fate is decided

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Well mehendra hoped wrong. Because today was the day that would decided whether or not he would be the future King.

The day had started quite as usual Mahendra had met lavanya and they talked for quite some time before he was interrupted by the servent that informed him that it was the annual royal council day. "O right" mehendra almost forgot it was the day The king was gonna anounce his coronation but for that the council of ministers have to agree. "They'll agree" the king had said when he asked him about it. Hoping a way out because mehendra didn't want to be a king. Ever since he was young his dream was to have a normal life. Which broke exactly a year ago when he was told that he was actually a prince now only hire left.

The sun was on the horizon shining brightly promise a rain free day

"Let the court begin" announced the announcer. Mehendra was sitting beside the king in his royal throne of the prince. The court started as everyone took their place. The court was round shaped the half side being for the royal members and the council members other side consisted of the kingdom people. The court room was designed with the thought that everyone would be able to see everyone.

Since the servent had informed him right infront of lavanya he had asked her to join him. He told lavanya to sit behind him as it was the place no one would be able see her. The queen had looked suprised seeing her with him but she had not said say anything yet.

"Today we are here to take a very important decision" started the chief minister. "Our Prince who was sent away when born came back exactly a year ago-"he stopped observing the people's reactions."-so it is our duty to see him in the royal throne" he finished and sat down.

"So it is going to be your decision whether or not he gets the throne" said the announcer. "Everyone who wants him to be the king should raise their hand-" more than half of people raised their hands "-and everyone who disagree should stand up" few people stood up the royal finance minister being one of them.

"Mejority of the people say our price should be the king" said the king. "So it is decided and I declare that mehendra is going to be the future king of devanagari." And with that the royal council had ended.

Mehendra looked outside the window in his room thinking how an ordinary day had decided his fate. He had hoped that either the ministers or the people would disagree to him being the king but before anyone could say anything the king had announced his decision.  ' That's it ' mehendra thought ' no more waiting for someone to help him he will have to help himself ' with this thought in mind he went to sleep.

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