Pokémon - It's You and Me! Update

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Hey-o! Finally gotten around to writing more of chapter 1 in It's You and Me!, and while it's nowhere near complete, I just thought I'd let everyone know that I haven't abandoned the idea :P

I have been sick for a few days now, which has allowed for plenty of time to play some Bravely Second (fairly good turn-based RPG, though I think it lacks the personality that the Pokémon games bring to the table), and now that I've finally remembered to, work on my Wattpad stuff. So..chapter one soon? Maybe? Probably? I dunno. I don't like setting dates on things. 

Anyway, I just wanted to update everybody on how the book is coming along, so I guess this is so-long for now! 

- iKarnage

Fun Fact: I'm having to go find data mining dumps for the script of USUM so I can quote it and not brutally fuck up the story >.<

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