69: DNA

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Ana's POV

Author: Ike's stepfather and Senator Okwu are the same people. I only use them alternatively to prevent steady repetition.

"What are you hinting at?" Ike's mother requests, gawking at her Ex-husband as if he has grown two heads.

"Exactly as I said," he reinstates, resting back the wailing baby on the bed. "This is not my grandson."

"Of course he isn't, there's no way he could have taken your stupidity!" She rasps, aiming to stand, rather Cecilia rushes to hold her back.

"Look here woman, watch how you speak to me, I'm a titled man, and a sitting legislative member, so caution yourself!" He commands directing the walking stick in her face.

"Be calm dad," Mirian urges, bringing down his arm.

"You tell your mother to be respectful, then at least I can be calm," he growls, his Adam's apple bobbing in his neck.

"What the fuck are you trying to say, sir because at this moment I can't discern the rubbish you are belting out," Ike speaks, the tone of his voice astounding each of us. "How in God's name can you have the guts to gaze me in the face and tell me this child ain't mine?"

"I can see you and your wimp of a mother have no respect whatsoever for a man of my status," he argues, appearing offended by his stepson's statement.

"I dare you one more time to call my mother a degrading name and I swear I will personally haul you by the arm and fling you through the window," Ike threatens, the vibrations of his body an indication that he isn't bluffing.

"That isn't my business, what I'm trying to say is to ask this slut laying right here how that child isn't yours after all your sacrifices and misbehaviors," he defends in a grimace.

"Don't you fucking call me a slut you old hag!" I spark in fury, forgetting all the manners momma taught me.

"Ana, be cool," Ike rubs my shoulder.

"No, no, my time to be cool is over," I decline, recalling all that Emily told me about his hand in my kidnap. "You think I don't know what you planned? You think--"

"Shut your trap!" Senator Okwu scolds. "All I want to hear from you is an explanation of how you want to pin this bastard child on my son!"

"For the record, I am not your son!" Ike exclaims. "And what other evidence do you need huh? What other evidence apart from the distinct similarity I share with Miracle."

"Oh you've named him already," he scoffs, eying the infant who is in Mirian's hold, now fully clothed and about to sleep when I remember he needs to eat.

"Hand him over Mirian, please?" I invite, gesturing to her and she obeys. I take him and reveal my left breast, channeling it into Miracle's mouth.

"Yes, we did, a problem with that?" Ike taunts, walking to him.

"No," he chuckles. "It just goes to prove how insignificant my family has made me.

"We are not the only family you have, or did you forget about your other wives and children already?" Cecilia queries, folding her arms.

"Besides, they had both given their son a name before we showed up," Ike's Mom explains. "You hear that? Their son."

"There is no way that bastard thing," he motions. "Is Daniel's child."

"What is going on?" My father inquires, showing up in the perimeter, my brothers and mother behind him. "What did I hear this nincompoop say?"

"What this nincompoop said," Ike's stepdad retorts. "Is that your daughter is a slut, hence Miracle, or whatever you all are calling him is not Daniel's son!"

"For real?" Dad beams in query, his lips tilting to the left. "So you mean, when I saw your son in my daughter's home early one morning, they were praying all night?"

"No, clarify me," Dad urges, cackling hysterically. "He didn't have sex with her?"

"That is not what I'm implying," Senator Okwu defends.

"As I said, clarify me," Dad sneers.

"It was not his sperm that fertilized the egg," He explains.

"Look who's teaching biology," Dad mocks, gesturing to him, and I clamp in my laugh, though not as Mirian, Max, and Ike's mom as they giggle, thus we see the humor in Dad's utterance. "If you know biology so well, then explain how Miracle isn't Ike's son when they share the same black eyes, the shape of the nose, and oh, pink lips?"

"Those aren't enough evidence to counter this theory," Senator Okwu maintains, not succumbing to defeat.

"What other evidence do you need sir?" Nuel asks, peering at the political tycoon.

"A paternity test," he blurts.

"Come on man, have some decency," Ike's mom derides. "How can you subject a bare day-old baby to such."

"It's a simple blood test dear Ex-wife, not a facial surgery," he ridicules.

"So you want a DNA test?" Dad implores, needing affirmation.

"Yes, if you choose to call it that," he snickers, stretching his right hand.

"We'll give you a DNA test," Dad agrees, and they seal the deal with a shake.

"I can't believe you are agreeing to this," Mom rolls her eyes. "Men and their ego."

"Ike, are you going to allow your stepfather to doubt the paternity of your son?" I investigate, swerving to the man in question as I'm stunned at his sudden silence on the matter.

"I'll go with it, and you should too," he responds, lending me a gaze I haven't encountered all the time I've known him. "There's nothing to be afraid of right?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of," I grit, getting disappointed at the doubt I see in his dark pools.

"Tell any nurse you see out there to inform the doctor we need him immediately," he mutters in the location of his two sisters.

"Me or her?" Miriam inquires.

"You," Ike growls, and she nods warily, exiting to do as told.


It's been nine days since the drama that occurred here in the hospital room, the day which was supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life, but instead brought up the beginning of another chaos.

I wonder why I can't live my life in peace, I also don't know if I'll ever live a day without one issue coming up that will generate more drama. I will repeat this, I'm cursed, thus I keep jumping out from one problem into another.

After the doctor came and took the samples of Ike and Miracle, my friends returned and were told of the occurrences. A burst of laughter departs from my being, shaking the infant I'm carrying as I recollect how Oluchi wanted to throw herself at Ike's father, and then later at Ike for not standing up for me enough.

Speaking of Ike, he's been distant, particularly since Ken entered with his disgraceful self, claiming he heard on the news that I had given birth.

Instead of saying the usual pleasantries, he began talking the nonsense he's known for, adding more salt to the wound by talking about how we had a one-nightstand when I wasn't sure of my relationship with Ike and then refused to talk to him afterward, even going to extent of blocking the new number he used in calling me.

Obviously, that was a lie, but it sparked up suspicion, even Glory started to doubt the credibility of the child's paternity, Dad too. Despite it all, everyone has been supportive, Ike's mom and sisters and my family.

Yesterday was Miracle's circumcision, every other person was present apart from Ike and his father, Helena too refused to show up, giving a silly excuse.

Today on the other hand is the day the test result is deemed to arrive, as it is estimated to take between a week and ten days, rather the 7th, and 8th days have gone without a clear indication, and so I hope today will put an end to the whole trouble.

I'm alone with my sleeping baby in the room, Mom had left an hour ago after she brought me something edible, Ike hasn't come today, my friends too.

I heed the noise of footsteps and voices a second before the door is opened, the dark-skinned male doctor that attended to me the day of my delivery, a nurse I haven't seen before, another doctor, and Ike walk in through it.

"Hey babe," he greets, not sparing me a glimpse as he goes to Miracle's spot, a grin on his face when he notices the sleeping figure in his cradle.

"Here is your result," the other doctor whom I now guess is the lab scientist says, waving a white envelop in the air.

"Okay," I sigh, gaping at Ike who nods.

"Do you want to read it or should I do--" he stops as Ike's father strides in. "Good day sir."

"Read it out loud," Ike's stepfather orders, what is more, shocking is the fact that Ken follows close behind him in a short-sleeved black vest and jeans, his face still as annoying as ever.

"What is he doing here?" Ike questions, gesturing to Ken, his sexy figure clad in a milk-colored linen long-sleeved shirt that's tucked into black slacks.

"That doesn't matter right now, what matters is what the result says," Senator Okwu retaliates.

"We should keep quiet while he reads it out," Ken mutters smugly and I bit down on my lip to stop a harsh retort.

"Mr. Daniel Ike Okwu, and Miss Ana Ogechi Alex," the doctor begins and my breathing stills in anticipation of the verdict. "It is sad to say that the child Miss Ana gave birth to is not genetically related to Mr. Daniel here."

"I called it!" Ike's stepfather exclaims, happiness taking over his face. "So tell me dear doctor, who's DNA matched that of Miracle?"

"Mr. Ken's did," He responds and I don't know why, but I'm not surprised at this hence deep down I saw it coming.

"You took his blood sample?" Ike raises a question in amazement.

"I had to," Senator Okwu replies.

"Hello Ana, your mom said she came over earlier, sorry I didn't accompany her. I had to travel for a convention yesterday evening," Dad explains in regards to his morning absence.

"Wait, what is happening?" He inquires, observing my sad but angry look, Ike's disappointed one, and the extra people in the room.

"What the hell is this excuse of a man doing here?" He interrogates, referring to Senator Okwu."

"Your daughter has proven herself to be the prostitute I've deemed her to be," Ike's father beams. "That child isn't of my son."

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