

"Emily?" I call, tapping her palm, and say what every fiber of my being is screaming at me not to. "I'll try to show mercy."

The full edition is available on POPINK
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