Chapter 3

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I am having writers block and I'm not that creative :'(
Hope u like it :)


I awaken from my slumber and groggily open my eyes, immediately noticing I am really close to someone in a bed that feels like heaven. My heart stops and I slowly look up to see its Brandyn. I inch away towards the edge, but an arm wraps around my waist, sending tingles through my body making me freeze. I look back and make sure he's still sleeping and breath a sigh of relief. I slide out of his grasp slowly and carefully as not to wake him, and once I have accomplished that I swing my legs over the bed, making contact with the cold wood floor. Now my heart is beating and my mind is spinning. So do I stay, or do I leave?

<how many times do I have to tell you Tora, we are better off with our mate. He will protect us and take care of us. If you leave, how will we survive? You don't have anything.>

I sigh quietly, knowing she is right. Since I have nothing to do, I go to the bathroom that is connected to the room itself to take a shower. I lock the door, take everything off, and step into the shower, turning the nozzles for hot water. Not wanting to waste water, I look for shampoo, but there's only guy stuff. Of course it's his bathroom! I sigh and grab some of his shampoo and lather my hair and then I use some of his body wash. Once I am done, I step out of the shower and dry off with the big fluffy towels in the corner. I look into the mirror and see my own forest green eyes look at me. My dark brown hair is in snarls, but I don't care. Since I forgot to bring clothes in with me, I peek out the door and see he isn't in his bedroom, so I slip out of the bathroom and get to his dresser. I grab a pair of shorts and a large sweatshirt and put them on. I run my fingers through my snarly hair and make my way towards the aroma of food.

"Good morning." I jump at the voice. I turn and see a girl who looks a lot like Brandyn, so I assume they're siblings.

"Uh, Hi," I say.

"Oh, you don't know me hehe! Well, my name is Caroline and I am Brandyn's sis." She babbled. I don't know what to think of her, she seems to be 16 years old, but harmless though.

"That's nice." I say not really paying attention. I smell a delicious scent coming from the kitchen and my stomach rumbles.

"Oh, you must be hungry. You haven't eaten at all since you got here days ago." I nod. She grabs my hand and pulls me to the kitchen. I see an older women cooking pancakes and waffles. as soon as I put my feet into the kitchen she turns around and smiles at me. Their whole family looks the same with their light brown hair and piercing blue eyes. I awkwardly smile back.

"Hello, you must be my sons mate." I nearly choke on air and nod. "Well its nice to meet u you! I'm Patty. Wow, Your even prettier than he described you." She smirks.

I blush and nervously chuckle. They both laugh at my embarrassment.

"Don't worry, we have looks of embarrassing moments to tell you from his childhood," says Patty. I laugh at this and they join in.

Patty grabs a plate stacked sky high with food and hands it to me. "Go eat before my son comes and eats it all" she laughs. I take it and make my way to the table.

Once I finished the mountain of delicious food I leaned back in the chair to rest, but at that moment Brandyn came in. Immediately his eyes laid upon me and went black. I didn't know what to do so I got up, and in the process hitting my knee on the underside of the table, and ran out. I tried to slip around him but he caught my wrist and brought me to him. He breathed in deeply and said "you and Caroline should go shopping."

"Y-yeah ok-k" I stuttered. I damned myself for being so weak but I couldn't think around him. Once his grip loosened, I ran to the bedroom. On the inside I smiled by I didn't show it.


More action soon I hope! ;P
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