All new, all different.

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A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.

3rd POV: In a medium-sized bedroom, one Peter Parker was currently sleeping peacefully. The top half of his body wasn't covered, and the various scars he had gained from previous battles were clear for anyone who could walk into the room to see.

The morning light began to shine through a nearby window and was aimed directly at Peter's face, making him scrunch his eyes before slowly opening them. Spidey blinked a couple of times before rubbing his eyes and then stretching slightly.

'Curse you sun and your warm light.' The spider hero thought before he slowly sat up.

Peter then felt the bed shift slightly and turned to his left to see a familiar red head facing away from him. Her relaxed posture showed that she was still asleep. The wallcrawler smiled and moved slightly closer to the woman to then place a gentle kiss on the woman's cheek before he moved and did the same with the other 4 women in his bed.

That's right, there were currently five women in the bed of one Peter Parker. How did that happen? Well, that's a story for another time.

Anyway, Peter slowly got out of bed, making sure not to disturb the women still sleeping. He then went to the window that had sunlight peaking through it and moved the curtains closer together to prevent any more light from coming through. The webslinger grabbed his shirt and walked out of the bedroom whilst quietly putting said shirt on.

The former daily bugle photographer then went to the kitchen and started brewing some coffee. Once done, he then went outside to sit on his porch, taking a sip of his coffee before placing it down on the table and sighing in contentment as he leaned back in his chair.

(Where Peter is living in)

Peter watched as the leaves were falling or were being carried by the wind. In times like this, where there was nothing but himself and the sounds of mother of nature, he felt at peace. There was one problem, though, when he was at peace, it gave him time to look back at the past, and it soon caused him to think about a conversation he had with his protege...

Right after he killed Kingpin.


"Spidey no!!!!" The voice of miles Morales cried out as he tried to reach out to his mentor who was standing in front of kneeling Kingpin.

But he was too late.


The sound of a gunshot echoed in the air as Miles Morales helplessly watched the body of Wilson fisk go limp and fall to the side, a bullet hole between the eyes, and Peter with his arm stretched out, his hand in a gun motion and smoke rising from his wrist.

"Sorry willy, but your luck has run out for good." Peter whispered before dropping his shoulder and slowly turning to face his protoge. "I really wish you stayed home when I told you to miles." The wallcrawler said.

"Pete... w-why?" The younger spider-man asked, his hands on his head. "Why?!" Miles then ran up to Peter and grabbed him by the front of his suit and started shaking him. "Why did you do this?! What happened to your no kill rule?!" He then paused before he came up to a random conclusion and threw a punch at his mentors head, but Peter casually grabbed it inches from his face and then ducked under a kick. "Unless you're being controlled! I know you Pete, you'd never kill someone!" Miles then raised his arms up and fired a venom blast that peter rolled out of the way off before side stepping a flying kick from his protoge and then grabbed both of his wrists to stop him from throwing another punch and to hold him in place. "SNAP OUT OF IT DAMMIT!"

"Miles." The cold and detached tone from Peter stopped miles in his tracks. "Enough. It's me." Spidey said and let go of his protoge's clenched fists. Miles looked like he wanted to fight but relented soon after and stared at his mentor.

"Why?" Miles just asked. A simple but loaded question.

"Because im tired and fed up of it all." Peter answered as he glanced at the corpse of Kingpin. "Everyday, I wake up and go out to the city to stop the bad guys from hurting others, but sometimes, putting them in jail isn't enough."The webslinger then looked out to the city. "People will always get hurt as long as they're still around and I couldn't allow it to continue further, besides...." He then turned back to his protoge. "How long until they go after the people we care for?"

"But we can prevent it." Miles retorted. "We have these powers and we have to use them responsibly, to protect the innocent from those who want to harm them. If we start killing people, if we don't show restraint, then we're no better than the bad guys."

"And you'd be right." Peter agreed before frowning behind his mask. "To a certain extent." Miles made to retort but a hand held up by Peter stopped him. "When you hold back for so long, the bad guys like carnage and goblin will take advantage of that and cause more chaos and they would sometimes to see how far they could push or until people like us break. Those kind of people are monsters, and to put them down, you sometimes need to become a monster yourself."

"But you're not a monster Peter, you're a hero." Miles said.

"It's nice of you to think that miles." Spidey said with a smile behind his mask before it slipped back to a frown. "But I don't think I can keep being a friendly neighborhood Spiderman, not anymore." Peter then paused as he looked at his protoge, having a mental conversation with himself before he made a decision. "I think it's time someone else became that."

".....what are you saying?" Miles asked his mentor after hearing that.

"I've made a decision a while ago to go down this path miles. The path of a killer, a hunter, maybe even a monster, and that's not something that a friendly neighbourhood spiderman should be associated with. It's time for the world to be fully introduced to a new spider-man, one that won't repeat the same mistakes of his predecessor, one that will go on to do amazing things in the world..." Peter then placed his hand on miles' shoulder. "A spiderman that I'm happy to have known and proud to have seen grow up to be the hero I know he can be."

Miles stared at his mentor wide eyed before looking down at the ground.

"You..... you want me to take over?" Doubts crept inside the younger Spiderman's head, insecurities that he had buried deep within slowly surfacing. "What if I'm not ready? What if I mess up so badly? What if someone dies because I was too late? What if-"

"Miles." Peter called, his tone gentle and his grip on his student's shoulder just a little tighter to get his attention. "You won't fail. I've trained you to the best of my ability, I've seen you take on tasks that would even give me and other heroes pause. I know you won't mess up, and if you do, you learn from it. Part of gaining experience is to understand where you failed and to make sure that it doesn't happen again. Besides, if you ever feel like you're struggling to stay afloat, just remember that you have your friends that you can reach out to." Peter then tapped his student's shoulder before dropping his arm down. "You're never alone miles and believe me when I say this, you are going to be New York's greatest spider-man."

With that, Peter moved to walk away, stepping over the dead body of Kingpin.

"Peter." Miles called out causing the amazing spider-man to pause and turn. "I won't let you down." He stated with conviction.

"I know you won't." Peter replied.

"You know that there might come a time where we will have to fight eachother if we don't agree on certain things." Miles advised.

"I know." Peter nodded. "And I don't expect you to let go of your ideals." It's silent between the 2 before Peter moved over to the ledge and looked at miles for perhaps the last time. "Take care of the city Spiderman." With that, Peter jumped away and web swung across the city.

Leaving miles with the corpse of Kingpin.

(Flashback end)

"Daydreaming again bub?" Someone asked, causing Peter to snap out of his trance and turn to see a familiar adamantium bone clawing mutant smoking a cigar and standing in front of him.

"Logan." Peter nodded at the man. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Not long." Wolverine answered as he moved to take a seat opposite of the man with the powers of a spider. "I just came to give ya some news."

"Is it about what's going on with between Carol and Tony's groups?" Peter asked as he took a sip of his coffee again.

"Kind of." Logan answered as he took a drag of his cigar and blew smoke out. "That ulysses kid had another vision of a potential event."

"Ok." Peter replied before he leaned back and spoke to his fellow killer. "Why tell me this? Unless it has something to do with me."

"No, not you." Logan responded, taking another puff and then exhaling the smoke. "It involved your former protoge."

Peter paused as he was gonna take another sip of coffee but instead put it back down on the table and getting serious and leaned on the table.

"Tell me." Peter simply responded.

"Ulysses had a vision of the kid standing above captain america. To make matters worse it looked like cap was killed too." Logan then took one last puff before dropping the cigar and stepping on it, exhaling the smoke as he did so. "Both sides saw the vision and Danvers planned to arrest him but Stark had thor take him home. It's been tense now but I have no doubt that danvers is gonna look and arrest him for potentially killing cap in the future."

".....I don't buy it." Peter speaks after a time. "Miles isn't a killer and he sure as heck wouldn't kill cap."

"You may think that, but captain Marvel would think otherwise." Logan advised.

"Guilty until proven innocent huh?" Peter said aloud before sighing. "What the heck as gotten into her?"

"What're you gonna do now bub?" The mutant asked.

"Ain't it obvious? I'm gonna find him before Carol and her group does." Peter answered as he stood up from his seat with the Wolverine doing the same. "I won't let Carol arrest him for something I know he won't do."

"If you get involved, she and her group will come after you too." James howlett warned.

"Then I better get prepared." Peter responded.

" got my number, let me know when you move and I'll give ya a hand in this." Wolverine said.

"Thanks logan." Peter said before he shook hands with the feral mutant. Whilst Peter would joke about being surprised logan was helping him, now wasn't the time. He needed to get miles to safety.

Logan then walked away from Peter's house and a few seconds later, the sound of a motorcycle engine could be heard which soon grew faint as the 3 clawed mutant drove further away.

" long are you all gonna stand at the door?" Peter asked out loud as he turned to the entrance of his house.

It was silent for a moment before the door opened and 5 women soon walked out to look at spidey.

It looked like they had quite a bit to talk about.

(Timeskip - New York City)

Miles Morales, the ultimate spider-man was on a rooftop curled up in a ball, silently letting tears fall down his face as the memory of the vision Ulysses showed and the way most of the heroes turned on him repeating in his head. It was a day after that day and miles tried to get back in the swing of things, stopping bad guys and saving people but every few minutes, the vision would come to the forefront of his mind and cause him to falter slightly. It got to a point where he couldn't stop thinking about it and he went to the roof where he sat down trying to calm down but the memory persisted and it soon followed with how captain Marvel and her group looked at him in suspicion and planned to arrest him.

Miles felt alone in the big world of superheroes.

"I wouldn't do it, I wouldn't..." Miles muttered as his tears slowly dried up.

"I know you wouldn't." The familiar voice of Peter Parker caused the younger Spiderman to snap his head up and look at his former mentor in shock.

And also took note of the women behind him.

"Pete?" Miles whispered.

"I told you pal...." Peter began as he outstretched his hand to his former student. "You're never alone. Now come on, we need to get you somewhere safe before danvers and her crew finds you."

Miles stared at his former mentor before grasping Peter's hand and was pulled up to his feet.

"What about my family?" Miles asked, not wanting to leave them.

"We've already got them. Now, come on, let's not waste anymore time." Peter said as he moved to the ledge as black widow typed a button on her wrist and a modified quinjet de-cloaked and the hatch opened allowing the group of 7 to enter it and soon take off at high speeds.

It would be a while before both Iron man and captain Marvel's groups would find out that peter had grabbed miles and was hiding him away....

By the time they would find out, both groups would then search for them for their own reasons....

And if weren't for the good reasons.....

Peter would deal with them by any means necessary....

A/N: and done. So in this one shot, Peter had enough of the constant cycle he found himself trapped in with his rogues gallery and the constant loss of innocent life and would accidently kill one of his villains to save a civillian who was about to die. This would lead Peter down a path where he saw more results in killing his rogues gallery and became a different kind of spider-man and believed that he couldn't stay as a noble hero and that miles was ready to become the spider man that new York deserved. Then or course the second civil war happens and Peter refuses to believe miles would kill captain america and knew that captain Marvel would arrest because of a vision and didn't want that for his former protoge and planned to protect miles whilst also looking into why Ulysses would have that vision.

A/N: I've had a good few one shots pop in my head but don't worry, the next chapter will be for the omniversal champion story and then maybe another one shot. So, when I do another one shot, which one would you like to see:

1) Spider-man in space.

2) Cut off one head.

3) The enemy of my enemy.

Let me know which you'd like to see.

A/N: Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter, feel free to leave a review and as always.....PEACE

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