Reader and Jes's Bio

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Name: (Y/N) Sedona

Sexuallity: Lesbian


Personality: (Y/N) is a very kind, caring and innocent person, while also cracking jokes even when the time doesn't call for it. She always has a sense of justice and always thinks someone can do better, which more than not leads her into more trouble

Likes: Videogames, Persona series, apples, helping others, cooking, trying new things , and eating

Dislikes: Bullies, jerks, not understanding something, being teased, people who want to hurt others, and racists

Powers: Wildcard- Gives (Y/N) the ability to summon a manifestation of her will known as a persona, with her also being able to have multiple other personas as well

Her Starting persona:


Name: Jes Luna

Sexuallity: Bisexual


Personality: Jes is a calm and strict person to people who annoy her, but she does have a kind side once you get to know her

Likes: Her gutair, music, performing, reading, candy, steak, fruit, writing songs, and animals

Dislikes: Idiots, annoying people, perverts, spiders, being looked down upon, rotten food, and others touching her gutair

Powers: Gutair magic- Jes channels magic through her gutair and uses it to cast spells. At the beginning of the story she only has access to electric magic

Her Gutair:

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