Complications and Preparations

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"Well, This might be an issue and a big one at that." Recovery Girl says taking off her stethoscope and laying it around her shoulders. Izuku sits on an examination table with Eri in his lap, this was her first check up since living with Izuku and a glaring issue has made itself known. "Eri should have grown at least half a centimeter in the seven weeks we've had her with us, but she hasn't grown whatsoever. She's the same 88cm as when we found her. At her age she should be just over a meter in height but she hasn't even grown a millimeter." She says turning to a computer and writing down the notes from the check up.

"Do you know what could be causing this?" Izuku asks bouncing Eri on his knee, she paying more attention to her switch than the conversation.

"I can't say for sure since it's only been seven weeks but if she gets past three months without any change in height then we might need to do something. Cerebrum showed us that she was destroyed and reconstructed numerous times by O V E R H A U L." Recovery girl says spelling out the name as to not alert Eri and cause a panic attack. "That process may have impacted her growth or even permanently stunted it." She explains, Izuku looks down solemnly at the little girl on his knee. Every parent wants their baby to stay small and innocent forever but at the same time they want to see them grow and flourish becoming their own person.

"What about using my quirk to fix it?" Izuku asks catching Recovery Girl's attention.

"You shouldnt use Rewind on her, we don't know how old she was when you know who got his hands on her for all we know if you use that quirk on her then we might end up having to raise an infant rather than the toddler she currently is." Chiyo chastises, Izuku shakes his head at this comment.

"That's not what I meant, I've learned a lot about All for One and how it works. When I steal a person's quirk I do something to that person's brain. I'm not sure what specifically I do but I know I either take the nerve cluster that allows for the use of quirks or copying and frying the nerves that hold the quirk itself. Seeing that my quirk already works on someone's brain... maybe I can force her brain to release the hormones for her to grow?" He says stroking a hand through Eri's hair.

"It might be worth a shot but at this point in time it is a bit risky, you could accidentally cause her to go into puberty several years before it is supposed to occur or worse. For now I am going to give my findings to my colleagues to see if they can do anything about it. For now I suggest you feed her things with Omega3's and other things that help brain development. We are going to keep a close eye on her growth and if worse comes to worse then I'll prescribe a growth hormone treatment for her." Recovery girl says before fetching a lollipop from a jar and handing it to Eri. "You've done a good job today Eri, do you want a lollipop?" She asks holding the small ruby red candy on a stick. Eri nods before taking it before smiling up to her dad.

"It sweet." She says as Izuku picks her up and places her on her shoulders.

"I'll be seeing you soon Recovery Girl." Izuku says before getting wacked in the leg with her cane.

"No you won't, I told you I'm not healing your own damage to yourself. I'll heal you if you're hurt by anyone else aside yourself." She scolds, Izuku rubs the side of his calf muscle before opening up a black and green warp gate and walking through it.

It turns out that Izuku had taken almost all the quirks his father had, one such quirk may have actually let the symbol of chaos escape Tartarus when least expected. Dr Garaki had seemingly recreated a version of Kurogiri's quirk that All for One had possessed before Izuku stole it. It came in handy for getting from point A to point B but on a couple occasions had caused some of his classmates to attack him thinking it was another villain raid. The portal materialises in the front foreir of the dorms with several of the students looking nonplussed about the portalling green haired man. Kyouka looks over at him for a second before back to a notebook she has been writing in coming up with the song lyrics for the performance they are going to put on.

"Hey Izuku, what did the doctor say about Eri?" Ochako asks looking up from a video she is watching on the couch.

"Well, she's healthy but there's a problem. She's not growing whatsoever and that is worrying Recovery Girl. She isn't prescribing anything yet but if she hasn't grown by month 3 then we're going to give her some medicine that will help her grow. But for now, we're going to change her diet a little bit to foods with lots of fatty acids for the brain." Izuku explains.

"I'll look up some stuff I can cook for her, I know nuts like Chestnuts and fish are considered brain food." Satou says alerting Izuku.

"No, no nuts of any kind. They ran a blood test on her when we first found her, she is deathly allergic to nuts of any kind." Izuku shouts, Satou holds up his hands in defense saying he didn't know and wasn't holding anything. "I have several epipens in my storage space in case worse comes to worse." He says opening up said storage space and pulling out 4 epipens.

"I'm sorry." Satou apologises.

"There's no need, you didn't know after all." Izuku says patting his larger friend on the back.

"You still wanna cook that cake Eri?" He asks, the young girl, Eri nods her head furiously before sliding off of Izuku's shoulders and running over to a step stool and cabinet to grab a picture of a cake she wanted to make.

"Dis one!" She exclaims, Satou arches an eyebrow looking at the picture.

"Eri that's a wedding cake, why do you want to make this one?" He asks, the cake in the picture is a quadruple layer cake pristine white with decadent designs and patterns in the white frosting. On top stands a faceless doll in a suit next to a doll woman in a dress with brown hair.

"Those dolls are kinda creepy." Ochako says noticing the strange similarities between the two figures on the cake and her and Izuku.

"That's probably just a coincidence besides, they never put faces on those dolls anyways." Todoroki says but it doesn't stop Ochako from noticing the blush marks on the bride's head where her face should be.

"Yeah, my parents still have there's in a glass case, they're all pretty generic with just the hair color changing between the dolls. The similarities you see are just coincidental Round Face, if it was gonna be creepy the hair on the groom would be green." Bakugou says looking over Deku's shoulder at the image Eri is holding.

"You're probably right Bakugou and I don't think having a traditional christian wedding would go very well with Deku in a suit. That will probably trigger some flashbacks in All Might and... others." Ochako says walking away from the picture and returning to the couch.

"Have you seen that villain on HeroTube?" Kaminari asks sending Izuku a video.

"Yeah... Gentle Criminal I think it was, he robbed some store then beat the tar out of a bunch of heroes." Izuku says pulling up the video, he glues his eyes to the video bulging from his face. Ochako stares horrified in the background of this image of Izuku staring into his phone only about 8 centimeters away from it.

"I'm going to pretend like I didn't just see his eyes somehow bulge like an inch out of his head. I'm almost done with the lyrics and want to know what you all think but we're going to need some stage play and dancing. Showing off our quirks and stuff as well, the other classes will hold us at a high standard so I don't want to disappoint." Kyouka says showing them the lyrics she had written.

"Do you mind singing for us?" Kaminari asks, causing her to blush before quickly hugging the book into her chest.

"I-It's not done yet." She quickly says hiding the book away. "Like in old rock concerts there's people playing the instruments but there's also back up singers and dancers. We have everyone that is playing but we need to come up with a routine." Jirou explains.

"I can teach you all how to dance, my normal work out is dancing anyways and it's one of my favorite things to do." Mina says as she starts break-dancing demonstrating her skills.

"I can't play anything due to my character design... stupid cultural festival." Mineta sulks.

"Mineta if you do your part in the show we will give you a harem bit." Mina says, causing his mood to lighten immediately.

"Cultural festival please come quicker." He pleads.

"How 'bout no. Some of us are in relationships and that will just be weird for everyone. Have you even thought about how hard it would be to keep up with a harem?" Izuku questions snapping Mineta out of his daydream. "I'll take that as a no, here I have an alternative for you. You take part in the festival, I will figure out how to make you taller. Sounds good?" He asks, Mineta sprints over to Deku and gets on his knees before extending his hands out straight as if he is worshiping Izuku.

"Yes please make me tall, I'm shorter than Eri-chan." He says raising up and down in a revering motion.

"Can you not do that? My dad tried to have people worship him as a god and it literally started a world war." Izuku requests, Mineta stops and stands up from the floor.

"Cake is done." Satou says, Izuku turns and laughs seeing Eri sitting on her little cloud covered in flour. "We also kinda made a mess." he confesses.

"Yaomomo, You should-" Mina says running over to her black haired friend before whispering something into her ear. Momo smiles hearing this before walking over to the large cake. Her right hand starts to glow with the white blue and purple sparkles of her quirk before two wooden figures appear. A model of Izuku and Ochako are standing on the top of the cake as two russian nesting dolls. Both Deku and Ochako blush profusely seeing this with Eri laughing asking if the Ochako doll has Eri and little babies inside of it. 

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