Spectacular spiderman: An old friend.

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A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.

3rd POV: Peter parker, A.K.A., the spectacular spiderman, was resting in his bed. The pants of his spider suit lay on the floor on the right side of the bed and the top half of his suit on his person. The slowly and even breaths were all that could be heard in the quiet room.

Until the alarm blared.

The beeping of the clock managed to make Peter wake up slightly. His eyes were heavy, wishing he could sleep just a little bit longer but knowing that it was never gonna happen. The nephew of May Parker reached his hand to the clock, trying to hit the button on top of the machine to shut it off. The first attempt at shutting it off ended with Peter missing and hitting the top of his draw. In the second attempt, he had managed to hit the top of the alarm but not the button. It was only on the 3rd attempt that he had managed to hit the button, and the alarm ceased its ringing.

Peter sighed in content before he slowly rubbed his eyes to clear the sleep from them. A groan escaped from his lips as he started to feel his body ache from last night's events. A lot of criminals had been running around last night, stealing banks, vehicles, holding hostages etc. There had been a lot of close calls in firefights, and he had been nicked by stray bullets and got caught in an explosion once or twice.

'Thank goodness for healing factor.' The spectacular spiderman idly thought, glancing at where a cut originally was on his chest to see that it now a faded scar that no one would see unless they were actively looking for it.




The sound of gentle knocking snapped Peter Parker out of his thoughts as he looked to his door.

"Peter? Are you up?" The voice of aunt may asked from the other side of the door. The handle of Peter's bedroom door twisting and the door slowly opening.

In a slight panic, after seeing that he was still wearing a part of his costume, Peter leapt out of his bed and quickly moved to close the door before aunt may could come any further.

"I'm up May! But please don't come in! I'm not descent just yet." Peter quickly answered his aunt, looking around his room to now realise that he had left some of his gadgets laying around on the floor apart from just the pants of his spider suit.

"Alright, dear! Breakfast is on the table. Be quick, though, or you'll be late to school." Aunt May replied, walking away from her nephews door as Peter grimaced at the mention of school.

Things in school had not been great for the hero from Queens. He had broken up with Liz so he had could get together with gwen which ended up being a total fail as gwen had decided to stay with Harry after the 'death' of Norman Osborn because she was afraid that Harry would relapse and go back into drinking the green.

Thanks to this, he was essentially alone in school as Harry started to distance himself with gwen following by extension, Liz, the cheerleaders, flash, and his pals all kept their distance. MJ at least made the effort to check up on him every now and then, but that was only for a few minutes before she hung out with the girls.

Not to mention the fact that Harry hates him for taking photos of Spiderman even though it was the only easy way so far for him to get money to help pay the bills. There was also the fact that peter was also on bad terms with black cat after he refused to let her dad leave prison.

So, in summary, it was just himself against the world.

'Can't I have one friend stick by me? Just for a little bit?' Peter couldn't help but think before shaking his head of the thought, he needed to get ready for school.

The son of Richard and Mary Parker quirky did his bed and picked up whatever gadgets that were on the floor and moved to put them in a small box and then moved it under his bed. Peter then reached for his bag and took off the remains of his suit, and stuffed it in his bag before moving to get dressed in his civilian attire.

With a sigh, Peter opened the door and walked down the steps at a slightly quick pace and spotted his aunt May watching TV nearby. The wallcrawler spotted a plate of pancakes and moved to take a seat and started eating them at a slightly quick pace, his sad mood slightly uplifted at the taste of his breakfast.

"Dear, can I ask you something quickly?" Aunt May asked her nephew, getting the attention of the secret superhero.

"Sure, what's up?" Peter asked after swallowing the pancake in his mouth.

"Is everything alright with you, Harry and gwen?" Aunt May asked, getting Peter to momentarily frown. "Forgive an old lady for prying, but it feels like you 3 don't see each other anymore or as much as you used to. Did something happen?" Aunt May asked in concern.

"I...." Peter began before pausing and then decided to give a partial truth, not wanting to get into the heart of the matter. "Yeah, it was a small argument that we had that kinda went a bit crazy and we haven't spoken to eachother for a while, but don't worry May, we'll eventually get over it, we just needed some space." Peter answered, hoping Aunt May would leave it at that.

Aunt May stared at her nephew, knowing that he wasn't telling her everything but decided to drop it for the time being.

"Alright then, dear. Just know that if anything happens, I'm here for you, and you can come to me for anything alright?" The aunt of Peter Parker asked.

Peter smiled at his aunt and moved to get up and go to her and embrace the woman who took care of him alongside Uncle Ben and adding a peck to her cheek as extra.

"I know, May." Peter answered, mentally thanking Aunt May for everything that she had done and for the sacrifices she made. He loved his aunt and swore to pay her back for her unending support and kindness.

"Good. Now hurry and finish your breakfast and brush your teeth or you'll be late." Aunt May said with a smile before gently shooing her nephew back to the kitchen table.

"Yes, ma'am." Peter said with a smile, adding a salute as he spoke, getting a gentle chuckle from his aunt.

Eventually, Peter did finish his breakfast, and after washing his plate, he ran up the stairs to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. Once done, Peter grabbed his bag that he left outside of his room, looking inside it to see he had everything he needed before zipping it closed and rushing back down the stairs and giving his aunt a peck on the cheek before he left.

"I'm off. Love you, May." Peter said before he went to the front door.

"I love you too, Peter, take care!" She responded just as Peter closed the door and went to the bus stop.

After waiting a couple of minutes, Peter saw the bus approach and hopped inside and managed to find a seat near the window and sat down, leaning his head against the glass as he stared out at the passing vehicles and people, wondering what awaited for him today.

'Probably another case of being ignored and alone.' Peter couldn't help but think, a frown coming onto his face, not looking forward to another day of feeling like he let everyone down because of his actions or inactions. 'Suck it up, Parker. This is just how things are. You just gotta work through it.' Peter chastised himself before sighing. It was gonna be a very long day.

(Mini timeskip)

The bus reached its destination, midtown high. The doors of the vehicle opened up and began emptying students who weren't looking forward to coming to school, with Peter being the last one to exit. Upon getting off the bus, the nephew of May Parker immediately spotted the 'cool' group consisting of Flash, Rand, Kenny, Hobie, Glory, Sally, Sha Shan, Liz and MJ. Upon spotting Liz in the crowd, Peter turned away, not wanting to look at the girl who's heart he broke and instead saw gwen and Harry walking together hand in hand, souring his mood slightly but it soon soured further when they walked right past him, not even giving a glance in his direction.

Peter sighed and just decided to head into the school. It hurt the first time this happened, but it slowly numbed to the point that it only ruined his mood for a few moments before he threw all his attention to his school work and ignored anything else.

As he walked past the cool crowd and into school, he missed the sad glance that Liz and gwen gave him at seeing the state he was currently in, nor the gazes that the other people in the cool crowd were sending his way.

"Don't worry, girl, you don't have to worry about stinky Pete anymore." Sally said as she hugged Liz, misinterpreting the look that Liz was sending Peter.

What no one realised was that there was someone from afar who was also looking at Peter, a smirk on their face as they grabbed their backpack and also headed into school, planning to surprise the webslinger.

Meanwhile, with Peter Parker. The spectacular spiderman had arrived at his destination and opened his locker to collect his books and notes and put away anything that won't be useful for the moment before closing it. Peter then checked his timetable to see that he had history class first so he begrudgingly walked towards the classroom, not looking forward to it as it was one of the many classes where the dubbed 'cool' group would be in along with Harry and Gwen.

'Just don't make any eye contact, Pete, otherwise your just gonna make your mood plummet.' Peter mentally told himself, just wanting to get through the day without any issue.

The nephew of May Parker eventually made it to history class and took a seat at his desk, plopping his books and notes on the table and placing his bag by the leg of the table and took a seat. More students piled in soon after making idle conversations with their friends and making plans to meet up and do some activities after school or on the weekends. Peter's enhanced hearing picked up the conversation of the 'cool' group with Harry and gwen talking with them and heard what their plans were.

"Trust me, the party will be awesome. You guys are all invited to it, so feel free to come over when you can!" Harry said to the group.

"All right, party at osborns place, we're so there!" Flash said, excited for the upcoming party happening on the weekend.

"What about Peter? He coming?" MJ asked the son of the green goblin, making the group go silent and Liz and Gwen to glance at the silent Peter Parker who pretended to be looking at his notes as if making sure to memorise certain topics. MJ knew that talking about Peter was sort of taboo, but she was also his friend, and she didn't like the fact that he was being left out of these things.

"Yeah, sure, he's invited." Harry said, his tone, whilst normal to some, was instead disinterested, which MJ picked up on and was not pleased. "If he can stop taking pictures of Spiderman." He said, just loud enough for Peter to hear. The only visible reaction from Peter was the slight clenching of his jaw and hands around his notes before unclenching them a second later.

Before anyone else could say or do anything, the history teacher walked into the class.

"Alright, everyone, please take your seats, get your books out, and pay attention." The teacher said as he moved to stand in front of the class, the students all moving to their designated seats. Once everyone was situated, the history teacher continued. "Now, before we begin, I would like to say that we have a new student that will be joining us." He said, peaking everyone's interest. "So please behave yourselves, and be nice to her." He told the class before moving to the door and opening it. "You may come in now." He told the new student before moving back to his desk.

The new student came in, and everyone stated as they entered. The student walked down to the front of the class with confidence and boredom. They wore black boots, ripped black jeans, that were held by a brown belt, an olive green T-shirt with a black leather jacket over it. Her hair was black and long, reaching the middle of her back, and her eyes were green and calculating, observing all her fellow students as she continued to walk.

Peter stared at the girl. She looked oddly familiar to him. It was only after the girl's gaze locked onto his did Peter get a flashback of a small scared girl who was only wearing a medical garb, glaring up at him as she hid behind a garbage bin did he remember who the girl was and was so shocked that a slight gasp escaped his mouth drawing some attention from the people around him.

"Laura?" Peter whispered, but the silent classroom heard him clearly, and they all looked between Peter and the now named Laura. Whispers began to be heard as students spoke to each other, making up theories on how the 2 knew each other with such theories as a long-lost friend or a possible ex-girlfriend.

"Parker knows her?" Rand asked aloud to his group of friends.

"Appearantly." MJ answered, wondering what the story there was.

"How could stinky Pete know her?" Sally asked, a frown on her face.

Laura, with her enhanced hearing, turned to face Sally and let out a small growl that made the blonde cheerleader tense up in slight fear. A few seconds later, the new student ceased and continued her trek to the front of the class whilst also smiling at Peter and giving a small wink his way.

'What is she doing here?!' Peter couldn't help but ask mentally, confused on why the friend he made before he got his powers was at his school and a new student to boot.

"Did she just growl at me?!" Sally whisper yelled to her friends, shocked at what had just occurred.

"It was kinda hot." Flash mumbled. Sha Shan heard him and elbowed him roughly in the stomach, making the jock slightly keel over.

Once Laura was in front of the class, she turned to face everyone, though her gaze kept going to Peter every few seconds.

"I see that Mr Parker is familiar with you, but could you please introduce yourself to the rest of the class?" The history teacher requested.

"The names Laura Kinney, I'm a transfer from Bayville and just a warning to everyone, don't tick me off because I'm the best at what I do, and what I do ain't very nice and trust me, you don't want to know what it is I do." Laura introduced herself whilst narrowing her eyes at the class at the end, more specifically, the 'cool' group who slightly tensed at the threat.

"There will be no need for that now, Ms Kinney." The history teacher said. "Now, why don't you take a seat next to Mr Parker? He will help you catch up and fill in the blanks if you have any questions." The teacher advised, and Laura was more than happy to go there.

The mutant daughter of Wolverine made her was to the seat next to Peter and plopped down on it, grabbing her book and pen and placing her bag under the table, all the while Peter stared at her gobsmacked, and slightly opened mouth. Laura saw this and placed her left hand under Peter's chin and lifted it up to close his mouth and then turned his head to face the history teacher who was now beginning the lesson.

Peter stared at his history teacher for a few seconds before snapping out of it and turning back to Laura, who was facing the front. Peter had so many questions, but before he could ask them, Laura spoke.

"I missed you." Laura whispered to the webslinger whilst glancing into his eyes. Peter kept quiet for a moment as he looked into the eyes of his friend. Laura then reached over and grabbed Peter's hand and held it gently yet firmly in her hand.

Peter looked down at his hand before twisting his and then interlocking it, a small smile on his face.

"I missed you too." Peter responded in whisper. He could hold off on asking Laura any questions. Right now, he's happy to have her back in his life after she has been absent from it for a long time.

With that, the 2 looked back and paid attention to their teacher, not bothering to hear the whispers the students were making at their interlocked hands nor the surprised and jealous glances he was receiving from various people.

Peter Parker's life was about to get a whole lot more interesting from this point on.

A/N: There we go, my take on a sort of one shot. What'd you think? Was it good? Bad? Let me know what you think.

A/N: Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter. Feel free to leave a review and, as always.....PEACE✌️✌️

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