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My army and I were welcomed into Asgard by the allfather Odin, my hand resting on the hilt of the blade; I walked behind my men as they piled into the hall. They were cheering and joking around; I stopped at a pillar and leant against it watching the festivities. I never was one for merry making; I was always training and training hard. When I thought no one was looking or would notice, I slipped away and walked the dim hall heading to the training grounds, I knew my way around the palace, I was bought up here. Im a proud born Asgardian but as soon as I could fight with a sword the army took me on.

I finally reach the quiet training grounds, the sad shredded flags still flap in the cold night breeze. I threw off my cloak and my heavy mail armor, I fought in nothing more than just leather under shirt, and it gave me more mobility. I took my sword from its scabbard and began to swing at the dummy. I lunged and parried away as if it were attacking, just as I was about disengage from my target after swinging at it, I feel a hand on mine, I turn back to see the blue eyed, long blonde haired prince of Asgard. "You need to grip the hilt tighter and lift your sword higher!" He exclaimed showing me the action, his hand gently clasped over mine, even though I had leather gloves on his hands were very warm.

He then let go watching me. "May I ask captain?" He said sitting behind me on a wooden platform. I turn to him, my blade still.

"What troubles you sire?" I asked turning my head to look at him.

"Why don't you join the festivities, after all it is for all the armies and allies of Asgard?" He answered getting up and walking closer to me, he stood behind me, and I could feel his hot breath tingling the back of neck, his beard lightly grazing my flesh.

"Because I like to stay on top form." I replied throwing my elbow back into his stomach, winding him, he gasped and buckled over backing away. I just sheathed my sword and walked away leaving the prince to catch his breath. I walk back inside and see Loki leaning on the threshold of the door watching his brother gasp for breath.

"Nicely done!" he exclaims nodding to me. I just nod and walk back inside,  walk to my armies table and take up a flagon of mead I lift it to Odin, I nod a toast and then chug it back everyone joining me. The hall silenced except for the sound of everyone drinking from their flagons or drinking horns. Im amongst the first to throw their flagon down, I wipe my mouth with the cuff of my jacket, my eyes flick over to the door where I see the blonde haired prince wandering back inside, somewhat slumped over and an arm across his stomach. I look to Odin who looks between us and only lets out a jolly chuckle.

The night soon drew to a close but my men wanted to continue drinking so I allowed it, but only for tonight. Tomorrow it was training. I walked to my chambers but to find Loki outside. My hand leapt to the ivory hilt of my blade. "Captain Im not here to hurt you." He said resting his hand over mine.

"You mean trick me?" I inquired.

"Or that." He said, tucking a strand of long black hair behind his ear.

I turned losing my patience. "Then what do you want?" I inquired spitting my words with venom.

"I need your help." He said closing the gap between us.

"You! Wait the trickster is coming to me for help?" I smirked; this was unusually amusing to me. He looked down at his boots.

"Yes." He answered his eyes never rising to meet mine.

"What is it you need?" I asked.

"I need the blood of the lava serpent." He said, I was about to unlock my door but I paused.

"You need what?" I replied turning back to him again, my face contorting into confusion.

"It's a powerful substance and I was tinkering with the Asgardian weapons and I believe I can improve them!" He exclaimed with a rather proud smile on his face.

"Loki the weapons are fine. Geez I helped your brother construct the majority of them during one summer." I reminded him. "Besides if I went it would be a suicide mission." I paused as realization hit me."You are trying to get me out of the palace, another guard who can sniff out your plans!" I snarled. Loki now looked scared.

"That's not true." He said.

"Loki I can see through you, I always have." I answered. He grabbed both my wrists and pinned them to the wall with one hand, while with the other he took my sword from my scabbard and threw it down the hall, I was about to call out but he covered my mouth.

"How can you think so lowly of me?" He asked, I looked into his eyes and I was sure I could see hurt. I had actually hurt Loki; this was a first for him. "I would never do such a thing." He added. I bit his finger then using my strength I broke his grip on my hands, then I gave Loki a right hook in the jaw, he stumbled back like his brother in the training grounds.

"Just remember who protects you." I snarled and walked into my room.

I heard him laugh a little outside; I rested one hand on the door knob and the other on the wood of the door. I waited till he walked away. I turned on my heel and collapsed into the chair by the fire where I took my trusty blade out, I began to clean and sharpen it. Before long I fell asleep. I wake up to the clang of my sword as it must have slipped from my grip. I wake with a start; it takes me a few moments to realize where I am. I look around the room, I wasn't outside, and no war was being fought. I was safe. I watched the fires flames dance in the hearth till dawn made its self present.

Another day has arrived and another day to get myself in to top form.

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