Battle of Titans. Battle of Thieves.

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From behind the iron mask, Izuku scowls as he watches the drugs pour into Nine's body, his ultraviolet and infrared sight a swarm of colors that he couldn't explain but he knew things are getting bad. Next to him, Bakugou tightens his fists as Nine rises from the slight crater wings of plasma now ebbing from where the liquid had drained into his body. A wicked sneer spreads across Nine's face as he scowls at the two heroes. "I'll be taking your All for One now... and with it, I will be unstoppable. Your deaths will serve as the foundation for my utopia. Your names will be forgotten but your fate will be apprecia-" Cut off mid sentence, Nine is nearly impaled by a shot of glowing hot slag from a blast sent out by Bakugou. The rivet quirk he had been given creating the sharp spiraled ends of screws melted upon being exposed to the explosions that Bakugou sets off.

"See, it's time like these where I wonder why we don't have an equivalent to the American 5th amendment. Maybe then you villains would shut the fuck up and stop monologuing." Izuku groans as he starts to float off the ground preparing for his assault on the other All for One holder. "Let's finish this. I'm drawing a line in the sand. You won't pass this point. You won't hurt anyone!"

"Both of you shut up and let's just kill this asshole. How do you use the damn quirk canceling sight shit anyways." His shouts were almost completely ignored as Izuku vanished, setting off a sonic boom and driving his knuckles into the stomach of Nine sending him flying back.

"I don't know! Death glare at him for all I care!" Izuku calls back at Bakugou before freeing a set of visceral wings from his back and taking flight after Nine.

"I will destroy you!" Nine screams before twisting his body violently.

The swirling storm above them suddenly spawns a massive tornado encompassing Nine's body and shrouding him from view. As the two heroes stare in abject horror at what they're dealing with, they're hardly given time to process what's going on as lightning crackles and strikes around them. To further the disparity in this situation, satellite tornadoes spin up around the parent cyclone and start dancing about the ground like angels of death. Being blown back from a lightning bolt not five feet from him, Izuku is sent flying as he's grabbed by the swirling vortex of a satellite twister and thrown. Katsuki curses seeing Izuku get thrown before taking to the air himself and propelling him along with his explosions. Shoji watches as a gleam or red light appears from the sparking explosions around the main tornado as it flies around it in Bakugou's flight path. He isn't given much time to think however as Izuku is thrown right on top of him.

Dusting himself off from the crash landing on Shoji, Izuku starts running back to rejoin the fight, however something catches his eye. The remaining artillery battery that Momo had made along with several shells was still on the cliff face. The others had retreated to escort the civilians back into the cave when the first battery was destroyed by Nine. Around his arms, spider-like webs of his All for One quirk and the smoky tentacles of Black Whip manifest around him, grabbing the shells and holding them behind his back with the whips and latching on to the artillery with the other tendrils. The creaking and straining of metal scream even through the storm as the main gun of the howitzer is ripped from its stand. The tendrils of All for One support the large gun over Izuku's shoulder. With a grin under his mask, he telepathically manipulates the whips to reload the weapon before warping back to the fight.

Seeing the black and green portal open near the main tornado, Katsuki makes a conscious effort not to look at Deku directly as to not shut off his quirks. Instead he focuses on finding even the briefest of openings within the twister to see and shut down Nine's quirks. However he does spot out of the corner of his eye that Deku now has a shoulder mounted howitzer cannon. He smirks seeing the giant gun over his allies shoulder before deciding to join the howitzer fest. Changing the angle of his explosions, he begins to corkscrew spin excessively fast, setting off more and more explosions as he does so. Becoming a spinning ball of orange fire, he spins himself right into the main cyclone. Slamming against the center cyclone, the swirling column of fire generated by Katsuki's howitzer impact fights against the plasma infused cyclone created by Nine. spinning in the opposite direction and super heating the air, the cyclone starts to destabilize due to the massive influx of hot air. Unable to keep it's form for much longer, Nine's tornado dissipates leaving him open.

Taking the opportunity to his advantage, Deku let's loose round after round from the shoulder mounted howitzer. The shells slamming into the ground and exploding around Nine, One of the shells collides with an air barrier created by the other All for One user. After firing the last shell to no effect, Izuku throws the howitzer at Nine before blitzing him. Nine manages to cut the howitzer in half with the finger beam quirk; however, his body is checked by Izuku and driven into the ground. The collision creates a trench a half mile long. Rearing his arm back, talons of metal and flesh manifest from his open hand as he goes in for the final blow. However before he can strike, Nine counters and spears Deku with the water hydra quirk forcing him away as Nine rises from the crater. The insane look in Nine's eye mixed with his own blood leaking from his mouth and the abrasion on his stomach gives the iota of a devil before them. A second hydra's head appears from his back and attacks, this one aiming for the recuperating and very dizzy Bakugou. His eyes widen as he sees the blue hydra head get closer and closer opening its mouth. Before he could react he felt it clasp down on his midsection biting him hard. Feeling his ribs crack under the pressure of the bite he screams out in pain.

"I told you pathetic brats. You would never defeat me. I! AM! ALL FOR ONE!" Nine declares as he clasps the jaws of the first hydra around Deku's midsection, grabbing him and pulling the two towards himself. "That form from earlier truly was a second wind wasn't it. How pathetic. You would have had a new place in my utopia, but now young heroes. You will die."

The two hydra from Nine's back lunge forwards spearing both Deku and Bakugou into the cliff face as Nine makes his move up towards the civilians. As he floats up towards them, the remaining heroes attempt to slow him down. Aoyama once again created a combined sparkling death beam with his own and the quirk Izuku had given him. However it isn't enough as the beam is merely deflected with a single hand by Nine. Shoji and Ochako take part in trying to slow him down, throwing boulders and shooting eye lasers at the arch villain. "Insolent Pests." Nine scoffs before extending his hand and blasting them with a bolt of air pressure. The blast hits Ochako head on and she slams hard into Shoji, sending the two flying back. Hearing his lover cry out in pain from the attack, the air around them starts to grow cold once again. Colder and colder the temperature drops dramatically. It falls so fast that the rain generated by Nine's weather quirk turns to hail as the water droplets freeze solid in flight. The hydra made of water grabbing Deku by the waist starts to freeze. Unable to support the weight of it's captor, the hydra heads shatter, dropping Bakugou and Deku to the ground. The ash blonde explosionist lands with a thud but Deku however remains floating in the air. Nine turns around slowly as he watches the surrounding area turn to become as dark as midnight.

Floating in the air with his arms at his sides, in a slack pose, his mask shattered, suit in tatters and bloodied is the son of All for One. His hair glowing a vibrant white shining in the darkness manifested by his power. His eyes empty and black as if twin black holes now inhabit the spaces where his eyes once were. Nine looks on in horror at this form's second appearance and freezes in mortal terror. Bakugou stumbles back to his feet and smirks upon seeing this form again from Izuku. He spits out some blood from his mouth before raising his fists once more prepared to fight. A large deep gash across his shoulder leaking blood down his chest and the tattered portions of his hero suit.

The true All for One wielder lands on the ground before slowly walking up to Bakugou's side, his form slightly hunched over and moving in a supernatural manner. His head tilting right to left multiple times as he studies Nine and Bakugou walking closer to the two of them. He raises a bloodied and gashed hand up as he gets to Katsuki and places a hand over the wound. In the same moment, the wound heals and Katsuki feels an influx of power on a level he couldn't imagine. His eyes widen feeling this power and his body hardly contains it, orange electricity explodes from his body as he starts to glow in the same manner Izuku does. He looks to the son of the quirk thief confused as to what just happened before he's grabbed by the face by Izuku's other hand. The darkness of his All for One quirk envelops Katsuki's face over Izuku's hand. Nine starts to chuckle in his throat seeing this before letting his laughter be heard in maniacal laughter apparently seeing Katsuki be betrayed.

"HE HAS FINALLY REALIZED HE WAS ON THE WRONG SIDE! NOW WITH THE TWO OF US THIS WORLD WILL KNOW RECONNING!!!" Nine declares between bouts of maniacal laughter. The laughter ceases as a thundercrack reverberates around the destroyed landscape of the battle field. Katsuki's body begins to glow as red orange electricity dances around his body. "WHAT?!!?" Nine snarls seeing the sudden rush of power, but internally he feels his stomach sink.

"I hope you can take this quirk back Deku. I wouldn't want to see what you'll be like without it if your old man is any example." Katsuki rolls his shoulder as Izuku takes his hand off of Katsuki's face.

The explosion hero's eyes now changed, now exploding with power as orange electricity arcs off the corners of his eye sockets and into the open air. His hair floating upwards and back out of his face. Strikingly however the sclera around his eyes was now black, centered by a fiery red iris that is now glowing within it. Down his arms the power from One for All causes his muscles to glow with the power of the quirk, however the further and further down his arms it goes the less glow is present until it darkens to black. Veins of red hot plasma visible under the skin on his hands that have now turned black due to the power of All for One. Nine's eyes widen in horror seeing the two of them before him.

"NO! NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOO!!!! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!!!" Nine screams extending both hands forwards and firing hundreds of lasers at them through his fingers. Izuku raises a single hand and absorbs the lasers from Nine's attack, stealing away more and more power with each blast before stepping forwards and raising his opposite hand. From his palm a beam of dark purple energy erupts and slams into Nine's stomach sending him flying as Katsuki blitzes past Izuku chasing after Nine.

"Didn't you guess already? Deku was supposed to be the perfect successor to ol' potato face back in Kamino. When he visited that old bastard in Tartarus, he ripped every single quirk out of him... Including his All for One. AND NOW WE'RE GOING TO TAKE YOURS YOU VILLAIN TRASH!!! DIE!" Katsuki declares charging a One for All powered explosion and punches Nine in the face setting off the explosion.

The punch to the face almost shatters Nine's jaw but that's the least of his worries, the heat from the explosion melted portions of his skin and set his hair on fire. The All for One user per is sent careening through a rock face from the force of the explosion. Creating a shield of air behind him, he stops his momentum from the explosion before firing himself back into the battle. His attention is brought away from Katsuki as a sonic boom nearly shatters his ear drums. Before he could even register what was happening, he felt a wall of air slam into him then a secondary impact as Deku's fist slams into his chest. Before the force could send him flying the successor of All Might snatches Nine by the throat. With his other hand Izuku grabs Nine by the face attempting to steal a quirk from him. However the All for One user has other plans as he too grabs Izuku by the face and attempts to do the same to him. A swirl of green and purple miasma manifests around the two as they attempt to take quirks from one another. Nine screams out in pain as he feels Deku's grip over his eye sockets and throat tighten as well as from the effects of the theft of one of his quirks. Before it can fully leave him however, the two quirks refuse each other and repel the users away. The result is a sudden and bright flash of green and purple light as a massive explosion occurs from between the two of them.

"What the fuck was that?" Katsuki questions before rushing to Izuku's side. He manages to catch the All for One wielder pulling him from his flight path and stopping his momentum. "Oi! Wake up dumbass." Katsuki slaps Izuku awake, getting the black voids to open. "We can beat this guy but I don't know if that explosion will happen every time you try to steal a quirk. Our best bet will be to try to take one when he's unable to grab us. Did you get anything from him?"

Izuku however doesn't talk and instead extends a hand and generates a golden force field in front of the two stopping a bolt of purple lightning that had been shot from Nine's hand. The two had managed to steal a quirk from one another, Izuku stealing away his air barrier quirk and Nine having stolen away Izuku's Lightning Tesla quirk in the process. However that wasn't the only one that Izuku had taken, he quickly dissipates the forcefield and extended both hands forwards firing green bolts of plasma from the tips of his fingers. Seeing this attack from Izuku, Nine twists his face into an even more pronounced scowl as he looks to his hands feeling two of the nine quirks he had taken were ripped from him. He just barely managed to take the tesla quirk but if another bout like that happened again he'd likely get nothing the next time. "You're Always full of surprises Deku. I think it's time we put this fucker in the ground. You don't get to walkway. This ends now Asshole." Katsuki growls before crouching down to a runner's stance with his palms on the ground and bolting towards Nine. 

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