Chapter 11

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"There's no getting around it any longer, so why don't you two meet my mother? I can go somewhere else once we finish at the bakery." I say, leading them back outside to the tables my siblings sat at. Cornelia handed me a peice of the loave with a mouthful of bread.

"Hewe you go." I take it, smiling.

"Thanks, Lia." I walk over to Ma, who was trying to keep the boys away from the rest of the bread.

"Mother, I'd like you to meet my friends. They know Alexander Hamilton, General Washington's aide de camp," I say, swiching to my formal tone of voice.

"This is John Laurens, and this is Marquis de Lafayete." Ma looks them over and smiles.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." John and Laf nod, smiling politely. I lead them away from her when she gets occupied in stopping a fight between who got the last of the bread.

"She seems nice," John comments.

"She is, but very strict about traditions. Not a big suprise," I reply. I glance at Laf, and back at John.

"I had an idea, and wanted to get your opinion in it. I'm going to join the war." John frowns in thought.

"I'm not sure they'd let a woman join." I nod, then continue.

"I'd join as a field nurse. I'd be safe from the battle. And I could make a difference." John actually nods.

"If you can join, I'm not stopping you," he answers.


I race home (as fast as I can with a dress and corset on), hoping Angie, Liz, and Peggy are back from wherever they were. I find them in Peggy's room, chatting excitedly.

"Guys, I need your help with something." Eliza turns and smiles.

"Sure, with what?" I quickly explain my plan.

"I need help drafting a letter to the general." 

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