Take a quirk, Leave a quirk

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The evidence that had been accumulated in the case of the Shie Hissaikai was damning, there was circumstantial evidence that Kai Chisaki was guilty of Crimes Against Humanity. The council of heroes has given Nighteye, Ryukyu, Fatgum and UA permission to conduct a raid on the facility but they can't go in swinging. The prospect of the villains possessing quirk erasing bullets and an unknown amount still lingered in the air and a sense of overwhelming anxiety is present amongst all the heroes. Weeks of investigations and planning have passed with the only silver lining in all this being Eri herself. She was now a healthy 18kgs (40lbs) and was starting to warm up to the people in the dorms and her teachers. Since her rescue, Nejire and Mirio have taken it upon themselves to start teaching the young girl everything she would have learned growing up these past few years. While Eri is being cared for by Nejire, the students taking part in the raid are speaking with the heroes about Izuku's plan of action.

"I know this is going to sound completely insane but, this is the only way to ensure that nobody has their quirk permanently erased. I'm going to need you guys to give me your quirks for the raid." Izuku says causing the other people present to fall out of their chairs from the insanity of the idea.

"Give you our quirks?! We would be quirkless against an unknown amount of villains! We'd be sitting ducks!" Ryukyu protests.

"Would you rather have your quirk erased and have to retire before your even 30? The bullets won't work on people who don't or no longer have a quirk. Not to mention since they are made from Eri's quirk whoever holds that quirk would be unaffected by the erasure bullets or darts or whatever they're using. Midoriya is going to be in the front tanking any quirk erasure rounds they fire at him and defeating the villains and taking their quirks. The military will be with us and I will be using my quirk to be able to predict where a villain will appear so Midoriya can deal with them. We're sending a small army to take them down so the fact that you all being temporarily quirkless won't be an issue. We have a walking quirk bank here and I've seen first hand that this plan will work and that he will give you back your quirks." Nighteye says flickering his eyes between normal and foreseeing mode.

"When is the raid taking place?" Fatgum asks.

"One week from today, in the meantime Midoriya you need to have Eri give you her quirk and learn how to use it." Nezu says before dismissing the meeting and hopping onto Izuku's shoulder.

"Do you have to sit on my shoulder?" Izuku asks, standing from his chair.

"Yes, I'm two feet tall and it would take me almost an hour to walk back to my office from here." He replies with the two leaving the room.

"This is going to be interesting." Ryukyu says turning to Ochako with a smirk on her face. "Well I can tell you like boys with power~ that man is in a league above all others. Make sure you reel him in or else I may go after him myself~" She says with a wink causing Ochako's face to turn bright red.

"Keep the romance for after Overhaul is either captured or dead. Preferably dead." Aizawa says leaving the room with his sleeping bag being dragged across the floor behind him.

On her way back to the dorms, Ochako can't help her thoughts from wandering to the topic of Izuku, the young man she's practically infatuated with.

'I really should confess soon.. but that's a lot easier said than done! What would I say?! When would I say it?! How would I say it?! What if I slip up and make a fool of myself?!' She wonders making her anxious regarding the topic of confessing her love for Izuku shoots through the roof and her face explodes in crimson red blush.

With Izuku, he was going over how to convince Eri that she should let him take her quirk and give her a different one. He had been training on taking quirks and discovered that if the person he was taking a quirk from was willing to lose it they would experience no pain. He knows Eri hates her own quirk for the multitude of sorrows it has brought her but it's the only thing tying her to her mother. At the moment he doesn't know what to do about her quirk or what to say. He figures it's best to tell her the truth and say that he can trade her quirk for something else if she wants it. The key word in his mind being IF, because she may want to keep her quirk for all he knows.

"Eri I'm home." Izuku says getting back inside the dorms, the young girl perks her head up from a sofa and rushes over to him.

"Daddy!!!" She shouts before jumping up into Izuku's arms giggling like crazy.

"Glad to see you too Eri. How was your class with Mirio and Hado today?" Izuku responds by walking towards the kitchen to prepare lunch for himself and Eri.

"I learned lots new words today. Still no read yet." She says in a less broken way answering his question before being set down on one of the bar stools.

"What do you want to eat today Eri?" Izuku asks pulling up a picture of some random foods she might like.

"Dis one!" She exclaims pointing to a picture of a chimichanga with salsa and sour cream.

"This one might be a bit spicy, but good choice Eri. I'm going to look up a recipe of what I need to make this. You want to watch me or watch TV?"

"Watch you." She replies.

"Alright so let's find what we need to make shall we?" Izuku says tapping Eri's head and using a quirk on her causing her to levitate. "Alright sue chef Eri. Let's get cooking." Izuku says handing her a spatula.

"Deku's taken up the role of adoptive father really quickly. I'd probably be better at it than him though." Bakugou comments before propping his feet up on the table in the common space. "Oi! Deku! Make me a super spicy one!" He shouts before opening a soda can for himself.

"Ask Nicewy Sparky Sparky Boom Man!" Eri retorts before throwing her spatula at Bakugou only for it to smack Mineta in the face.

"Yeah Bakubro, you have to ask nicely now remember Iida's rules? You're going to be cleaning the locker rooms again if you don't set a good example." Kirishima teases.

"Shut up weird hair." Bakugou snorts.

"He really is a good father, what do you think,Uraraka?" Mina adds on with a cheeky grin on her face. "I wonder how good he will be when you have his bun in your oven." She teases on.

"MINA!!!" Ochako shouts covering her face with her hands trying to hide the blush only to start floating.

"Mina don't tease her, she has amazing taste in men from what I can tell. Extremely kind, heroic, caring, selfless and Powerful. He killed 15 nomu by himself having been asleep for 2 months just minutes prior. That's something not even All Might could accomplish in his prime." Momo says showing the reports of the 15 dead Nomu at the villain lair Izuku was rescued from.

"I'm still uneasy about that power he has. His drawback is unlike anything i've ever seen and it's scary knowing that your quirk can be stolen from you." Toru adds watching Izuku prepare the chicken for the chimichangas.

"This is Midoriya we're talking about *Kero* He blushes if he's within five feet of any of us. He is the least of our worries threat-wise and has also dealt with Mineta a few times." Tsuyu adds.

"True, and I kinda would like to know what you look like without the whole invisible thing." Jirou says laying over top of one of the bean bags.

"If I were you Ochako, I would go over there and kiss him right now because from the looks of things. You have competition now." Mina says to the human balloon.

Later that evening.

"Eri?" Izuku asks, gaining the attention of the little girl who is munching on a cookie.

"Yes Daddy?" She says getting up and walking over to the couch where he's sitting.

"If you could trade your quirk for something different... Would you?"

Eri paused for a bit thinking as hard as she could about this, Izuku had made it a case to avoid talking about her quirk as much as he could. She remembered Overhaul and that he hurt her for her quirk, how her mother deemed her a cursed child after she wiped her father from existence. Deep down she knew it was her power but she had ingrained the idea that her quirk was a curse and that it is an evil power. She answers firmly to her adoptive father with a single word.

"Yes." she says slightly looking away. Izuku picks her up and sets her down on his knee pulling her head into his shoulder.

"Do you want a different quirk? I have over 25 to choose from." Izuku says getting her to look up to him with wonder in her eyes.

"What kinds you have?" She asks with Izuku holding out his left hand and showing off a few of the emitters he has.

"Why don't I just show you and you can tell me which one you want ok?" Izuku says before setting her on the sofa and standing up.

Izuku opens up his hands with his palms facing towards the ceiling, the first one he shows her is an energy emitter quirk. In the palm of his hand a ball of white light appears and floats about orbiting his fingers. Eri shakes her head no and Izuku switches to a new one. With this quirk Izuku flexes his fingers to make a claw-like hand with long talens appearing from the fingertips. Eri hurriedly tells him no and he moves on to the next. This one struck Eri's fancy, it was a weather based quirk and it allowed Izuku to create a small tornado in his hand that danced around like it was performing a ballet for Eri. "Dat one but I wanna see others too." she says making Izuku take a mental queue about her wanting that quirk. The next few garnered the same response of a no from the young girl, his fingers turned into serpents, then vines, then his hand turned to a gas like state but he can still hold things. The finger beams were turned down as well despite them being pink which Izuku thought she was going to want. He showed her the regenerative quirks by using them on her scars making them disappear. She liked those ones but decided against it since it was like her quirk already. Next wings sprouted from Izuku's back and he changed his arms to have another set appear. Eri looked a little grossed out and refused those ones as well. The last few were mental quirks allowing him to create illusions and talk with Eri telepathically as well as move things with his mind. She ultimately decided on the little tornado quirk he showed her earlier.

"Alright Eri, this is going to feel a little weird but hopefully it shouldn't hurt. Are you ready?" Izuku asks, rolling up his uniform sleeve. Eri nods yes and Izuku places his hand over Eri's forehead and rubs her horn with his thumb. "Be still and stay calm. This won't take long." Izuku reassures.

This feeling was one she had experienced before with Cerebrum at the hospital. She felt something enter her mind and felt a weight be lifted from her. She saw Izuku's hand glow a gold color when he took the quirk but turned to blue for a moment as the quirk was replaced. She felt as if she was a cloud. She felt weightless with this new quirk and actually started to float off the coach to Izuku's surprise. He took his hand off her head noticing that her horn still stayed on the right side of her face but smiled seeing her sitting on a cloud she had made without realising. "That wasn't so bad was it?" Izuku says getting Eri's attention from her little cloud to see that he had a horn now present on the side of his head.

"You now like me." She says reaching up to touch Izuku's horn then her own.

"Yep, because I now have your quirk Eri and you have a new one." Izuku says with a smile before pulling her into a hug. "How about we go get some sleep? It's past your bedtime already." he says picking her up and taking her to her dorm next to his own. 

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