Prelude to Devestation

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 Coming to a large room, Izuku stops at the entrance feeling that this is without a doubt a trap. He holds up his hand getting the military forces to stop as he walks inside the room. Instantly the wall behind him rises up from the floor blocking off Deku from the rest of the men. A heinous laughter starts echoing through the room as the floor starts to move on it's own with pieces of concrete forming twisting columns and creating a labyrinth. Deku flicks his fingers targeting the columns that are moving, shattering them at the base causing them to collapse. As he's distracted a scarecrow looking member of the precepts lunges out from the ground and bites off Deku's left hand. As he's trying to realise what's happening he's punched in the face by Hojo with his hand clad in razor sharp crystals. Izuku regenerates his hand before pointing a finger beam at Hojo only for the beam to disappear before being fired back at him by Setsuno.

"Geeheeheehee! Looks like the mighty All for One isn't that powerful after all is he. You're out matched little man. You're no match for the eight bullets." Mimic laughs bringing one of the columns he's controlling down on Izuku trying to crush him.

"Your pathetic friends are probably getting killed by the boss as we speak Boy. You failed and we will take back the brat you stole from us." Hojo says creating a blade from the crystals and swiping at Deku.

"Face the facts kid, you're powerless to stop us. The boss will be here to kill you soon." Setsuno brags on firing another finger beam that he stole from Izuku back at him striking him in the shoulder.

"I can and will defeat you with only one quirk." Izuku says regenerating his wounds and exploding in a green aura with lightning arcing off into the air around him.

"Foolish brat. Arrogance will get you nowhere." Hojo shouts swinging back at him with the crystal blade attached to his arms.

"What do we do?! We got separated and he's fighting a bunch of people!" Ochako shouts, starting to panic slightly seeing at Deku is now in a one v unknown amount of villains fight.

"Everything is going to work out, relax Uravity. This has already happened before. He will defeat them in 10 blows. We will reunite with Deku on the other side of the corridor. For now get behind the heavies we have work to do." Nighteye says activating his quirk to see what happens on the other side of the wall with Izuku and the villains. "The villain with the sniper still has 5 shots left. He's going to target the sidekicks and students." He says as they dart down a side room to circumvent the massive room ahead of them.

"What else happens in the vision Sir Nighteye? We must know what to expect." Ryukyu asks, rushing up to the former sidekick of All Might.

"If I were to tell you, It would not occur. Once Deku and Overhaul's fight starts then I can tell you what will happen. The one thing that you guys must not let happen however, Is Deku killing Overhaul. No matter what we can't let Deku be the one to kill him. If he does it out of anger he will fall from the path to the utopia that I foresaw." Nighteye says before walking ahead of them and aiming one of his stamps at a doorway.

"Who's the one to kill Overhaul? Is it the police? Is it me?" Mirio asks but gets no answer.

"I can't tell that either." He replies before throwing the stamp as hard as possible at the door, as it gets close a goon jumps out of the door and is beamed in between the eyes by the metal stamp before being quickly arrested.

"That explains why he and a couple other pro heroes have an actual pistol." Mirio thinks to himself.

"SETSUNO GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" Hojo shouts as a falling pillar almost crushes the villain. Setsuno barely manages to get out of the way in time before being accused from behind by Deku.

Deku punches Setsuno with the full power of One for All, sending him careening towards Tabe. The two collide and are sent flying into another one of the pillars Mimic is creating throughout the room. "That was for my hand." Deku says before dodging a swipe from Hojo and continuing to weave back and forth away from the attacks. He stands back up from dodging one of the blows just as Hojo comes down at him with a vertical slice. Izuku hardens his hand using Kirishima's quirk and catches the blade. He twists his wrist snapping the crystalline blade in half before landing a thunderous kick to Hojo's chin which is doubled by the iron sole shoes. "Liar! You said you'd use one quirk damnit!!!" Mimic shouts before trying to crush Deku once more with another pillar. "Since when do villains play fair? I might have lied yes, but you won't be conscious to tell people that I did." Izuku replies. With a discharge of power he lunges straight up through a pillar thanks to Permeation from Mirio and catches Mimic by the throat flattening him into the roof of the building. He tears off his mask before grabbing him by the face and taking his quirk from him. He rips the pocket off of his cloak and crushes it, destroying the trigger drugs inside it before launching Mimic's unconscious body at Setsuno. Setsuno was recovering from hitting Tabe and was slammed into by Mimic sending him into the dirt even further.

"I never said that the one quirk I would use to defeat you wouldn't be All for One. It was a lie yes, but a lie of omission." Izuku says landing in front of the three on the ground before getting hit by Hojo again. "That was rude. We were having a conversation." He says in an offended tone before turning and punching Hojo's reinforced arms, sending him flying back.

"You're gonna be lunch Hero!" Tabe shouts, jumping up to bite at Izuku again, he manages to bite onto Deku's right arm biting it off and consuming it. Izuku turns to face the villain before simply pulling back the tatters of his sleeve and regenerating his right arm this time. "Really? My writing hand? That was rude." Izuku says before delivering a massive punch to the side of Tabe's head knocking him out cold. "I don't think I'm going to take that hunger quirk from you, mine already makes me that way anyways. But I will turn yours off though." Izuku says creating a finger tendril and trying to imaple it into Tabe's head to force deactivate his quirk. As he tries this, the finger tendril is pulled off his hand and finds its way onto Setsuno's own arm. "Yes... The power of All for One is mine for a short while... let's see if I can use it on you then." Setsuno says extending the tendril and jamming it into Deku's shoulder. He tries pulling a quirk from Deku but he feels the opposite, instead he feels immense pain as his own quirk is pulled from his body. He grabs the sides of his head in pain screaming at the heavens. "Doesn't work that way." Izuku says chopping Setsuno on the neck and knocking him out.

"You're not beating me you Filthy! Diseased! Hero!" Hojo declares as Izuku turns to face the crystalline clad villain. "I will beat you, and I'll do it in 5 punches." Izuku says calmly hardening his hands with Kirishima's quirk and lunging at the crystal thug. "FIVE!" Hojo barely has time to react and block his face with both arms as the first punch connects with him. It cracks the crystals around his arms like glass. "FOUR!" "WHAT?!" He shouts as a hook punch finds its mark in his ribs again cracking his crystal armour. "HOW?! HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS?! MY CRYSTALS ARE STRONGER THAN DIAMONDS?!" Hojo declares making a blade from his elbow and swinging his arm at Deku. It knicks his cheek but the wound heals before blood can even leak from it. "It's a secret." He says with a smirk, this enrages Hojo who creates a scythe of crystal swiping at Deku trying to take off his head. He hits nothing but air as Izuku seemingly vanishes from view only to appear from above. "THREE!" Deku shouts, landing a hammer strike to the top of his head. "I think I peed a little." Hojo thinks with his eyes bulging from his head and blood dripping from his mouth. "TWO!" He shouts, Hojo's heart drops in his chest hearing this before an uppercut lands on his chin sending him flying up into the air towards the roof. "One." Izuku says as Hojo connects with the reinforced concrete ceiling of the base.

"You were right, Overconfidence will be your fall." Izuku says floating up to Hojo using Ochako's quirk and taking the crystal quirk from him. "That's 7 down 4 to go." He monologues before landing next to Tabe and deactivating his quirk. "Probably should bind these guys up. But I don't think that he is waking up anytime soon. Eh, better safe than sorry." Izuku says to himself looking at Mimic who seems to have spirals in his eyes. After binding the villains in capture tape and handcuffs, Izuku makes his way to the other side of the corridor. Getting through the doors he runs into the others who had taken a different route around the room.

"Deku! You're okay! What happened in there?! Sounded like a huge fight." Ochako says, turning to face Izuku.

"Four of them, Tabe, Setsuno, Hojo and Mimic. They talked about how Overhaul had probably killed you and that they were gonna do the same to me then take Eri back. They're all knocked out and bound." Izuku responds.

"How many blows did it take you?" Nighteye asks not turning around.

"Surprisingly. Only 10. Why do you ask?"

"The vision Dek-AH!" Ochako says before feeling something stick into the back of her neck. She falls forwards into Izuku's arms and he sees the same dart from earlier sticking out of the back of her neck. He takes the dart out and uses a quirk to heal the wounds. He turns around using the infrared quirk to look towards the direction where the dart had come from. He sees a heat signature on the catwalk a distance away before practically teleporting in front of it. Chronostasis stares shocked at how fast Deku moved before he's snatched by the neck by said hero. "It's too late, that bitch's quirk is long gone now." Chronostasis says before starting to be choked by Deku. "That's where you're wrong." Izuku says putting down his pinky finger removing the weight from chronostasis. "This is the quirk of the woman you shot with that dart. And you'll be defeated by it." Izuku says letting go of his grip and pushing him over the edge of the catwalk. "Wait!! You can't kill me! Heroes have moral codes!" He shouts pleading for his life. "If this kills you, it will be gravity that did. Not me." Izuku replies before placing his fingers together and saying a single word. "Release." "YOU BASTAaaaaaaaaaa..." Chronostasis screams as he falls from the air down to the floor. He slams into the ground with a thud and audible crunch but still alive. Barely.

"How'd you know that he would survive the fall?" Ochako asks before Izuku places his hand on her head returning her quirk to her.

"I didn't. He was the one with the quirk erasing rounds though. Now that he's down I can give these back to you." Izuku says giving Kirishima his quirk back next.

"Everything is going as it should, you guys can have your quirks back now." Nighteye says as the heroes line up to regain their quirks.

"Sir, do you want us to contain the prisoners?" Commander Hanzo asks being slightly muffled due to the juggernaut armour he's wearing.

"Yes, collect the villains and detain them commander, thanks for the help." Sir Nighteye says bowing to the minigun wielding commander who then leads the armed forces back out and to the surface.

"We still have Rikiya, Shin and Overhaul to deal with. Come on this is almost over." Izuku says starting to fly down the halls of the long hallway leading to the room where the experimentation was conducted.

Getting inside the room Izuku and the heroes are met with Shin and Rikiya standing beside Overhaul who's facing the door with his fingers pressed together through their white gloves. "I never thought that such a seemingly weak child would cause me this much trouble. Yet you managed to take out most of my men. Except for me, Rikiya and Shin. I'm almost impressed. Almost. Do you realise what you've done? I don't believe you do. You have essentially doomed humanity. You in your clouded mind through defeating me was the right thing to do. I am trying to create a cure for these quirks, as you probably can tell they're getting to the point where they harm the user. Eventually they will get so strong that when a child manifests it they will perish and mankind will fall." Overhaul explains setting the last quirk erasing round on the desk. As soon as it's within view it's vaporised by a finger beam from Izuku.

"Humans evolve with every generation of quirk users. Your paranoia of something that will never happen has led you to experimenting on and abusing an innocent child for her quirk. There is nothing in this world more dangerous than an evil man, no Monster, that has convinced himself that he is doing good. I'm giving you this chance to come quietly and not resist, there is an army of armed men above us as we speak and every single one of them wants you. Dead or Alive." Izuku threatens with both his eyes now turning red.

"Is that how you see me? A monster? You really are a fool then. To think that you brought mere men with guns to take me down. Fine then. I'll play your little game." Overhaul says taking off his gloves and standing up. "There may be men up there on the surface... But down here, There be Monsters..."

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