Ch.1.A Villains Sin.

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{I Don't own SDS, BNHA or Reader Chan}

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"I am quite glad to see your no longer in shock misty" the {H/C} female stated, she was getting quite bored waiting for the mist like male to snap from his shock, she wondered what his reaction would have happened if she had used her other way of healing? she may never truthfully know at this moment but maybe another day, "So you say you'd answer my questions so shall we begin?".

The mist like male wasn't quite sure as to why he was in shock before, he knew people whom had healing quirks, though he also knew that some healing quirk's couldn't heal as fast as this females, she would be quite a great asset to their team if she decided to join them, they were well in need of a healer and she fit the bill, but first he knew quite well he had to answer the questions she had for he had promised.

"Of course though we should head back down to the bar and allow him to rest" Kurogiri told the {H/C} female and she couldn't agree more not wanting to be in this room any longer than she had to be, and the two made their way out of the makeshift medical room and back down to the bar.

The {H/C} female leaned on the wall and stared straight at the male, "My first question is are you apart of the demon race?" she was quite curious for she was certain the mist male wasn't apart of any other race she's met before.

"I am quite confused as to what you mean by that, but no I am not apart of any race I look like this because of my Quirk" he told her honestly, and she just gave him a blank look wondering what in the name of the goddess clan a Quirk was.

"What exactly is a quirk?" she asked the male quite bluntly, wondering just what a quirk was it was probably like their magical abilities, almost everyone where she came from had one along with a special attack they used, like her brothers ability or her captains ability or the goat boys mind thing. 

"A Quirk is an ability almost all have it is a power of sorts, with mine it allows me to create portals I am quite confused as to why you ask isn't your healing a Quirk?" Kurogiri was quite curious of this female whom he just realized was barely wearing anything, she had on {C/C} shorts and a black 'top' if you could call it that, it was just a strip of fabric that covered her breasts, she had on a pair of knee high boots and some finger-less black gloves along with a {C/C} ribbon tied around her neck.

"Interesting so it is kinda like a magic ability" The {H/C} female sighed, she realized he may have been quite lost so she decided to explain, "Where I am from we do not call it a Quirk rather we refer to it as a Magic Ability, it depends on each person of the different ability, the healing I have isn't my main ability it is just something I can do, my main ability is quite different and a lot more interesting".

Kurogiri grew a bit more interested in this female whom he was certain had been brought here against her own will by accident, it was probably his fault than again someone else might have a portal like quirk, but the question is why would they bring her here of all places? was she to help the villains thrive? or was it just actually an accident that brought her here, he may never know, "That is quite Interesting, I am by far certain you have more to ask still am I correct?".

"Yeah of course I do, like where the name of the Goddess clan am I?" She questioned the male crossing her arms over her chest, "Do you by any chance have a map I could borrow, for when I was pulled away my group was facing quite the foe it was a blood bath I didn't quite have a chance to fight before I was pulled away".

"I believe we have an old one someone if you wait here I'll go and find it" Kurogiri was kinda surprised but didn't show it, he was fairly certain many people didn't use maps now a days, and he was surprised to hear she was recently in a battle with someone, she was truly quite the mystery.

"Don't take to long" She told him, watching as the mist like male left to go and find a map, she of course had more than that to ask but she in truth just wanted to find a way home, and if she couldn't she'd have to figure out this strange kingdom she landed in, if it even was one, it could just be a village.

But neither was correct for when the male returned with the map she couldn't help but be in shock at what she saw, it was nothing like the map she was used to, it had more places, places she never heard of, and due to this shock she did what any person would do, she fainted, her head hitting the counter when doing so shocking the mist like male.

He didn't think she would have fainted in seeing a map, but even so he shook off that shock and picked up the strange female bringing her to the spare room they had upstairs, and placing her in the bed, before leaving he'd speak with her again later.

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A short male with blonde hair frowned hand on his chin, he didn't know what they were going to do their strongest member had been taken away by a portal, and he was quite certain the one who vanished brother is going to be anger when hearing about it.

He just hoped his friend didn't take his anger out on him, for it was his idea to call on her for the fact the demon race had been revived, if only they hadn't been ambushed by the one the blonde used to know, if only they hadn't been so close to death, they could have saved her before that portal got her.

The blonde wondered if she was okay wherever she was, he hoped she was brought somewhere close by, but he didn't get to see the portal that sucked her in, neither did he see her get pulled away, he had only heard of it from the pink haired male whom had flashed them before explaining where the female was.

Today just wasn't their day at all, their strongest member is somewhere unknown, and he isn't as strong as he once was, and to top it all off another one of his friends was having memory loss because of the pink haired male in glasses.

It wasn't their week, it just sucked.

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