Chapter 8

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I wake up and immediately puke over the side of my bed. I wipe my mouth, shutting my eyes tight against the blinding light. I eventually open my eyes, and get up to change out of my clothes from last night. Last night. What happened last night? I remember drinking, and then nothing else. There was something important that happened. But I can't remember what. I slowly slip into a comfortable, f/c dress, and walked over to my bookshelf, picking out my favorite book, Common Sense. I sit back down on my bed, and started reading. Mother can't see me hungover. She would freak out. So I sat there, until around 1:00, when my younger brother, John, comes rushing in, eyes bright.

"Guess what? Ma is taking us out into town today!" I smile at him. My little brothers and sisters all came to me whenever they wanted to talk about something. I would always be the one to play with them, whether it be Soldier, or dress up. I sigh, realizing that going into town meant wearing a corset. I shoo John out of my room and call Catherine.

"Hey Cathie? Can you help me put on my corset?" I ask her. She nods, and I pick out my 'fancy' dress to wear into town. After a couple of uncomfortable minutes, I was into my dress and my corset was practically choking me. Somehow, I manage to get all of the kids out the door with my mother and into the waiting carriage. The carriage drops us off in town, and we walk down the street to a bakery.

My mother orders some bread to share with us to distract the kids from the cupcakes in the window. I see someone buying a baguette at the front of the line. Someone with frizzy hair. He turns around, and it's Laf. I glance over at my mother, and then motion for him to join me. He smiles, and makes his way over to me. I see Ma looking at me, then him. I put my most charming smile on, and curtsy to him.

"Monsieur Lafayette!" I ever so slightly cock my head to the side, towards a bookstore. He gets the notion and follows me inside.

"What was that all about?" he asks me with a confused look on his face. I sigh.

"My mother is very strict on what to do or not to do with men. She gets mad if I don't do it right." I explain. He nods.

"My grandmere was the same way." I attempt to sit down without strangling myself.

"You guys don't know how lucky you are to be men. No corsets. You're actually respected. Even if I figured out how to fly some men still wouldn't respect me. Just because I was born as a woman." I huffed, whether from frustration or from the corset, I'm not sure.

"If only there was a way to help."

"With what?" Laf asks. I shrug.

"With fighting for my country. To earn respect. To earn equal rights." He nods, understandingly.

"I get what you mean." 

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