Day 12: Denny's

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(turns video camera on)

Judai: Hello everyone, today is Sunday! I'm-

Lizzy: (yells) Judai, give me back the camera!!!

Judai: (points camera at her at the end of the hallway) But why? Someone needs to start the vlog!!

Lizzy: And that's usually me!

Judai: Can I start today? Please!!!

Lizzy: Well, you already started it so there's no turning back.

Judai: Yes!!

Yusei: (peeks out of his room) What are we doing today?

Lizzy: That's a pretty good question.

Judai: Aren't we going to eat with Yugi's friends?

Lizzy: Oh yeah! And Bakura will be there....

Judai: Is he gonna send us to the Shadow Realm?

Yusei: I don't need that today. I kind of want to live.

Lizzy: (goes to Yugi's room)

Judai: (points camera to himself) Hopefully we don't go into the realm.


Lizzy: We are at a place called Denny's and I'm surrounded by friends. (points camera to everyone) I have to say that this is the best decision that we have made this entire school year.

Bakura: (glares at camera and shakes his head)

Yusei: (just shakes his head)

Honda: This was a horrible idea.

Bakura: The knives aren't even sharp. I can't cut things.

Yugi: You can't just randomly cut.

Judai: Yeah, what if you hit someone?

Bakura: (grins evilly) That's the idea.....

Lizzy: (sighs) This is ridiculous.


Lizzy: We're back at the parking lot of the dorms from Denny's.

Jonouchi: That was the worst Denny's ever!

Honda: The food was too salty.

Judai: The food was good but it was the service there.

Lizzy: Yeah, we were seated at a big table and no one came to check on us.

Yugi: We were talking for the longest time and Judai asked if the waiter came yet.

Lizzy: Yeah and then more time passed. Finally, the waiter came and took our orders.

Anzu: The best thing that happened was that the waiter took the knives from the table.

Judai: That was because Bakura kept threatening Yusei with a knife and then actually cut him.

Yusei: It was only a tiny mark. I didn't mind.

Lizzy: But Bakura kept threatening you and that was when the waiter came.

Ryou: The other me has strange tendencies.

Lizzy: What actually made it all bad was that our orders got mixed up. That was terrible!

Yugi: I ordered something with no mayo in my sandwich. I got a sandwich with a ton of mayo. After the first bite, I didn't want to eat the rest of the sandwich.

Yusei: That wasn't good service.

Lizzy: Nope. Denny's is usually awesome but the service to the customers was pretty bad.

Everyone else: Yup.

(turns video camera off)

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