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There are times when all you need is a helping hand . A hand to pull you out of the misery that surrounds you all the time. A hand , a hope was all that I needed atleast at the point wherein I was hanging onto a piece of rope ready to break anytime.

And like everything else that was created as my imagination cane into play this wish was full-filled at the earliest as well.

My eyes which threatened to open because of the assurance that once opened they won't be seeing anything ever now slowly blinked fast as I felt someone grab me.

A cold hand , strangely remarkably Icey and contrasting to my sweaty hands. The least I cared about. All I wanted was to be alive. Somehow.

A blonde lady , beautiful one with long wavy hair and white spotless long dress pulled me towards herself. 
She was young and flawless. Like a dream.

And I was sure she was another fantasy but the events that transpired in the last few hours of my life forced me to accept the virtual reality served before me.

"Hello" she said . Her voice felt so angelic that for a moment I wanted to hug her.

" Ah- Than-nk Y-You. " Replying with hesitation evident in my exhausted voice.

I don't know how a normal person would've reacted to  such a situation. I wasn't normal though , and I was well versed with this fact , now.

She held my hand again.

I forgot about everything else. She saved me from falling. Duh! What else should have I done?

I watched her as she moved towards the light that I seeked. Out from that pitch black cavern.

"Who are you?" I stopped. Something that I had to ask. My mind had a list of things she could be. An angel maybe? Or a ghost as well? But all I wanted was to know.

And I wasn't going to move until she spiller the beans.

Life has spilled a lot of things to me and now I was prepared for some more......or was I?

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