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Danielle's pov
Once they figured out that I woke up,i was immediately discharged.But they told me to take it easy with my arm.

I was wheeled to the door,where news reporters waited outside for someone.

And that someone was me.

"Danielle! How does it feel to be out of that hospital!""Danielle can you describe your near death experience!""How did you survive!!"

Bright flashes blinded my vision but I was able to see someone wave to us.April pulled me up and grabbed Matthew's hand."Move!!Can't you see she's been through enough.We have no time to deal with snoopy idiots."April yelled.

We made it through the crowd and into a familiar blue Lamborghini.

April breathed a sigh a lot relief.
"Thanks so much,Leo." "No problem.Nice to see you awake,Danielle."

I blushed at that."Thank you."

"Yeah it's been boring at the place without you." a new voice said."Hey Mikey." "Hey April."

Mikey Hamato.Why did I not see this coming.I had to meet them someday.

I started to get worried.Ghost is unstable,possibly,and could hurt himself.Just that thought and I panicked.

Just then,we parked in front of the house.I scrambled out of the car and into the house.I sped past M.C. and he said."Hey,Dani.Your on the new-""Not now,MC!!"

I slowed down in front of Ghost's door.It had bullet holes in the wood and scratch marks.I knocked on the door.Instantly,i made the mistake.

A bullet flew out of the door and into the wall behind me.Luckily,It missed me.I squeaked and flew back.

My eyes soften.I leaned against the door."Ghost..come on open up." I said.

Suddenly,The door opened and he engulfed me in a hug.It felt weaker than his rare hugs.I quickly grabbed his hand and took off his glove.

I saw red scars across his wrist.I gasped lightly."Why?" I asked.

He looked away with tears."I-I thought I would lose you." he mumbled.

I smiled sadly and sat down with him.He wrapped his arms gently around my waist and pulled me in."Don't worry." I said as I placed my hand in his.

"I'm not going anywhere..."

I am getting braces today.Also I think that this book had too many sad moments.I promise next chapter will be happy.☺

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