Chapter 11

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"Emily, just think of your anchor!" Scott yelled. Didn't he get it? Uggh Im so angry! I started to run when Scott grabbed me by the arm. "Don't run." Scott said, while turning to wolf form. "Scott, let go of me!" I shouted. We started to fight, and I heard a howl. I knew it was my alpha Derek. I stopped and felt my fingernails shrinking again. "Scott, let her go. Emily, you need to find your anchor again. You said that you had it. I guess you lost it. Go home guys." Derek said, and motioned us out the door.
Scott's P.O.V
Derek motioned us out of the door. Man, that was embarrassing. "Scott, I'm sorry for fighting with you." Emily said. I thought for a moment. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have grabbed your arm. It was wrong. Forgive me??" I asked. I think I handled that well. "Its fine, Scott. I forgive you." She said. Score! Yes!
Emily's P.O.V
We walked to my Toyota. I got in my truck and drove away. "So, what will you do about your anchor?" Scott asked me. I don't really know. I guess I'll have to go with the flow. "Oh I don't know. I guess I'll just see whst happens." I said. I wonder if Scott will be my anchor again. The rest of the drive was silent because I kept thinking about what just happened and I think Scott was doing the same. I drove over to Scott's house and let him out. "Well, I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow, Emily." He said right before getting out of my truck. "Yea, I'll see you there." I said. He closed the door and walked over to his house. I started the truck and drove home. I'm kinda dreading school tomorrow.
*The Next Day*
I woke up to my Mom hitting me with a pillow. "Get up, Emily!" She said and another wack came my way. "Fine..." I said. I really don't want to
I got dressed and I called Lydia. I needed help.
Ring ring ring
Lydia: Hello?
Me: Hey, Lydia its Emily. Listen, something happened at training yesterday and I don't know how to handle it.
Lydia: Okay, so, what happened?
Me: Okay so, Scott got me upset because he was texting Stiles the whole time. The whole day, Stiles made Scott look hot around me to see if I liked him. Anyway, we started to fight. Like, werewolf fight. Derek tells us to leave. We made up, and I drove Scott home.
Lydia: Wow.
Me: I know! So what do I do?
Lydia: Well, if it were me, I'd probably just act like nothing happened.
Me: Here's what also happened. I lost my anchor. Now I can't turn.
Lydia: Well, who or what was your anchor before?
Me: It was Scott.
Lydia: Oh.
Me: Yea
Lydia: I would play it by ear.
Me: Okay. Thanks Lydia. I gotta go. Gonna drive to school.
Lydia: okay see ya
Me: Bye.
End of call
I ran out to my Toyota and tossed my phone in the car. Then I sat down. "Uugh! I wish that Scott was never my anchor!" I yelled. There was something different. I thought I just heard a gasp. Like, in a guy voice. Who could it be. I looked around and around  but couldn't find anyone. "Hmmm..." I looked in my car and found out who it was. It was Stiles. I accidentally called him! Oh no! Now he'll probably tell Scott! Great. I got my phone I was sitting on, and ended the accidental call. "Oh brother." I said and drove to school.
Just as a parked my car I saw them. Scott and Stiles. They were wondering around in the court yard. I thought of an idea on how to avoid them."I hope this works!" I whispered and got out of the car. I walked quickly past them and as soon  as I did I heard Stiles yell my name. "Hey Emily!" Stiles shouted while waving at me. Oh no it didn't work. I walked over to them. "So, what's up?"  Stiles asked me while winking at me. Oh my gosh he did not just wink at me! Weirdo! "What? Did I miss something guys?" Scott asked. Oh no! Stiles better not say anything about this morning! "Oh its nothing." Stiles said. This is getting a little strange. "Tell me! Please?" Scott asked and gave Stiles the puppy dog eyes. Oh man! Stiles can never resist the puppy dog eyes!  "Okay fine! Scott, I'll tell you after school." Stiles said and Scott gave a quick nod. We all walked off to first period. This is gonna be terrible!

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