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Jefs POV:

I groaned out in pain, the pain in my back only getting worse. "Don't worry, we're almost there," the girl said. "What is even your name?" I ask, my voice hoarse from screaming. "Jane." Soon enough, Jane and I were in a cave now. "Why are we here instead of any of the cabins?" I ask weakly.

"Two reasons. One, the Wendigo can easily destroy one of the cabins and find us inside. Two, we'd lead it over to the others since I'm pretty sure you're not alone, right?" she asked. I nodded. "It can easily smell the blood that is leaking from your body." "B-but won't it find us now . . . ?" I ask.

"Well, I shot it a couple times and lit it on fire, which should buy us some time. This cave I brought you to is where I stay. We can get you cleaned up, and patch up your wounds so it can't smell the blood leaking from you, okay?" "Okay . . ."

She laid me down on my stomach, onto a blanket. She then lifted up the back of my hoodie. I grunted. "Damn, the flesh on your back is obliterated!" she exclaimed. "W-what does it look like?" I asked. "Well, . . . there's a large bite mark on your back and some of your flesh is torn up or just completely missing. There's blood everywhere," she answered. "Oh . . ."

I heard her moving around. I could only move my neck but I couldn't really make out what she was doing. I couldn't move since I was in a lot of pain because of a huge bite mark on my back! I groaned, turning my gaze away from Jane.

That was when I felt water being poured onto my back. I flinched as the cold liquid ran down my torn up skin. "Sorry! Should've warned you before doing that." Jane chuckled. "It's fine," I replied. My back began to sting.

"I don't really have much, so I'll just bandage you up. When we get out of this hell hole, we can get you to a hospital," Jane spoke. I nodded. The pain began to come back. I felt the tears that had run down my face earlier from being attacked so brutally dry onto my cheeks.

Jane placed a hand on my hip, beginning to slide her hand under my stomach, lifting me up a little. She slowly lifted my stomach from the blanket until my back was arched up off the blanket and my chin lay on the floor, removing her hand from my hip. I felt her begin to wrap bandages around my torso. I winced, feeling some loose flesh on my back move. When she finished, she tucked the end of the bandage underneath another. "There," Jane said, putting her hands on my waist now, lowering me back onto the ground.

"I think it's best that you get some rest for now . . ."

Napsaps POV:

"Call for help!" William shouted. "I can't! There's no service!" I exclaimed. William groaned. "How are we going to get help then? We don't even know where Jef is!" "I don't know, okay! I don't know . . ."


Word count: 541

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