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The dinner served in the rose garden was a quiet, pleasant event, reserved for the couple's closest friends. Arthur had wanted it so, and Ginny was glad, seeing that the following day they would have to dedicate to their guests, coming to the wedding from all the corners of the kingdom.

The princess could hear them even now-- a mild breeze carried the voices of those who had already gathered and camped on the hillside towards those seated within Camelot's tall white walls, around one long table surrounded by rose bushes, whose multicoloured blossoms sweetened the spring night's air with their gentle scent.

The bright, flickering flames of the torches placed around the garden, and even the tiny lights of the candles burning on the table, kept taking Ginny's mind constantly to tomorrow's night, when great fires would be lit throughout the country in celebration of the ancient Gods, the Goddess of Avalon-- the lady of the never ceasing circle of life, fertility, and rebirth... The Goddess of love, so different from the God the Romans had brought to the Isles with them.

Her eyes skipped to Father Patrick, Arthur's priest, looking oh-so-serious in his long brown robes, the huge, simple cross made of bright wood hanging around his neck. Ginny noticed how he scowled at Morgaine, dressed in her black robes, the blue half moon painted on her brow clearly visible even in the faint light, as she kept laughing and chattering at his side. A shudder ran through Ginny, and she let go of the hilt of the Sword she did not realise she was caressing, as if it had burned her. A vision, an awful picture of women like Morgaine being hunted for their magic, dying in flames of great fires just like those of Beltane, flashed through her mind... Was that a glimpse of the future, one of those rare moments of the Sight the Excalibur offered her at times? she mused, shaking her head to clear it.

Taking her eyes off Morgaine and Father Patrick, she noticed Garreth and Lancelot. They were at the table too, lost to the world as they spoke together in hushed whispers, their eyes never leaving each other... Gawaine, Cai, and Arwen sat around the table as well. Aunt Ealasaid would be coming in the morning with Myrddin, and so would Ginny's father with those of Arthur's Companions who were camped with him near Mount Badon. They all should reach Camelot in time to attend the wedding ceremony.

How she wished it was all over already, she had waited for the wedding day for so long! The last few weeks had felt infinite, but these last hours were even worse, she thought, not realising she sighed until Arthur's arm came around her shoulders, pulling her closer even as someone picked up a harp and started to play a tune while servants carried the used plates away, bringing more wine and ale.

No one dared to protest when Arthur accompanied his lady to the door of their bed chamber. He left her there, reluctantly, with his sister, after a long kiss laced with a promise of so much more, the touch of his hands whose warmth Ginny could feel even through the tight bodice of her gown making her shiver with pleasure and anticipation, and feel dizzy.

"Off you go, Arthur, you both need to rest well before tomorrow. It will be a long day." Morgaine's voice finally made them pull away.

"I'm sleeping in Lancelot and Garreth's chambers tonight, Ginny. Should you need anything, just send a word with Arwen or any servant you find."

"Go, brother. She won't need anything."

Arthur scowled at Morgaine but said nothing more, and Ginny watched him disappear in the dark shadows swallowing the end of the corridor, heart sinking. It will be a long night...

The princess fell asleep after a lot of tossing and turning; she couldn't find a comfortable place in the huge bed no one had slept in before. The first light of the new day was already piercing through the midnight blue curtains covering the windows when she finally closed her eyes. When Morgaine woke her up a couple of hours later, she felt more tired than the night before, as if she had not slept at all.

It felt like a dream when Morgaine and Arwen dressed her in the white and golden gown, brushed her hair, then tied the Excalibur to her belt. When her nurse brought her a mirror, she did not see herself, but a young girl swathed in the iridescent mists of the Lake, her long, smooth, russet waves falling to her bare white shoulders looking like dancing flames... Flames of the Beltane fires that would burn everywhere tonight, were already burning inside of her, filling her with shivering anticipation, spreading colour over her pale cheeks.

"Are you ready?" Morgaine asked, scattering her thoughts, demanding yet again, "Will you really eat nothing, Guinevere?"

Ginny only shook her head, feeling quite unable to speak, and Morgaine smiled, even as someone knocked. Looking into her wide, nervous eyes, Morgaine insisted, "You must drink at least then."

She passed Ginny a cup full of wine and only let Arwen open the door once it was empty.

Garreth and Lancelot were standing on the other side, waiting patiently.

They bowed stiffly, politely to the women, before Lancelot said, "Your Lord Arthur sent us to show you the way to the chapel, my lady."

"Mother and Myrddin have just arrived, Ginny, and your father should be here shortly," Garreth added, smiling, offering her his arm.

Still not trusting her voice, Ginny simply nodded in reply, letting Garreth lead her out of the chamber, down the corridors and staircases that she was beginning to recognise.ย 

Morgaine and Lancelot followed them a few steps behind, chattering happily, and so did Arwen, drying her tears into a handkerchief inconspicuously.

It didn't take them long to reach the corridor at the end of which Camelot's chapel was situated, not far from the Great Hall and the rose garden.

A few people were clustered around its door-- Ginny recognised her father, Myrddin, and Aunt Ealasaid... Taking a deep breath and banishing all her thoughts, she let Garreth lead her towards them, towards Arthur, who would be waiting for her inside.

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