Infinite Might

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All Might drags his feet to a stop after taking a sucker punch to the teeth, the rejuvenated pro wipes a bit of blood from the side of his lip and grins at his adversaries. Overhaul had mainly turned his attention from All Might leaving the former number one pro hero to face off against the nomus meant specifically to kill the old him. While they have been a bit of a challenge, Aizawa's split second assist had given him enough of a window to defeat six out of the ten clones that are attacking him. Though credit where credit is due, they had managed to draw blood and All Might's old nemesis didn't do without providing this ace in the hole a few upgrades. The thing that is proving to be a particularly troublesome problem is the fact that there's well four of the things, the second problem is that due to them being clones the traditional weakness of the nomu's brain isn't an option for an instant kill. He had already expended that option when he punched through the head of the original one during the time where the Nomu's quirks were disabled.

Across the battlefield, gunfire and explosions rock through the infinite army being produced by the supervillain. Mineta actually proved to be a major asset in this battle, the explosive hair follicle quirk he had been given near perfectly synced up with his pop off quirk. With the help of Tokoyami, Mineta has basically become a carpet bomber throwing as many explosive hair balls as he can though the drawback of the pop off quirk is beginning to take its toll on him. On the ground Monoma is leading the main attack against the army, while the infinite overhauls are using their own abilities to change and warp the terrain against the heroes, Monoma has discovered that the effects of the quirk can't mingle with each other. Meaning that whenever he uses the quirk any of the areas he is overhauling cannot be affected by the other clones until he is done using the quirk on it. Hagakure tries in vain to find the real Overhaul, instead opting to sneak attack and dispatch any that get too close to her classmates.

Having withdrawn from the battle field, Momo is crouched down behind a tree using her quirk to create the single most complex creation to date. Almost the entirety of her upper body is glowing under a black cloak she had made to conceal the use of her quirk. As the creation begins to exit her skin, she quickly scarfs down a sugary energy solution made by the support course with enough calories and sugars to reset her fat stores to use her quirk. Now with more fuel for her creation she concentrates on finishing the device. Solid gold tuning rods form a flower-like shape over the circular emitter coil in the center. The barrel of the weapon is covered in folding step down transformers that lead to the electrode at the end of the barrel. Insulators protect the user from being electrocuted by the weapon as they cover the barrel and the grips of the weapon. The forward pistol grip is covered in rubber as well as the main trigger and buttstock of the weapon. On the side three lightbulbs mark how many charges are on the weapon with a safety switch and power switch nearby. The rest of her body is clad in a completely electric resistant suit similar to that of lineworkers. Her normal costume had been traded out for a skin tight rubber body suit that covered everything below the neck. Her head is framed by a red and black helmet that completely covers her face, the visor of which protects her eyes from the electrical monstrosity that she had created.

Taking a step from behind the tree, Momo scans the battlefield to make sure that no one she doesn't want to deep fry is in the way of the weapon. Though she can't tell where Hakagure or Kuroiro are at the moment, time is against them and it's in her best interest to be able to take out more than half of the clones in a single blast. Flicking the lever on the side she primes the weapon causing a deep amethyst purple arch of electricity to ladder its way towards the emitter at the front. All six foils on the front end of the weapon begin to arch with electricity as she presses down hard on the trigger. As the weapon fires, an electrical bolt that could put Zues' and Thor's to shame erupts from the barrel of the weapon. The thunder emanating from the blast shatters the glass on the nearby houses of Training ground Theta. The overhaul clones barely have enough time to look at the oncoming purplish white bolt of electricity before it strikes them. The bolt channels itself from the contact point of a clone that was attempting to regenerate itself to the clones behind it and so on. The single electrical discharge from her weapon frying hundreds if not thousands of the clones in a single instance, leaving only the screams of the damned and the smell of burned flesh in its wake.

As the class continues their battle against Overhaul, All Might manages to drag the remaining high ends towards Aizawa trying to convey a message to him despite not having enough time to actually speak. Eraserhead himself is laughing maniacally as he sprays thousands of bullets out of the business end of the minigun that he was made. Firing so many bullets that the front of the gun is now glowing red hot. Out of the corner of his eye, the executioner spots All Might take a heavy punch to the stomach further sending him backwards due to the force of the punch. Aizawa blinks, shutting off his quirk for a brief second before turning his attention to the nomu that are attacking All Might. Releasing the trigger, Aizawa turns his head then the gun towards the Nomu as they chase down All Might. The rejuvenated pro barely has time to spot the change of Aizawa before he is forced to block a punch from the special high end. Countering with an uppercut to the jaw he nearly severs the creature's head from its shoulders, in the time it takes to regenerate, All Might grabs it by the legs and spins it around using the creature's body as a weapon against the other Nomus. While the shock absorption would normally counter this move, Aizawa manages to activate his quirk in time for the retaliatory blow from All Might to force the Nomus back. The one All Might is holding turns to sludge under the effects of Aizawa's quirk and the last three are unceremoniously gunned down by the executioner.

"I'd say we'd make a decent team, All Might." Aizawa says before clicking a button on the side of the minigun. The backpack behind him opens a side compartment with a robotic voice-like arm that reaches out and removes the near molten barrels of the weapon before replacing it with a fresh set. This time the minigun is now a tri barrel variation, able to spin twice as fast as before. Momo definitely had thought ahead as the ammo backpack is capable of 3D printing its own ammunition effectively giving Aizawa a bottomless clip. Though the rhythmic marching of the infinite overhaul pursuing them brings an end to the lull in the battle.

"Ah crap baskets." All Might sighs as they turn to face the oncoming villain hoard. "Alright Shota... You take the 500 on the left and I'll take the 500 on the right."

"Screw you, I'm taking 501." Aizawa declares before spinning the barrels of the minigun. "If we survive this, I'm getting a raise or I'll skin that little varmint." Underneath the helmet, a new quirk assist system comes to life. A pair of secondary goggles cover Aizawa's eyes before filling with a saline solution the same salt content as tears. The computer within Aizawa's mask is already calculating the changes needed to allow Aizawa to see clearly. The solution keeps his eyes moist and limits the drawback of his quirk.

As the two pro heroes turn to face off against Overhaul, they're suddenly blocked by an opening green and black portal. As soon as it had opened it closed revealing the white haired form of Deku standing before them. His glowing green eyes staring out at the army infinitum before him. Raising his right hand he flays his fingers causing the entire clone army in front of them to freeze before they are lifted into the air. When he closes his fingers the entire army is crushed together so tightly that the mud like substance that they decay into upon death becomes a hardened gemstone. With the arrival of Deku to the battlefield, the bulk of the clone army shifts their attention towards Deku though it won't help. The sheer amount of clones that were annihilated in the first attack manage to reveal the real Overhaul kneeling on the ground limply like an abandoned marionette doll. "I need to borrow your quirk for a bit Mr Aizawa, this won't take long." Izuku's voice is cold but determined, almost conveying a sense of security now that he has awoken.

"Fine, kill this asshole and we can be done with it." Aizawa responds by taking off his helmet which allows Izuku to take the quirk from his teacher.

"You still up for some target practice?" All Might asks as Shota puts his helmet back on preparing for the fight.

"I'll deal with Overhaul. Is he the only villain on campus?" Izuku asks.

"From what Bakugou and Snipe said over the radio, they're dealing with a Nomu with the All for One quirk. Bakugou thinks it might be the real All for One having taken control of the thing's body. They're at the main campus." Aizawa says prompting Izuku to nod before opening a portal behind him allowing All Might to leave and assist the fight.

"I'm killing him this time, and he'll stay dead." Izuku declares shutting off the Twice Cloning quirk that Overhaul is using. As soon as the quirk erasure sight takes its effect, the entire army of Overhauls fall dead, returning to the sludge that they came from.

Leaving Aizawa to take care of his class, though not without a quirk in place of the one Izuku is borrowing, Deku starts walking towards Overhaul on the other end of the battlefield. Seeing his true quarry, Overhaul stands from his seated position before beginning to walk towards Izuku. The glowing red eyes of his adversary make the other quirks in his repertoar useless but the one giving him several arms isn't deactivated by the sight. The limbs move to frame his body like that of a many armed demon, each of the decrepit fingers flayed and curled exposing vicious talons on each of the fingers. From his back the remnants of clothes he was wearing sloth off with a bit of the decaying flesh exposing a pair of tattered moth wings that unfold and unfurled away from his body. The arms on the upper part of his back fall off having been replaced with the decayed wings, the flesh slaps the ground with a sickening wet noise. As they get close enough to see each other clearly, Overhaul chuckles to himself as both of them stop their forward progression.

"I who have come back from Hell to reap my crusade on the blight that is quirks... You have what I need and I intend to subjugate you to my will... You will be assimilated and with your power I will cure the world..." The man-made horror speaks, his words distorted by the decomposition of his body. "The only solace that I'll allow you in your final hour... Is the knowledge there is an afterlife. But, fret not... Son of All for One. You'll probably go to heaven... But please, hang your head and cry in despair..."

"You came back from your eternal damnation just to throw away the second chance at life you got. Instead of trying to rectify your sins knowing what waits for you when you die, you instead corrupt yourself to the point I can't even call you human anymore." Izuku responds, letting the entirety of his power flow through his body as he prepares for this fight.

"Oh I am no longer human... Shigaraki Mikumo, you're correct in that assumption. I am the antithesis, the antidote. Through me the world will become pure and I shall purge the world of the pandemic of quirks. Then God will welcome me to the afterlife once I save humanity." Overhaul exclaims raising his arms to the heavens as he proclaims his second life's mission.

"You are a monster created by man, you were sent to hell as a punishment for what you did. How could you delude yourself to believe that you would be forgiven for what you had done to all those people, what you did to Eri. You won't be coming back after this, I already showed you mercy and I won't be showing it again. I'm going to break you, break your body, your spirit and break you with your quirk, down to every last atom that had corrupted itself to form you." Izuku growls channeling power beyond that of his limits with One for All and even All for One. 

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