Chapter 12- Sleepover and date

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A sleepover. That is what the teen's movie night had turned out to be. After being praised by Tom and Sabine for their fantastic decorating skills, the teens ran to Marinette's bedroom to watch a Christmas movie, but Marinette never expected Adrien's confession.


"What do you want to watch?" Marinette asked, jumping on her bed.

"Pick anything but The Christmas Carol because my parents always save that one for tomorrow, the 23rd," she added with a smile.

Adrien smiled at her enthusiasm but then frowned when the realization hit him. The blonde didn't know anything about Christmas movies. He and his mother watched a Christmas carol also, but that was so long ago he didn't even remember what it was like. After that, his father banded Christmas and all that came with it.

"I- sorry, I haven't seen any of them," he confessed. "How about you pick your favorite."

Marinette bit her lip lost in thought. She didn't want to respond with an 'I'm sorry' because she noticed Adrien hated people pitying him. Therefore, Marinette thought of a way she could put on a movie without making him feel judged.

"How tired are you?" She questioned with a smirk that Adrien was quick to return. "Not tired at all, princess."

"Great!" She jumped up with a clap. "Then get ready for a Christmas movie marathon!"

Adrien laughed, thankful for her actions instead of pity. Oh, he was in deep. Adrien knew this girl would be the death of him. He was head over heels in love with the bluenette, yet she had no idea.

Marinette was being true to her promise. She was making this Christmas the best one yet, but the way she did everything to make him happy was the greatest Christmas gift of all.

"What are we going to start with?" He asked.



Sabine walked into her daughter's room feeling worried. It was fifteen minutes past ten, and the teens had not woken up. She knocked on their doors several times, but there was no response. So as a mother, she decided to walk into Marinette's room to check on her.

She smiled when she saw the cutest scene ever. "Sabine, Adrien is not in his-"

"Shh," she interrupted, pointing towards the bed. Before them was a sleeping Adrien, holding Marinette tightly with the television still on. The teens had apparently fallen asleep during the Christmas bounty. How they ended up in each other's arms was a mystery to everyone.

Sabine smiled. Maybe this was the year her daughter finally got her wish. If only she could see herself at this precise moment. With that, the couple left the room, allowing them to sleep a little longer.

Adrien woke up to an unusual yet comforting warmth on his arms and weight on his chest. Opening his eyes, he searched for the source causing these feelings. Adrien's heart pounded as he saw the sleeping bluenette wrapped around his arms. They must have fallen asleep during the movie.

Adrien remembered making the yawning move at the beginning of the new movie as he attempted to get closer to his crush. He had been crazy nervous and afraid to be rejected, but surprisingly Marinette smiled, leaning into him, causing him to wrap his arm around her shoulder instead of the chaise and hold her.

He then remembered her tiredly asking him to move to the bed to be more comfortable, and he obliged. After that, the night was a blur, but looking back, Adrien would not complain. Last night was the best night of his life.

The blonde yawned, removing his right arm from around the bluenette hesitantly. Adrien did not want to get up. The last thing he wanted was to stop holding his princess in his arms as the model didn't know if he would ever get a chance to do it again, but Adrien also knew that her parents could walk into her room any minute now and he would be in so much trouble.

He just hoped that the designer does not wake up before he could leave the room. Adrien did not want to push her away by making her uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Unfortunately for him, his sudden move made Marinette's eyes open swiftly. The bluenette squeaked before jumping and falling off the bed. Adrien mentally cursed himself. He was sure he had just taken a huge step back, but if he was being honest, her reaction was quite hurtful.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, unintentionally showing his hurt, and Marinette felt guilty. She didn't mean to react that way, but opening your eyes to find your crush in your bed is surreal. Marinette almost thought she was still dreaming until she saw him stand up in fear.

"I must have fallen asleep during the movie. I swear-"

"Relax, blondie," Marinette giggled, attempting to light up the mood and make him smile, although she was internally screaming. "I remember what happened. We were both pretty tired," she laughed. "I'm surprised we woke up at all today," she joked.

Adrien laughed, feeling relieved. "Yeah, but it was worth it. I enjoyed watching Christmas movies with you, Marinette. Thank you."

"Anytime," she responded. "I actually love Christmas movies. Actually, I watch them all year around," she laughed. "But tell anyone, and I will murder you," she joked, and Adrien laughed. "Don't worry, princess. Your secret is safe with me."

"Morning," a voice called out from the door, and immediately Adrien put his arms up in surrender. "It's not what it looks like," he yelled, afraid.

Sabine looked at the boy and then at Marinette and began to laugh, confusing Adrien. The blonde really did say those words a lot.

"Breathe, Adrien. I walked into the room earlier. It was not hard to realize your kids fell asleep during your Chrismaston."

"Plus, I told you we trusted you, son. I did tell you that you could stay with Marinette, but you asked for a different bedroom," Tom added as he walked in behind his wife.

Adrien scratched the back of his neck and chuckled. "Oh," he whispered nervously but soon got an idea. Turning to Marinette, he spoke again.

"What do you say, princess, roommates?" He asked with a smirk. To his surprise, Marinette saw right through his lame attempt to make her blush and responded sassily. "Well, it took you long enough, blondie. I haven't slept that way in ages. You are welcome in my bed any time."

The blonde almost fainted from her words. "I-I- you- that- I gotta brush go teeth my- brush my teeth. Bye!" And we that he ran out of the room while the Dupain Chengs joined together in laughter.

"That was mean, sweetie," Sabine chuckled. "Funny but mean."

Marinette shrugged. "He started it," she responded. "I love it when you blush. It's too easy," she mocked Adrien. "Well, the joke's on him. I'm best friends with Alya," she laughed.

"I'm glad you are more at ease with him, baby. Who knows, this might just be your year," Sabine added, hugging her. Marinette shrugged again. "Maybe," she responded. "But I'm not going to get crazy about it, giving myself false hope. It's been far too long. If it were to happen, it would have done so already. I'm just happy we are friends. His stay here made me realize that he really is awesome."

"You're not giving up, are you, honey?" Tom asked, fearing that the blonde might have realized his feelings far too late.

Marinette shook his head. "No, I still love him very much, but I don't want to give myself the false hope that it will happen and then spend another New Year's crying over the disappointment. I guess I am just going a day at a time."

Tom nodded. "When did you get so smart?" He asked with a smile. "When I realized I had to take my parent's advice and follow their footsteps," she answered honestly.

The day continued to go by quickly. The teens had lunch as a family and laughed a bit. Adrien talked about his favorite parts of the movies they had seen and touched Marinette at every opportunity he got. It started with the gracing of their hands to a hug. Then it was the supporting grab of the hand by Marinette as he talked about his mother, which soon turned into Adrien refusing to let go of Marinette's hand and holding it throughout the entire lunch.

To say Adrien was disappointed when lunch ended was an understatement. That was when Marinette promised to take him Christmas shopping a little later, but first, she had some things to take care of. Adrien wanted to come along, but Marinette refused. Promising him not be long, but that was three hours ago.

Adrien looked at his watch after wiping the bakery table. He had been helping the Dupain Chengs down at the bakery and surprisingly loved it, but he loved being with Marinette more. The bluenette had arrived carrying a few bags earlier but ran to her room, yelling, I'll get you when I'm done and locked the door.

Adrien sighed. He wondered if she would be much longer. He had to buy Christmas gifts for them, and if he was being honest, he missed her like crazy. Though he should really use this alone time to get himself together and put his emotions in check. The blonde remembered almost telling her he loved her three times last night. Luckily he was able to stop himself before she noticed.

"Uhh," he grunted. Things were getting harder and harder with every day that went by.

"Are you okay, Adrien?" Her sweet, heart-pounding, angelic voice called out to him. Their eyes immediately met as he turned to face her.

"Oh, yeah, just thinking."

"Oh," Marinette whispered. "Sorry for taking too long. There was something important I had to do. Are you ready to go?"

Adrien smiled. "I have been ready. Let me just say bye," he added. Marinette furrowed her brows. 'Say bye to who?' she wondered.

"Later, Mom and Dad. We'll be back soon," He said, hugging her parents. Marinette's jaw dropped. 'Did he-'

"See you later, son. Have fun. Be back before dinner, and Marinette, don't forget our traditional snacks for tonight."

Marinette looked at her father as if he was a man from another universe. What the heck had she missed? Three hours! She was gone for three hours, and Adrien was calling her parents his parents. Wait, did that mean he saw her like a sister? Oh, great! Kill her now!

"Umm, princess?" Adrien called, waving his hand in front of his face. "You ready?" He questioned. Marinette nodded and walked out of the bakery, still out of it.

"Princess!" He called out louder. "What was that back there?" She questioned before he could say anything else. "What?"

"You and my parents. What was that?"

"Oh, they said I could call them that, and honestly, they feel more of my family than my own, so I agreed. Is that okay? If not, I can-"

"It's fine, Adrien. I guess it was surprising it's all."


The teens walked in silence. Adrien felt guilty for hiding the truth, but it wasn't like he could say, "Marinette, I am crazy about you, and I have spoken to your parents about it. They gave me their blessing, and I am wondering if you feel the same way because I want you to be my girlfriend now and hopefully my wife in the future." Nope couldn't say that.

Marinette, on the other hand, was struggling to keep her mouth shut. She wanted to know what that meant. If he saw her like a sister, she should know even if it kills her because she would rather know now than later when she dreamed he'd confess.

"So, does that mean you see me as a sister?" She finally asked, unable to keep the question in any longer.

"Oh, God no," Adrien responded almost as quickly as she asked. Marinette looked away, hiding her pain. Not because Adrien did not see her as a sister, but because he had said it with disgust, almost as if he felt repulsed to be anything other than a friend.

"Right," she whispered.

"Princess, I-"

"We're here," she interrupted. She didn't want to talk about it any longer. The more she did, she risked tears falling, and the last thing she wanted was for Adrien to feel guilty for feeling how he felt. It wasn't his fault she was in love with him. It wasn't his fault that she misunderstood his actions. It was hers. But at least now she knew the truth. Now she could move on. Possibly call Luka and agree to that date he called her about earlier.

"This is not as big as the Christmas market, but it has really pretty things. I am sure you can find everything you need here," she whispered, faking a smile.

Adrien nodded. "Can you help me find something for your parents?" He asked, hopefully. Marinette faked another smile. "You don't have to get them anything. They probably wouldn't accept it anyway," she confessed.

"But I want to. I wouldn't be here if not for you and your family. Please," he begged.

Marinette sighed. She hoped to get away from him for a bit and get herself together, but apparently, that wouldn't happen. "Fine," she whispered. "Come on, let's see what they have."

The teens walked around the stores, awed by all the beautiful Christmas things they had. Even coming to the neighborhood market every year, the place never ceased to amaze the bluenette. The love for Christmas was well-known and appreciated.

"I will not help you pick as I believe a gift should be personal and come from the heart, but I will tell you that my mother loves painting and baking. She also cherishes anything antic because it reminds grandma. They went shopping for antics when she was younger. My father loves baking and video games. He likes puns and anything that make him more protective," Marinette laughs. "But besides baking, they both appreciate a good handmade gift or anything that reminds him of a shared moment."

Adrien nodded, getting a few ideas.

"So what about-"

"Marinette?" A male voice called out, interrupting Adrien.

The blonde felt his blood boil as he watched Luka take Marinette in his arms, giving her a big hug.

"What are the odds we would see each other today? We literally talked for like an hour earlier, and now here we are. Must be fate," he flirted, and Marinette blushed, feeling embarrassed. She could feel the blonde's green eyes on them.

"Or stalking, " Adrien mumbled, feeling jealous. Luckily they did not hear him. But the blonde was fuming. Marinette had talked to him? Did he say an hour? Why the hell would she be talking to him? Adrien gritted his teeth as he looked at the couple. If he was being honest, Adrien felt completely and utterly betrayed by Marinette. Just this morning, she was lying in his arms, and now she was flirting with her ex.

"Maybe," Marinette responded in a whisper. Her disappointment from earlier still weighed heavy on her.

"Marinette, shall we keep going? We promised your parents to get the snack for the movie and be home in time," Adrien interrupted, allowing his jealousy to emerge in his voice.

Luka's eyes then landed on the blonde, and his jaw dropped. "Home?" The musician questioned, and Adrien nodded without thought. "Yes, home. You know the bakery?" He asked sarcastically.

"Umm, Adrien is spending Christmas with us," Marinette whispered. It wasn't that she kept Adrien a secret, but Adrien made it sound as if they were dating and living together for good, so she felt the need to clarify.

"Oh," Luka answered. "Marinette, did you think about the date?" Luka asked but before Marinette could answer Adrien interrupted.

"Anyway, it's good to see you, but we really should get going. Ready, princess?" Adrien asked. Before Marinette could respond, Adrien had pulled her away. Marinette looked at the blonde confused. What the hell was that? If she didn't know any better, she'd think he was jealous. Stupid, right?

After the incident with Luka, the teens had bearly talked, and when they did, it was all related to the Christmas presents. Adrien is still angry about Luka's words and Marinette's communication with him but more importantly about the date. She was thinking about going on a date with Luka. No! Over his dead body! Marinette was confused and disappointed. Yet, the blonde did not let go of the bluenette's hand all throughout the trip, Marinette too lost in thought she hadn't even realized it.

After finally finding the perfect gifts, the teens walked to the nearest grocery store. "Princess?" Adrien called out, finally breaking the awful silence. Marinette looked up to meet his eyes.

"Are you really going on a date with Luka?" He asked. His heart ached over the response he knew he would hear.

"I don't know yet," She confessed. "I have rejected the offer, but he called earlier and asked me to think about it. I thought I was sure, now not so much."

Unable to hold it in Adrien spoke, "Don't go. Don't date him again. You deserve so much better. Someone that loves you and you love back, and I am positive it is not him."

Marinette smiled sadly.

"If not him, then who?"

Adrien was silent. Me! He wanted to yell, but he knew he couldn't. The night he confesses to her should be romantic, and not caused by jealousy,

"Exactly," Marinette whispered.

"Princess, please," Adrien begged. 'Look into my eyes, Marinette. See that it is I who loves you,' he internally screamed.

"I'll think about it, okay? Don't worry, I won't make decisions without being sure of them. Now come on those snacks won't by themselves."

Adrien nodded but let out a sigh. He had to make a move and do it quickly. The blonde knew he was running out of time. 

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