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Goods POV:

I stood in the doorway, leaned up against the wall. I was currently trying to convince Jef to come with us on a camping trip. We mainly stayed inside the house anyway and the trip did sound fun. "Are you sure about this?" Jef asked.

"I mean, what if  a bear, just you know, comes out of nowhere and eats us alive!" Jef added dramatically. "Oh come on, Jef. It's the middle of winter! We're going to a snowy forest! Bears hibernate in the winter! Trust me, nothing's gonna eat us alive. It's just a week of camping, what's the worst that could happen?" I said. 

"Still don't think that's a good idea," Jef said, crossing his arms and turning his gaze away from ours. "How about this? If you come with us, I'll buy you Mcdonalds," I bargained. Jef looked back at us.

"Fine." "We got him!" Napsap exclaimed behind me and William. We were bringing Napsaps friend from school, William, along with us on the trip. "Alright, come on, get in the car, we're leaving," I said. "What about packing?" Jef asked. "Already did that," I replied.

"You already packed for both of us . . . ?" Jef asked with a puzzled expression. "Yeah, I was gonna bring you with us on the trip, even if you said no." Jef narrowed his eyes.

"I don't know if I trust you packing my bag, but at least it's ready to go," Jef said, standing up from the bed, walking towards the door. As he exited, I pulled down his orange beanie to cover his eyes. "Hey!"

Soon, we all got into the car. We decided to let William drive. I wanted to drive but no one really trusted me to drive and I think I know why.

Napsap sat in the front seat since he literally ran to it, yelling, "Shotgun!" That put me and Jef in the back seat of the car. "I better get my Mcdonalds," Jef mumbled. "You will, you will."

I had found a cabin that we could all stay in for the week next to a frozen lake, surrounded by snow covered trees on a site called 'Airbnb.' The cabin was cheap too! It had a four-star rating which was pretty good. Some weird reviews were left though . . .

"Me and my wife were sleeping inside the cabin when a loud crash in the kitchen woke us up. We went to investigate only to find a creature eating all the food in our fridge! I can only describe the creature in one word, . . . a monster.

William started up the car and quickly drove to Mcdonalds. "What do you want, Jef?" William asked. "Hmmmm." "Can you get me chicken nuggets?" I whispered. "Ugh, fine." Jef groaned.

"A large fry, 10 piece chicken nuggets, and a large coke," Jef said. William ordered the meal through the drive-thru. Once he paid, the worker handed him a large, brown bag. William grabbed the bag, handing it to Jef.

"I should really keep those nuggets for myself," Jef said, rolling his eyes. "I will not leave you alone until you give me the chicken nuggets," I say. 

"Yeah, I know. That's why I'm gonna give them to you," Jef said, digging his hand inside the bag and pulling out a box of chicken nuggets. He handed them to me and I gladly accepted. "Drink incoming!" William shouted, handing Jef the large coke. "You better share that with me too." Jef sighed. "I will . . ." With that, we were on our way to the cabin. 

After a few hours, we arrived at the entrance to the forest. I nudged Jef awake, who had fallen asleep. "Jef, we're here," I said. Jef yawned, stretching a bit before sitting up. He rubbed his eyes, looking up. He looked confused.

 I looked back at the windshield to see a tall, skinny man standing in the middle of the road. He held his hand up, signaling for us to stop. William stopped the car in front of him, rolling down the window.

The man walked up to the window. He had olive skin and his clothes were covered in snow. His voice was rather low. "If you're looking for the wendigo, you should leave," he said. The fuck was 'the wendigo?' "What's that?" William asked. "You'll know soon . . . ," the man said, walking off. 

"He's weird. Let's just get to the cabin ," Napsap said.
"Agreed . . ." We drove an extra five minutes through the forest and to the cabin. William parked the car in front of the cabin.

We all got out of the car, looking around. I noticed another cabin across the large frozen lake. Maybe we could go explore that later. We went inside the cabin, looking around. Eventually, we all picked out our bedrooms.

"You better not destroy your bedroom, Good, or else, you're the one who's gonna clean it up," Jef said. "I'll try not to," I chuckled.

Me and Jef had decided to go outside and look at the frozen lake while Napsap and William settled everything into the cabin.

Me and him stood in front of the lake, boots submerged into the snow. "What kind of footprint is that?" Jef asked, pointing down. I looked down to see an unusual looking footprint. It looked like a weirdly shaped hoof print. "I don't know," I replied, puzzled. 

All of the sudden, a loud howl came from across the lake. This wasn't your ordinary howl though . . . It sounded distorted and it had an echo at the end. It was also quite a long howl.

"Okay, screw the foot print, what the pumpkin was that!?" Jef exclaimed. "I don't know, . . . but whatever it was, it didn't sound normal. I think we should go inside," I said, grabbing Jefs gloved hand. "Good idea . . ."

We walked back inside and told the others what we heard. "I wish I came outside with you guys so I could have heard it!" Napsap said. "Do any of you know what it was?" Jef asked with a worried expression. We all either said no or shook our heads.

That was when William spoke. "If none of us knows what that is, that means that someone or something is out there that we don't know anything about . . . Something we've never seen before." 


Word count: 1054

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