Spy in Our Midst.

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Shidate is a beautiful resort, and for the most part the students are enjoying their time at the hot springs though something is troubling Izuku. Back when he gave Aoyama the mirror array quirk to help focus his quirk he noticed something about the man. His quirk didn't feel like it belonged in his body, it was foreign. Izuku has been needing to speak with him but he hasn't had the time nor the opportunity to get him alone to question him. It was almost as if Aoyama was afraid of him since the incident on Nabu, and to be fair a lot of his classmates were terrified of that level of power he now wields. Then there was the attack on UA just a couple weeks ago, after his turn against Bakugou, Aoyama had seemingly disappeared and only came around when the fighting got started against All for One and Overhaul. There are just too many things lining up for Izuku's liking, so now is the best time to make a move. He didn't want to suspect his friend of being a potential traitor but the fact is his quirk isn't natural to his body.

That morning Izuku and Ochako spent their time gingerly eating breakfast and watching the morning news since UA was once again the focus of the press in regards to the second villain attack on campus in a single year. With Nezu and Aizawa trying to save face for the press and try to ease tensions it is becoming abundantly clear that there is a mole in UA. Ochako hasn't noticed the train of thought that seems to have taken his attention completely. After breakfast the pair slowly make their way around the resort Ochako talking nonsensically about her plans for the day but Izuku's troubled mind can't keep track of the conversation. "Do you want to go to the greenhouse tonight Izuku?" She asks, and he returns an affirmative noise at her question, despite not really having heard it. On the other end of the hall Aoyama turns the corner speaking with Mina and Toru heading towards Izuku and Ochako. As the two groups near each other, an idea pops into Izuku's head; it might be the perfect moment to speak with Aoyama. Ochako continues to gush about their plans for the night just as the two groups pass each other. In a split second, Izuku uses one of his new quirks as he extends a hand and touches Aoyama's shoulder. From his body an exact clone of himself and the blonde Frenchman is created by Izuku to replace the real versions of them that continue their normal pace. The girls don't seem to notice the swap out as Izuku covers a hand over Aoyama's mouth to keep him from shouting in fright of what the All for One user is doing. The two sink into the floor through a warp gate leaving the duplicates with the others.

The warp gate opens not in the real world but within the storage quirk Izuku had taken from one of the first nomu he had stolen a quirk from. Aoyama tries to take stock of his surroundings, finding himself in a room similar to Izuku's dorm in the real world. The confused expression on his face turns to slight fear as he turns and sees the emerald eyes of Izuku staring back at him. "Sorry for the impromptu snatch and grab Aoyama, but I need to talk to you." Izuku begins motioning for Aoyama to take a seat in the chair across from him. "First things first, why have you been avoiding me?"

"It's that obvious Monissure?" Aoyama asks, trying hard to hide the slight fear in his voice. "I'm sorry if it's come off like that but... well I'm a bit afraid." He confesses though Izuku can sense something more to his story.

"Afraid that I know your quirk isn't actually yours?" Izuku asks, this time there is a visible reaction from the blonde man in front of him.

"That is what I'm afraid of you asking." He confesses fully this time. "It's true, it is not my quirk... I'm quirkless. When I was a little boy, I was bullied and beaten within an inch of my life. My parents somehow somehow came into contact with your father and he gave me that quirk but in exchange he... forced us to work for him."

"How?" Izuku asks, keeping his voice neutral and without anger. "What did you do?"

"I'm the reason why the USJ, the training camp and the joint training were attacked." Aoyama flinches when Izuku sighs deeply hearing this. "Please monissure, you must believe that my family is being extorted. If we don't work for him... he'll kill us. He knows where I am at all times and knows if I'm lying to him."

"Yuga. I want this to remain between us. Nobody else has to know that you were forced to do this and I don't think less of you for it." Izuku begins. "I already took that quirk from you back at Nabu. My father didn't put one quirk into your body, but two of them. I took the other one away and destroyed it."

"But... what about my family? My parents? Surely he knows that I don't have it anymore!" Aoyama pleads but Izuku raises his hand to stop his friend.

"My father probably isn't just using you for whatever plan he has. They probably have two duplicates of that quirk forced onto them. Does he want you to try to get them the chance to launch another attack?" Izuku asks, the nervousness slightly diminishing from Aoyama but the teen still is extremely tense.

"No, the last thing I was told is that they're raising an army and the probing attacks have gotten them the information they need. I don't know when or if he'll ask for me to... to..." the blonde boy can't even get the words out of his mouth as tears begin to fall from his eyes. Seeing him break down in tears, Izuku sits forwards and grabs Aoyama by the shoulders trying to get him to focus on him.

"Yuga, you were forced to do this but now is your chance to get out of his hold. I forgive you for what you've done, and I know in your heart of hearts you're a good man forced to do evil. It was a necessity to stay alive, you're not evil, far from it. Trust me, when this all ends the only person who will know you had to do this is me. Do you trust me?" The blonde boy nods hearing his friend say these words.

"First things first, I'm going to fix that quirk, and make it truly yours." Izuku removes his hand from Aoyama's shoulder and places it over the shorter man's forehead. Aoyama flinches slightly seeing the black hole in the center of Izuku's palm but he doesn't see him activate the All for One quirk. With his palm placed flat against Aoyama's forehead, Izuku curls his fingers in slightly as if ruffling the man's blonde hair. The sensation that washes over the blonde teen is unlike anything he has ever experienced. It's almost as if every single cell in his entire body shivered all at once as a strange electric sensation flows through his body. He feels his abdomen change to better adapt to his quirk, where his belly button has changed. In the center of his stomach sits a pure white diamond acting as a focusing stone for his naval laser quirk. Sensing the change in his body he lifts his shirt to inspect the strange organic gemstone lodged in his stomach. "What did you do?"

"Overhauled your body to properly be able to use your quirk, and changed a bit of your DNA meaning that quirk is officially yours. It's about time the Overhaul quirk has done some good." Izuku shares a smile with Aoyama. "Let's go to the training gym to test out the new change shall we?"

Toru and Mina have gotten quite used to the portaling practitioner that is Izuku, the convenient means of travel is something that admittedly they ask him for quite often. After passing him and Ochako in the halls, She, Aoyama and Toru had decided to go to the training gym for a morning workout. What she wasn't expecting was for the All for One user to walk out of the portal with another version of Aoyama. "Uhhhhh..." Mina says, dragging out her confusion seeing the French japanese teen next to the most powerful man in heroics. "How?" she asks before turning to see where the version of Aoyama that she had been talking to was once standing there is now a puddle of mud.

"I needed to borrow Aoyama for a moment, he asked me for a favor to help him better use his second quirk I gave him." Izuku responds, it was a white lie but it wasn't entirely false either. "I thought it would have been rude to snatch him from your conversation and disappear."

"Ok... but you didn't have to do a whole switcheroo type thing. You could have just asked." Toru exclaims.

"True but I didn't want to interrupt and it was an excuse to try out a new quirk in my arsenal." Izuku says. "Want to spar with me?"

"I'll pass but... doesn't this mean that Uraraka is with a clone?" Mina asks.

"Yeah, you know what Aoyama, how about you spar with a clone of me so I can go back to Ochako and get rid of the one with her." Izuku offers which is accepted by the young Frenchman.

"Sure, I hope that you can make it as powerful as yourself monissure. I am not going to hold back." Izuku smirks, hearing the determination in his friend's voice and accepts Aoyama's request using the new twice quirk to create a clone as powerful as he is. "Go nuts, but try not to vaporize the building. I don't even know how much power you can put out now." With that last statement, Izuku leaves Aoyama's company heading back to Ochako. 

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