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The year 1997

"How's our Supe doing?" One of the female Russians walks into the cell they keep Wanda in. "Wanda?" The woman notices Wanda is in a deep sleep, tossing and turning.

The Russian steps closer to Wanda and shakes her, trying to wake her from the nightmare she has of the place she's been captive of for the last fifteen years.

"Wanda!" The lady screams as she harshly shakes Wanda awake.

The sudden wake of her horrific nightmare makes Wanda jolt up and her body explodes with the red light her hands hold. She stares at the lady knocked unconscious by the door.

The opening of her cell brings her delight - she can finally be free of this torturous hellhole they told her is her home.

She struts out and examines her surroundings. When she notices men on her left in full gear, aiming their guns at her, her hands glow red, and flings them across the room.

Wanda memorized the floor plan of the building that she's lived in for her whole life. Even when they put a bag over her head and walked her to the van that would take her to wherever the Russians wanted her to go, her feet gave her a mental image of everything.

She walks past a room and the window in the door lets her look in and she notices a capsule and if she weren't trying to escape she would take a look.

The sudden sound of loud footsteps ring in Wanda's ears and she repeats her actions of what she did to the other guards. With a last glance in the window, she moves along.

Wanda runs into a tiny army of Russian guards and with a flick of her wrist she has them all under mind control and she makes the guards point their guns at each other. The red glowing in their eyes from under her control brings a wicked smile to her face. The grin grows wider when she walks away and hears gunfire.

Figuring her way out she continues to run into guards, but they continuously fail at capturing her.

A roll of a can falls in front of her with smoke seeping out and knowing the smoke all too well she captures it within a small circle with the powers that were injected into her. Wanda throws the can from where it came and harsh coughs fill the four walls.

Wanda continues to stroll through the compound, not letting anyone or anything get in her way of escaping. The stupidity of the woman makes Wanda smile.

"If only I could say thank you," Wanda whispers to herself as she walks into the garage that shockingly no one's present in. She remembers the sound of keys jingling on her left to find a bunch of keys hanging on the wall.

Wanda grabs a random pair and presses the unlock button and when she notices the lights of a car, she walks to it like she's not escaping the hellhole these people have tried to convince her is her home.

Sliding into the car she puts the key in and turns it. They blinded her while walking her to the usual van, but never cared to keep her face covered when she was inside. So starting the car and pressing a button on the driver's side visor to leave was the easiest thing. Her only problem is: where does she go now?

Wanda drives and drives, at full speed and never stops until the car runs out of gas. She pulls the car to the side and hops out. Surrounded by woods she goes the opposite way from the driver's side. Her thoughts are correct on the car having a tracking chip as she hears the sound of the usual guards shouting at each other.

They agree to follow through the woods opposite her. Letting out a deep breath, Wanda runs - runs like the reaper is on her tail and she has to escape death.

Thoughts of wondering where she's going and what she's going to do flows through her head as she sprints as far away from the guards that are miles behind her now.

One thing she's certain of is she's escaping this country and no one will find out the power she holds within her body.

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