The Crazy Museum Guy

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With Luz and Camila out of the house, all the witches, Philip, Vee, and King were stuck in the house by themselves. Gus, Willow, Amity, and Vee went out into that old house and decided to fix it up a bit. King was down in the basement playing with some of Luz's old stuffed animals and missing Eda so much. Philip had slowly adjusted to the modern world, but he wasn't ready to go out into Gravefield and explore. He was making lunch when Hunter walked into the kitchen wearing a beanie that covered the tips of his ears.

He wanted to go out into town and explore for a bit. Philip immediately turned down the idea, he was afraid that someone might see Hunter's ears or Flapjack and freak out. Hunter begged and pleaded with his uncle, but his mind was already made up. Hunter was sick and tired of his uncle treating him like a little kid, he was sixteen and he could take care of himself. Hunter marched downstairs to the basement and plopped himself onto the couch and pouted. King walked up to Hunter with a stuffed animal in his hand.

"What's with you?" King asked.

"Just wanting to explore the Human Realm but my uncle still thinks of me as a child and won't let me." Hunter complained, "I mean, come on, Luz explored the Demon Realm on her own."

"Yeah, and she almost got eaten or captured on a daily basis. But what you need is someone to watch your back, like me."

Hunter wasn't sure if taking King along would be such a good idea, but it would prove his uncle that he wasn't a little kid anymore. So, he let King crawl into his bag then he waited till his uncle left the house to get the others for lunch. Once the coast was clear, he dashed out the door and headed for the town. He made sure that his hat fully covered his ears then he decided to walk around the park. He spotted two statues that looked a lot like his uncle and himself or Caleb. He thought the statues were a little too much over two guys that disappeared into a new realm. 

King poked out of the bag to look at the statue then he had a mischievous grin on his face. He took out a red marker then he jumped out and started scribbling all over Caleb's statue. Hunter quickly grabbed King before anyone could see him then he ran before anyone could see him. "King, what were you thinking?!" Hunter asked, furiously.

"Hey. That guy is the reason we're away from home. I thought a little payback would be perfect. Plus, Eda would have done the same thing." King stated.

Hunter just gave him a glare then King went back into the bag. He made sure that no one saw King before going into town to try and find something to eat. He spotted a cafe called Robin's Roast and figured that they might have something good to eat. Luz already explained the different money that the human world uses instead of snails. Thankfully Hunter managed to grab a few bucks before leaving the house. When he got inside, he spotted a man with glasses leaving papers on the counter before making a run for the door. He bumped into Hunter before he ran away.

Hunter looked a little offended that the guy didn't even apologize for bumping into him. Hunter walked up to the counter, but he accidentally crashed into a woman carrying a tray of food. Some of the plates slipped from the woman's hand and fell to the floor. Hunter apologized to the woman and even offered to help clean up the mess. The woman thanked him as the two of them cleaned up the mess together. The woman even gave Hunter two croissants; Hunter offered to pay for them, but the woman said that it was a thank you for helping her.

Hunter left the cafe waving goodbye to the woman and sat on a park bench. He gave King one of the croissants which he really liked. When he finished his little snack, he spotted the Gravesfield Historical Society and he wanted to check it out. That place might have some history about his uncle and Caleb. Hunter walked inside and headed for the museum part of the building which had facts and artifacts from the 1600s. Some of the museum facts talked about the witch trials that had happened in the 1600s.

He noticed one of the exhibits had the old Golden Guard sigil which kind of scared him knowing the pain it caused his family. Suddenly, he felt someone touch him on the shoulder, he jumped and turned around to see the same guy that had bumped into him at the cafe. The guy introduced himself as Jacob the curator to the historical society. For some reason, he made Hunter feel uncomfortable; especially when he would tell Hunter that he kind of looked like Caleb. He tried to get Jacob to change the subject, but the guy wasn't giving up.

Hunter kept walking around the museum trying to get away from Jacob, but the guy was stuck to Hunter like gum. He would ask Hunter questions about where he was from, who his family was, if he had ever seen a real witch. Hunter got annoyed and tried to leave the building, but Jacob grabbed his arm, gripping him tight. "What are you doing? Let go of me!" Hunter shouted.

"You're not going anywhere until I get some answers, Caleb." Jacob stated.

Hunter's face turned pale white, this crazy guy thought he was Caleb. He tried to tell Jacob that he got the wrong guy, but he wasn't listening. He ripped Hunter's bag off and threw it on the floor before he dragged Hunter into his office. Hunter was speechless with what he saw, this guy had photos of Eda when she came to the human realm, different tools, books on witches, and even old camera footage of Vee in her basilisk form. Jacob claimed that he knew the truth about the demon realm and that Hunter was the key. Hunter told the guy that he was crazy and made a run for the door.

But Jacob grabbed him then threw him onto the floor "You're not going anywhere until I get some answers!" he threatened.

King overheard everything, then he immediately ran outside to head back to Luz's house. Suddenly a car pulled up and out came Camila and Philip who noticed King. "How did you guys find us?" King asked.

"After what happened with Vee, I had a hunch." Camila answered.

Philip asked King where Hunter was. King told Philip everything and he had never seen Philip look so angry. He told King to wait in the car then he marched inside with Camila. They opened the door to Jacob's office to find him holding a knife over Hunter who was tied up in a chair. Philip went full mama bear and punched Jacob right in the nose. "Stay away from my child!" he screamed.

He untied Hunter from the chair who was shaking like a leaf. Camila gave Jacob one final smack across the face with her shoe before leading Hunter to the car. The whole ride home was silent. When they got inside the house, Camila told Philip that he and Hunter could use her room for the night. Philip wanted to turn her down, but Camila insisted. Philip took Hunter upstairs to Camila's room, Hunter tried to apologize to his uncle for sneaking out, but Philip wasn't having it.

He was so scared and worried when Hunter left the house, he thought Hunter had been kidnapped or worse. "Maybe if you hadn't treated me like a little kid." Hunter mumbled.

"Hunter, you've never been to the human realm. What if someone saw you using magic, or they saw your ears? Do you know what could have happened? And that museum guy, he was about to hurt you! After this stunt, you are not to leave this house without my permission. You're staying with me so I can keep an eye on you." Philip stated.

Hunter protested that it wasn't even fair, but Philip had made up his mind. Hunter got so mad that he stormed out of the room and headed straight for the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and his reflection in the mirror was Caleb smirking at him. Hunter backed away in a panic but when he looked in the mirror again, it was just his own reflection. Hunter started to see his hair had gotten longer which made him sort of look like Caleb. He rummaged through the cabin until he found a pair of scissors then started cutting his hair.

Philip got a little worried when Hunter didn't come out of the bathroom after his little tantrum. Philip knocked on the door and asked Hunter if everything was alright. He heard clutter coming from the bathroom and he got a little concerned. When he opened the door, he saw Hunter with a terrible haircut and scissors in his hand. Hunter looked up at his uncle, frozen like an antelope in the headlights realizing that he had been caught. Philip chuckled a bit, remembering Hunter had done this before when he was younger.

"You know, if you wanted a haircut, you could have just told me. What did you use, a knife?" Philip jokes.

"It's not that funny. I thought I could handle it. I didn't want to look like Caleb anymore. I just felt so uncomfortable." Hunter explained.

Philip took the scissors from Hunter then he gestured to Hunter to sit on the toilet as he tried fixing Hunter's messy hair. The two were silent for a while until Philip broke it. "I know you're mad at me, Owlet. But you have to understand, I grew up in a time where people would get accused of being witches. So, I worry what if someone might try to harm you. I know you're growing up but after everything that happened, I can't help but feel guilty." he stated.

"No, I overreacted. I understand that you were just looking out for me. I'm just making things difficult for you." Hunter spoke, sadly.

Philip finished cutting Hunter's hair giving him a short hair look then he put the scissors down and hugged his nephew tight. He told Hunter that he didn't make things difficult. 

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