Prompt Mystery | Ghosted

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Tin roofs reflected the early morning light and created a variety of glistening rainbows across the street, but one house stood gloomy amidst this sunrise spectacle.

Morgana stood in front of it with its moss covered roof, its decaying wisteria crawling on its facade and its windows shattered and soul broken.

Sophocles' tiny bat head peeped out of Morgana's inner pocket. He gulped. "Are you sure it's here?"

Morgana took her phone out off her outer pocket and looked at the post.

"261 Sylvester Road it says..." Morgana looked up and searched for the house number.

The 2 hung on the facade, slightly tipped over to the left. The upper nail of the 6 had come loose and it dangled upside down next to the 2. The 1 dented the tall grass, eerily swaying in front of the house.

Morgana hesitated. "It's this all right." She mustered a smile. "Let's go check it out."

Sophocles trembled. He lowered his head and pricked his ears as he held on tightly to the pocket's lining.

Morgana gathered her courage and carefully threaded to the door.
She pushed it open.

The door creaked.

"Hello?" Morgana stretched out her words as spoke. "Is anybody here?"

She was met with cobwebs, dust and silence.

Morgana poked her inner pocket and whispered at Sophocles. "Use your high-pitched screaming to see if there are any ghosts."

"It's called echolocation, thank you very much." Sophocles crossed his hands as he sat on the bottom of her pocket. "The last time I checked, it needs matter to bounce off."


"Ghosts made of light, not matter."

"Then why are you here?!"

"I don't even want to be here. You batnapped me, remember?"

Morgana made a tsk sound with her tongue. "You're useless."

"Look who's talking..."

A soft voice interrupted Morgana before she could sneer back. "What are you doing here? This is no place for quarrel. This is a happy home... Or so it was." The soft voice trailed away.

Morgana jumped up. She grabbed Sophocles and - with an outstretched arm - squeezed him as tightly as she could as she scanned the room. He screeched in agony.

Morgana waited a moment and whispered: "Did you hear something bounce back?"

Sophocles struggled out of her grip. "First of all, you can't treat me like a remote control ghost radar - I have feelings, you know - and secondly, I didn't."

Sophocles' eyes widened.

He and Morgana screeched in unison. "It was a ghost!"

The ghost placed their hands over their ears. "Stop yelling," it softly said, but Morgana and Sophocles kept screeching.
The ghost deepened their voice. "Stop yelling!"
They took a deep breath and boomed. "STOP YELLING."

Morgana jumped up. Sophocles fainted. Morgana grabbed Sophocles mid air and ran up the stairs.


Morgana panted as she hid in a build in closet. Sophocles laid on his back on her knee. She frantically waved her hands above him. "Wake up, Sophocles. This is no time to sleep. I need you." She whisper hissed: "There's a ghost around here."

The ghost's soft voice came from beside her. "Oh no! I'm scared of ghosts..."

Morgana's face lost all its colour.

The ghost whispered in her ear. "Where's the ghost?"

"You're the ghost!" Morgana jumped up, grabbed Sophocles and ran away.

The ghost blinked. "I... Am the ghost?" Their hand went through their long, see-through hair as they frantically walked up and down the closet.

"The ghost everyone's talking about... is me?"


Morgana ran through the hallway and dived into another room. She closed the door behind her and leaned against it. She glanced around the room and hid behind the bed.
She placed the still unconscious Sophocles on her knee and poked him. "Come on, Sophocles," she muttered. "Wake up."

Sophocles opened his eyes and slipped back into unconsciousness.

"Come on."

The ghost appeared next to them. They kneeled down and looked at Sophocles. "Oh dear, look how pale the poor little thing looks! Are you sure that that isn't the ghost?"

Morgana shrieked. She swung her hand towards the ghost, but it went right through them.

Both Morgana and the ghost stared at her hand. They both breathed a lot faster. They screeched.

Sophocles moaned. He clutched his ears and rolled on his side, off Morgana's knee.

Both Morgana and the ghost instinctively grabbed Sophocles.

Morgana looked up and stared at the ghost. The ghost stared at their hand going through Sophocles.

Morgana held Sophocles up for the ghost to see. She scraped her throat. "Thank you for trying to save Sophocles."

The ghost looked up, with their mouth a gape. "I'm the ghost."

"I know." Morgana laughed.


When Sophocles fully regained consciousness, he found himself lying on a pillow on the dusty bed. He rubbed his head as he tried to sit up.

Morgana stood across the old, moldy room with her back towards him. Her hand hovered over a music box.

The soft, ghostly voice spoke: "Don't touch it. It has become fragile."

Sophocles squinted his eyes.

That was the same voice from before.

Sophocles emitted a high-pitched sound in the direction of the voice. He waited a few seconds.

Bedpost, doll, wooden horse, dresser, wall.

Sophocles knitted his brow. He emitted the high-pitched sound once more, but he got the same results: no living being.

His eyes widened. "The ghost! The ghost is here. We have to run."
He frantically flapped his wings.

Morgana rushed to Sophocles. "It's okay. Calm down. They won't hurt you. They're cool."

"How can they be cool?! They're a ghost."

"They're kind."

Sophocles crossed his arms. "I still don't trust them."

Morgana gently rubbed behind his ear. He closed his eyes. He sighed. "I can't compete with an argument like that. A bit more to the left... That's it! I give up. You win. They're cool."

Morgana shook her head. "So predictable..."

She smiled and gestured the ghost to come closer.

"Sophocles, meet Aurora... my girlfriend."

"How long was I out?!"


Total amount of words: 1 000

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