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We had to stop and ask so many humans where the geology museum was located, we weren't from earth how were we supposed to know.
Many women blushed as they looked at Thor,while I sighed and rolled my eyes. We soon found the museum, it was drab and boring looking.

"This is it? This is the place where humans come to look at rocks?" I asked.

"Yes." He nodded. So I bolted inside with Thor on my heels but as we walked in we came to a halt as we were once again stared at.

I walked up to a woman at a desk. "Hi where's the infinity stone?" I asked.

"Im sorry but I don't know what you're talking about!" She exclaimed.

"You know the purple stone that destroys world's?" Thor spoke up.

"I'll just ask." She said, she picked up a phone, she smiled at us and before we knew what was happening we were kicked out of the museum.

"Oh nice going blondie!" I yelled storming off.

"Hey you wait there Gilda!" He exclaimed pointing his finger at me and following me. "I wasn't the one asking out right about an infinity stone!" He yelled. Thor grabbed my arm.

"Let go im warning you!" I snarled.

"Or what?" He asked. I lifted my knee and sprained his arm. He cried out and then punched me in the jaw, so I head butted him and kicked him in the stomach, I could hear sirens but ignored them. He grabbed me around my waist and pushed me to the floor. Suddenly we were restrained by police.

"Unhand me!" He yelled struggling against them, I only sent my telepathic thoughts up to the guardian of the portal, we were retrieved immediately and we're bought back to Asgard. We were both in our armour now, and he had his hammer while I had my blade which I sheathed and stormed off to the palace. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve as blood dribbled from it. "Gilda wait!" He called.

"Leave me alone you don't treat a guard in such a manner!" I yelled.

"Please im sorry!" He exclaimed attempting to grab my cloak but I unclipped it before he could so he caught it in his arm. Just as I reached the gates a spear was thrust into my side and I was surrounded by undead soldiers. I dropped to my knees,Thor behind me.

"Hella!" He exclaimed. Before I knew what was happening a giant wolf attacked me, it clawed me and bit me I soon lost my balance and was cast off the bridge, Thor narrowly following, I travel through an unknown portal and hit the ground hard I cry out, now only feeling the pain as blood leaks from my being and I wrench the spear out of my side, my screams alerting Thor to where I was.

He hurried over, I was bleeding and frightened. I looked around the best I could to notice we were in some rubbish tip. Thor helped me off the ground and picked me up in his arms, my head falling against his chest. We headed to the city, Thor whispering to me the whole time reassuring me, I was still bleeding profusely. My eyes felt heavy."Gilda! Gilda!" He repeated but I soon passed out

A few hours later. . .

I wake up in some kind of red and white room, im laid on a bed. A hand grips mine and I give it a weak squeeze. "Gilda?" The voice asked. I open my eyes immediately and there sits my blonde haired god. "Gilda I am sorry." He said kissing my head.

"Thor it's okay." I said.

"Oh the little war hero is awake." An unfamiliar voice said.

I look up and see a richly dressed man walking towards us. "I am the Grand Master, welcome to my world, you and your partner here are competitors, this is your holding area." He said. "You both belong to me." He added.

I tried sitting up but winced in pain. "Woah take it easy." The Grand Master said. I looked to Thor and ran a finger down his face staring up at him but before I could say anything to him, I was given a shot of painkillers that made me woozy.

"I'll be here when you wake up." Thor told me softly, resting my hand against his cheek. I wake up to warmth, Thor is cuddled up next to me but I pull away and end up falling on to the ground. But im suddenly startled by a big green creature staring at me in just a towel.

"Erm. . ." Is all I can say. Thor wakes up, his long golden mane a mess and realises that im awake, he sees us and leaps up.

"Gilda meet Hulk." He introduced us. The Hulk offered me a finger to shake which I did slowly. He notices the stitches on my body. "You're hurt!" He says.

"Was." I smiled. Thor then stood in between us.

"Now you look after her while she's here." Thor told him.

"I will." He answered looking at me with a kind, gentle smle. He soon left us and went to train.Thor stood at the window with me.

"We'll get Hella!" He exclaimed.

"She's too powerful for us alone." I reminded him.

"I know and that's why we need help.

"Where do you think we're getting the help from?" He asked.

"I have a few connections." I smiled throwing a long lock of raven over my shoulder, a sea of black falling to my knees, as my braid has been untied.

"Connections?" Thor asked looking back at me.

"I am in alliance with many other beings across the universe." I smiled to myself.

"Such as?" He asked.

"Well the Lupinians for a start." I began but Thor interrupted me.

"And can you get in touch with these people?" He asked.

"I can try." I said walking over to the bed crossing my legs over, closed my eyes and began to say their leaders name over and over awaiting a response.

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