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1 Month Later

Tanya sifts through my newly organized closet. She's picking through everything. "This one is cute." Finally, she pulls out an Ivy green dress with intricate velvety black swirls and vines. Underneath, a bit of tule sticks out.

"You think?" I ask, forgetting about the pile of clothing splayed on my bed.

We're digging through my closet, getting ready for Flint's first performance since the incident with his father. It's been a month since it all went down, and I'm so thankful that everything turned out the way it did. It could have been much worse.

"I mean, it's not my style, but it's so you. These clothes suit you so much better than those other ones you donated last month."

She hands me the dress, still on the hanger. I push the closet door shut a little to check myself in the mirror. Then, holding the dress up and lifting the fabric, pretending to spin.

"Thank you. Do you think Flint will like it?"

Over the past few weeks, Tanya and Pete have both gotten to know Flint a little better. Pete was Cam's best friend, but they hadn't spoken since everything went down. He apologized for keeping me out of the loop too. I couldn't be mad at Pete because it wasn't his fight to deal with.

My phone beeps from underneath the dense pile of clothes on my bed. I walk over, lay the green dress on top to dig through looking for it. I smile at the name that appears on the screen.

Flint: I wish you were my punk rock princess

He knows me well enough because that is by far the most straightforward song lyric he's used.

Me: I would be your anything.

"Is that Flint," Tanya asks?

I glance over at her. She's stolen a cute black lace dress from my closet. Holding it up to herself, she smiles.

"You'd look perfect in that."

She tilts her head. "Do you think so?"

"I do."

She shrugs and slips out of her jean shorts and favorite basketball jersey, then pulls the dress over her head. In the mirror, I catch her smiling. It's another one of my Hot Topic purchases. The lace is see-through, but underneath is a soft silky fabric to cover up.

"You look happy," she smiles.

"I feel happy. I've never had a chance to feel like myself, and I can do that with him. It's like this huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. I can finally breathe. I like not having to worry about anyone judging me for my music or outfit choices."

It's the truth. I haven't felt this happy in a long time. Everything's coming together nicely. I've seen Sally weekly, and I've never felt better. I plan to continue my sessions with her. In the fall I will be attending a community college. Her office is right around the corner from the school. I wish I had opened my heart sooner.

Flint and I couldn't be in a better place as well. I've been talking through my insecurities with Sally, and it's helping our relationship a ton. I still have moments of weakness, but I know it will take time. Flint is also better off with his dad in jail. Although he's been putting in extra hours at the tattoo shop to help, they all seem much more relaxed. His father's trial is coming up soon, and sometimes I can see the fear on his face, but he mostly hides it well.

Tanya and I finish getting ready with very minimal interruptions from Flint. Tanya is a little nervous, she's never been to a rock show before, but Pete, I found out, is a massive Fall Out Boy fan and has been to several shows. So, he's meeting us at the show after baseball practice. I hope they enjoy themselves tonight. I do not doubt in my mind that they will.


Tonight, Flint is playing at a small hall in town. It's where most people on the mainland have their sweet sixteen and weddings. It's affordable and has a fantastic view of the Heights, as it overlooks the water. Although the idea is excellent, the place could use a little TLC. The building is a bit older, and their parking lot is gravel, which lessens its curb appeal. It doesn't matter about the concert because either way, it's going to be a kick-ass night.

Pete is there when we arrive, he's already parked, so I pull in beside his blue F-150. We all walk in together. I send a quick text to Flint, letting him know we've arrived. The room they are playing in is the size of the church where they had Battle of The Bands, only it's slightly smaller, so it feels more crowded.

The lighting here is dull. Some bulbs flicker and give off a soft yellow glow. The dark wooden panel walls don't brighten up the room much more. It only makes it seem darker. We shuffle through the crowd towards the stage. Through a large group of people standing in a circle, I spot him. He's leaning against the stage door to the left. I release a shaky breath. My heart melts every time I see his smile.

We push through the remaining people, and the moment there's a clearing, I race to him, jumping into his arms. He holds on tighter than usual, which he's been doing lately. I can't complain. Cam never held me that way. Flint spins me around then sets me down. He and Pete do that guy nod when they like each other but aren't friends just yet.

His eyes land back on me, and when they do, he leans in to plant a soft kiss on my lips.

"Why hello there," he says. There's a rasp to his voice that makes my body shudder.

"Hey there yourself." I sneak in another kiss.

He puts me down and whispers in my ear, "I like this."

I narrow my eyes at him. "What?"

"Being able to kiss you in front of everyone. I told you that you would fall for me," he smirks.

I smack him playfully in the chest. He chuckles and pulls me back into his arms. "We're going on in a minute, so I have to get ready. Front row?"

"Always," I say.

He plants one last kiss on my lips before retreating to the backroom. Pete helps guide us through the lingering concertgoers at the front. His loud rumbling voice is demanding enough to make folks part for us to get through. He calls me right up front, and he and Tanya settle in beside me. He stands behind her and wraps her in a hug.

The lights inside the room go out, and the stage lights up with a bright flash. As Flint and his band walk out on stage, the crowd erupts in applause. I focus on Flint. His muscles flex as he lifts his blue and white fender off the stand in front of the microphone.

"Hello, Brooke Wood. Are you all ready to rock?" Flint yells into the microphone, making the crowd go wild. Since the battle, they have gained a pretty huge fan base. Also, thanks to Joey promoting the band on his social media pages. They've gotten pretty well-known around here.

"We're Falling for You, and we are so excited to play here for you again. Thanks for the support."

They start by playing an up-tempo song, and everyone around us starts dancing. I glance over at Tanya and Pete, who fit right in. Pete's foot keeps up with the tempo, and Tanya's head bobs up and down to the beat. We dance like no one is watching, and it feels fantastic.

I lose myself in his music and his voice so much that I don't even realize forty minutes have passed. Flint takes a sip of water before addressing the crowd. The room is full of energy tonight, and they are mostly the reason.

"Hope you had fun tonight. We only have one more song to play, but I want to thank you all for your tremendous support. Without it, we wouldn't be where we are right now."

The crowd roars in response. Tanya screams beside me, and I give her a thankful nudge.

"Recently, I had an accident, and it put me in the hospital for a few days. I'm so thankful I'm here playing for you guys tonight. I don't think I would have gotten through what happened if it weren't for one exceptional person in my life."

He glances around the room with a smile that lights up his face. He's more than happy to be back on that stage. For him, music is his therapy. He looks like a superhero up there, like he could do anything he put his mind to. He's determined to give the audience a great show, and they love him too.

"She's amazing, and I don't think I could have gotten the motivation to get through these hard times without her."

Tears line my eyes. I can't help it. Tanya bumps into me with a smirk. I wipe at the tears hoping they don't fall.

"She's my world and my rock. I want to end this show on a high note. That's why I've chosen to sing this song last. I can't take all the credit as she wrote the tune for it. I just added some lyrics. The song is called Every Moment with You."

"You wrote a song?" Tanya yells over the crowd.

I give her a wide smile.

"That's freaking awesome!" She wraps her arms around me for a brief moment before Pete pulls her back into his own.

Flint scans the crowd, and when his eyes find mine in the front row, tears spring to my eyes. The music starts, and it's crazy to hear a tune that I wrote. Our eyes never leave each other as he leans forward and sings.

I needed someone to motivate me.

To pull me out of this funk.

I was stuck and needed you to be my escape.

I was looking for a punk rock princess

To be my queen.

Finding you was the best thing.

I fell for you, the girl at my rock show.

I tore myself open to feel for you.

Between all the moments in my life,

I wanted more than anything to hang onto every moment with you.

Sometimes I care too much,

It was hard to love someone like you

When you didn't want someone like me.

But I told you if you were lost

To just look, and you would find me.

I fell for you, the girl at my rock show.

I tore myself open to feel for you.

Between all the moments in my life,

I wanted more than anything to hang onto every moment with you.

I was told there was a time and place for everything,

Reasons why we meet.

But I never expected to fall for you,

But we hold on to the ones who care,

Because in the end only they will be there.

I fell for you, the girl at my rock show.

I tore myself open to feel for you.

Between all the moments in my life,

I wanted more than anything to hang onto every moment with you.

I can't believe he incorporated lyrics from our lyric game into the song. They are tweaked to be his. I think I've fallen harder for him.

The band ends up with a bang. Flint jumps off the drums, and everyone else jumps in place. The crowd goes nuts, and so do I. The band comes to the center and does a slight bow. They exit stage left, but Flint hops down. His eyes narrow in on me like I'm the only one in the room.

The lights flicker back on, and the people around us begin to scatter and talk, but the only thing on Flint's mind is me. My heart races as he takes my hand in his and pulls me into him.

"You wrote a song about me...."

He chuckles, his lips arching upward, allowing his eyes to glow brightly. Then, reaching up, he swipes a tear rolling down my cheek with his thumb.

"I did," he replies.

"I love you, Marnie Bennett. I've never felt this way before, and there will be plenty more songs about it too."

"If we break up, don't write a breakup song about me."

He laughs. "It would be more of an; I want you back, and I'm sorry for what I did."

I shake my head and laugh. "What makes you think it's going to be your fault?"

"It just would be." He chuckles.

He leans forward, his lips grazing my ear, and whispers, "Be my punk rock princess?"

"As long as you want me."

"Forever," he whispers.

I can't think of a better way for senior year to end and my next chapter to begin. Whether we are together for only a month or for years to come, I'm okay with either. I promise myself that from this day forward, I will hang onto every moment with Flint and live life as it comes. No more worries, no more stress, just go with the flow and let life take me where it wants to go. All I know is right here, right now, I'm the happiest I've ever been, and in the end, that's all that matters.


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