Reality Check.

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The normally boisterous Neito Monoma was now panicking in his leather dress shoes, the normally confident and out right arrogant member of class 1-B was sweating even before the battle has begun. He and his team consisting of Midnight, Reiko, Yui, Setsuna, and Shoda are making their way towards sight Gamma to face Dynamight, AKA Bakugou or in this case a pretend All for One. Surely his class was strong enough to prove those Class A posers wrong and that they are the mightiest heroes in training of the first years. He tried to believe that but as each beat of his heart pounds louder and louder his anxiety grows with each passing moment, In order to save face, he swallows his fear and replaces it with pride, thinking that this will be a walk in the park.

    “Site Gamma is a maze of tubig, valves and miles and miles of metal pipes. It is meant to represent the outer districts and working areas of the Mustafu province where all the factories, paper mills and electrical plants. While none of these wires are live, in a real world scenario they will be and if you touch one, you're out, dead and will be asked to leave the site grounds. According to Nana Shimura, her mentor and All for One had their final duel in a power plant which served as All for One’s base and a trap. Bakugou will likely use the confusing set up to his advantage but we can too. I have a plan to begin with but do any of you have one as well?” Midnight begins, as they exit the stairwell towards the entrance to the site proper.

    “Depending on if these pipes are working, we could use them to fumigate the entire site with Midnight’s quirk rendering him asleep. However, that wouldn't work unless his mask doesn't filter out any air.” Shoda being the first to speak up states, “Even then it would be a big problem for us aside from Midnight herself since she would be immune to the effects of her own quirk.”

    “While a good idea, we should keep that as a last resort, Yui and Reiko probably could work together to surprise attack him, however from what we've seen so far it hasn't worked on him or Deku. If we could get the drop on him, I suggest using Reiko’s quirk to phase a large piece of metal or rebar through something before launching it at Bakugou.” Setsuna suggests. “I am not a fighter, but I can be a diversion or distraction if he has any sort of thermal or audio sense it could confuse him but that's the best I'd be able to do.”

    “I'm only as strong as the person I copy a quirk from, so I'll have to rely on you five to create an opening in order to copy Dynamite's quirk. Even if I manage that, it may just be his explosion quirk and not any that he was given. I haven't gotten the opportunity to try to copy one from Midoriya. Even then I wouldn't copy every quirk he has stolen, just the ability to steal them so if I manage to get All for One from Dynamite i'd have to take quirks from him.” Monoma surmises.

    “With how proficient of a fighter Bakugou is at close range then you wont get the chance even if you could copy his quirk.” Kodai responds in a manner similar to the deadpanned cold tone of Todoroki. “Shoda’s quirk can be used on my items that I can make big and small at will. So if we get the shot I can use it on a massive piece of metal or machinery, Shoda can throw it towards him and then I can release the shrinking effect after he uses his second stage to his quirk. But we’d have to get close enough to throw something at him. This is gonna be dangerous.”

  “Can your quirk be used to create booby traps?” Shoda nods at Monoma’s question. “Then let me copy it as well. I can set up a series of traps while we try to track him and if what he said earlier happens it's likely he will target me first.”

    “Then that's the plan, use a series of permeable objects and twin impacted enlarged projectiles to target the mask then have Midnight and or Monoma use Somnambulist on him to knock him out. If all else fails she can seduce him or something but we’re probably screwed.” Setsuna’s pessimistic remark does not lift their morale but they don't have time to dwell on that as Nezu signals the beginning of the exercise.

    “This is going to be interesting.” All Might says watching the group begin to enter the city. “With how things have been going so far it's evident that we must train as hard as possible in order to combat All for One.”

    “Depending on how this goes, we may need to intervene in an actual situation but this is for the scenario where we are unable to assist them. While their planning skills are up to par, executing those plans has been an issue for both teams up till now. If we are to do this again, it may be best if we combine multiple teams as just six of them seems far too easy for either Bakugou or Izuku to handle.” Nana remarks as they watch Setsuna split herself into hundreds of parts.

    “That is the entire point of these training exercises, it is to make clear how far the gap is between the heroes and villains. These matchups are specifically ordered so that the hero team will be disadvantaged from the start.” Nezu’s coyness rubs several of the students the wrong way. “Afterall, Heroes always have disadvantages and will have to overcome overwhelming odds in order to protect civilians and society. There's one thing that we cannot teach here at UA. You cannot save everybody. That includes yourself.”

    In the sight proper, the hero team slowly and methodically make their way through the first several districts. Monoma taps everything and anything that can be thrown as they walk along. Bits of small rocks, loose screws and even exposed rebar in order to set up a minefield worth of traps with Shoda’s quirk. Shoda himself uses his quirk on some of the objects Yui keeps with her in order to prepare for their encounter with Bakugou. Setsuna had already split herself apart and is now floating high above the site looking for any sign of Bakugou. Her disembodied pieces taping and floating around the metal pipes in order to confuse any auditory and visual quirks he may have. Midnight herself is using her quirk in order to charge some of her own support items, a gas grenade filled with her somnambulist gas that will explode on impact when thrown.
    Bakugou is hidden far in the depths of the metal labyrinth, his fingers pressed to the ground and the tendrils of All for One span out before him. The area he is covering isn't nearly far enough to launch a sneak attack on them from the relative safety of the depths but it is to serve another purpose. Earlier he had tried to use his infrared quirk in order to see them through the darkness but with Setsuna splitting herself that option is no longer available to him. Instead he uses a tried and true method of hunting and stalking, expanding the network of tendrils from his fingers like the web of a trapdoor spider. Hundreds of strands span an area a few dozen meters across sensing for vibrations in the earth. Similar to the trap of the spider, he waits and tries to locate them based on the vibrations of their feet. The rebar and concrete foundation make for an excellent conductor of vibrations and the tendrils pick up each foot step before suddenly getting a lot of interference. The sound of arrhythmic tapping is felt through the ground and buildings. “That explains why she split up like that.” He murmurs to himself. Retracting the tendrils from the ground he cracks his knuckles before floating off the ground beginning the hunt.

    The darker areas of the gamma site were nearly pitch black, and while Setsuna was their eyes in the sky, she would provide no help in the vast darkness. Monoma followed a piece of what looked like Setsuna’s thigh as it floated lazily through the corridor of metal pipes. Bouncing off the walls as it floated by. Copying her quirk could potentially be lethal to him if he didn't keep track of time perfectly, so hers was out of the question from the start. Instead he was armed only with Shoda’s quirk and a handful of small toothpick sized pieces of rebar that Yui had shrunk for him. She was a few paces behind him so if Bakugou attacked in his typical fashion they could be ready for him. That is, If he attacked that way, Monoma is suddenly brought away from his thoughts by an abrupt and deafening silence. The piece of Setsuna’s split body had vanished and he didn't even notice it.

    “Did Setsuna recall herself yet?” Monoma questions after motioning for Yui to stop.

    “She said she’d let us know over the communicator.”

    “The one we’ve been following just vanished, and I didn't hear so much as a squeak from Setsuna herself.”

    “It may have gotten stuck somewhere.” Yui reasons as the two slow their pace and begin more cautiously progressing through the corridor. “I'll notify the others.”

    “Hey, Setsuna you there?” Neito questions into his intercom, meanwhile Yui is speaking to Midnight on hers. “Setsuna?” He asks again but all he gets is radio silence. “Lizardy do you copy?” Again he gets no answer. “I'm not getting a response from Setsuna.” He says on the wider frequency to Midnight and the others.

    “Think it fell out of her ear when sh-AHHHHHhhhh!” Yui suddenly screams as she feels something wrap around her leg and tighten. She's violently jerked upwards by a black tendril coming out from the darkness and suspended upside down a few stories up from the floor.

    “Bakugou just grabbed Kodai!” Monoma shouts into the intercom before grabbing a piece of rebar from his pocket. “Release it!” He yells prompting Yui to deactivate her quirk on the object when Neito finishes his throw. The toothpick sized piece of steel suddenly becomes it's full foot long length as it is speared into the blackness in front of them, Monoma activates the second impact with his copy and waits… but nothing happens. There is no sound of a collision or impact with the steel; it's as if it has merely vanished into the void before them. “What the hell is this Bakugou? You don't do stealth and Neither does All for One.” He shouts into the void.

    “Don't yell at him! Get me down from he-!” Kodai shouts before abruptly being silenced by the mass of tendrils cocooning her body and snatching it into the depths of the site.

    “He's taken her! We need to meet up now, is anyone there?”

    “We’re still here Monoma, head back towards the lighter area so we can regroup.” Midnight instructs Neito to sprint towards the entrance of the site. He turns back to get a look at where Bakugou seemingly was only to have his blood freeze in his veins. In the darkness is a figure with glowing red eyes staring back at him before turning around and walking back into the shadows.
    Getting back to the entrance he is relieved to see Midnight, Shoda and Reiko still there, sweat pouring from his face as he comes to a screeching halt in front of them. Panting he places his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath. “He has to be… targeting me.” He pants out trying to catch his breath.

    “Did you see him?”

    “All I saw were his eyes glowing from somewhere in there.” Neito pants, fear causing his voice to break slightly.  

    “If we go in there he's going to pick us off one by one.”

    “And if you stay together I can kill multiple birds with one stone.” Bakugou’s metallic voice rang out from above them. The remaining four turn in shock to see the All for One wielder standing patiently on a crossbeam a few feet above their heads. His right hand out stretched and pointed at them. At the tip of his finger is a glowing purple orb of light. “What was that about showing Class 1a up? You ran at the first sign of danger, whered your bravado go?” Katsuki asks before firing the death beam into the ground. The energy beam explodes on contact with the concrete between them, sending the four heroes flying in separate directions. In a moment of panic, Monoma runs back into the darkness of the site leaving the three of them to duel Bakugou alone.
    Neito ran until his legs practically gave out from under him. His chest burned from the exhaustion of having ran for what felt like hours but may have only been a few minutes. He comes to a stop and tumbles onto the ground out of breath and energy breathing heavily and gasping for air. He was alone, deep in the bowls of this metal labyrinth with no backup. As his heart rate returns to normal, he finds the strength to sit up and then finally stand. He had to escape Bakugou’s grasp but it was unlikely to happen. As he is mustering the courage to begin to stealthily make for the exit a pair of heavy and methodical footsteps echo from all around him. Turning a corner, Monoma keeps low to the ground in an attempt to practice any of the stealth skills that he had learned from Vlad King and Edgeshot but the footsteps were getting closer.
Turning another corner he breaks into sprint towards the light at the end of the tunnel but he turns to look behind him. He crashes face first into the solid form of Bakugou and recoils backwards falling on his back and hands as he gazes up at him.
    “Bravado does nothing for those who can't back it up. In your case it is a mask for your own cowardice.” Bakugou states calmly as Monoma tries to scramble to his feet, but it's too late. Bakugou had already closed the distance between him and Monoma with a hand raised to Monoma’s face. “Game Over.” Bakugou says calmly before extending his index finger out and flicking Monoma on the forehead. “You died. You died because you panicked.” Bakugou states as he removes his helmet. “Fear is your enemy. Fear gets people killed, gets your team killed, and the people you're supposed to protect killed. What will they think when they saw you run and abandon them? Pathetic.” Bakugou scolds. “Next time be prepared to put your money where your mouth is.” With those last words Bakugou turns and walks away leaving Monoma to wallow in his failure.
    “Damn. That was cold even for him.” Kaminari says watching Monoma stand sit there on the ground. “I half expected him to just blow Monoma to high hell.”
    “He was teaching him a lesson.” Nana responds. “While his methods are brutally honest it is true. Fear is the enemy and singling out Monoma to force him to show his true colors revealed the weakest link in Class 1-B. The boy who boasted and declared that his class was the strongest got himself and his whole team killed had this been the real deal.”
    “His ego will end his hero career. One of the many lessons I've learned the hard way.” Endeavor states coldly. “Failure is the best teacher, and if he is half as smart as his boasts say he is, then he’ll learn from this mistake.”
    “That being said, it is your turn now Endeavor, please make your way to sight Theta and begin planning. Deku is a hundred times more dangerous than Bakugou is.” Nezu announces.
    “That may be the case but he's not going all out, it's just a training exercise.” Shouto responds. “He's not going to use that strange white haired form he did versus Nine, I'm not even sure he can control it.”
    “And that's what makes him dangerous.” Nezu responds before motioning for Endeavor’s team to head to Site Theta, a small village at the base of an artificial mountain surrounded by small lakes and a dense forest. This is going to be tricky.

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