The Calm before the Storm

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"Man... I'm exhausted." Kaminari sighs slumping down on the sofa in the common space of the hero agency. "I don't think the child labor laws will be too happy about us today."

"Yeah, I'd love less of the smaller jobs. My elbows are killing me." Sero adds rubbing the tape dispenser of his quirk to ease the pain. "I hope this isn't an everyday thing for when we actually become heroes."

"Sorry Sero but, that's not an option. Every job is just as important as the last one." Iida says standing up from his chair and patting his friend on the back for a job well done.

"We did come here as heroes but, we're still just students in training. When we get to the pro hero scene we have to start out small just like our time here." Yaomomo says as she stands from her spot to stretch her legs.

"Back when All Might got his start, he was cleaning up landfills and illegal dumping sights around Hokkaido. Even community service counts a hero work Sero, I know this very well." Izuku replies bringing Ochako and himself another glass of orange juice.

"Yeah, mister quirk vault over here was the one who cleaned Dagobah in Mustafu. That must have taken forever." Mineta remarks, "Now that Dagobah is clean all the hot babes around Mustafu and Saitama are coming to the beaches again."

"Dude, aren't you dating a girl from 2-R? Lay off the perverted stuff alright?" Sato chastises this comment from Mineta.

"Yaomomo, that apparently doesn't apply to all of us, I know someone who hasn't done anything since we got here." Mineta says poking fun at Bakugou and completely dodging the question.

"Someone has to stay here incase some dumbass villain attacks while you lot are out doing all that stupid crap there genius." Bakugou says giving Mineta both the thumbs down and the middle finger for good measure.

"Seriously Bakugou? About the most 'Villainous' thing that has happened since we got here is some toddler walking out of a sweets shop with a lollipop in his mouth before his mom paid. You gotta start throwing your weight around man, show them you're gonna be the 'great and powerful next number one hero' like you always brag you are." Kirishima teases, Bakugou merely grunts in disapproval as a voice catches their attention from the front of the agency.

"Sorry for barging in on you guys but we brought some stuff for you." The mayor of Nabu greets as the class turns and sees several of the people that they had helped on the island there with food wrapped in cellophane and in tupperware bowls.

"M-mister mayor!" Iida says slightly shocked by the arrival of the major of the island.

"Thank you so much for taking granny to the hospital today sweetie." An older lady says handing Iida a large tray covered by a glass cloche.

The island inhabitants greet them as the enter the building thanking each of them for the minute things they did for helping them. The two girls Mineta helped thank them for keeping the beach safe, a fisherman brings them his catch of the day and several others bring platters of food then go through the trouble of plating up and setting out the spread for the heroes in training. "Allow us to say thanks and this is a token of our gratitude." the villagers say in unison before leaving the agency to the students. They stare in awe at all the food that was brought to them, their before the heroes in training start ravenously eating the morsoles that were brought to them.

"Hey! You are heroes in training! Show some restraint!" Iida chastises about how the class is eating the food but he is completely ignored as they chow down. Seeing that he will need to make himself a plate before the others eat it all, he and Yaomomo plate their own food before walking outside to talk to the islanders.

"We can't thank you enough for your hospitality." Momo says with a bow causing the mayor of the town to wave his hand.

"You don't have to, we just wanted to do this to show our gratitude for how much you have helped us out." He says as the crowd disperses and they wonder off back to their homes.

The remainder of the evening is spent enjoying the mountain of food that was brought for them, the couples of the class feeding each other the finger foods. Mina squealing over how cute Ochako and Izuku look doing this with some cake and poking fun at the two saying that it won't be the last time they feed each other a piece of white cake. This flies over Izuku's head but Ochako realises what Mina is on about and becomes incredibly embarrassed.

"That was delicious!" Izuku declares with his eyes closed and a slight blush on his face, Ochako laughs at this expression.

"See, it's moments like these that remind me of why I wanted to become a hero." Tsu says with a smile, across from them Kirishima and Bakugou are finishing up their food at a small floor table.

"Hey Kacchan." Kaminari says getting the blonde's attention. "We're gonna go take a shower then hit the hay. You're on nightwatch buddy." Kaminari says as Kirishima gets up from his spot and stretches before heading off with them to the men's showers.

"WHY DO I HAVE TO DO IT?!" Bakugou protests having to stay up all night, snarling his response at the other guys.

"You didn't do anything all day so you get to do night watch." Sero says causing him to sigh and merely grumble to himself. Granted that was after he flipped the small wooden table he was sitting at in typical Bakugou fashion.

"I hope you know capretry Bakugou because I am not fixing that." Bakugou grumbles at this response from Yaoyorozu before picking up the pieces of the table and flipping Kaminari off.

Ochako was annoyed that Mina and the other girls decided to bunk in her room for the evening meaning she and Izuku couldn't sleep together that evening. Outside Izuku had been training for most of the evening, activating several quirks at once trying to adapt his body and make himself stronger with both All for One and One for All. As he goes through his thousands of kicks, he reminisce on what All Might had told him about One for All. "At my current state, I can only use One for All at 45% without my other quirks having to repair my body. That's not enough, Shigaraki and Nine are still out there. I need to get stronger." He thinks to himself, his thoughts are interrupted by Bakugou as he goes about his patrol.

"Looks like you're getting better with One for All and All for One." He says not bothering to cover his voice. This startles Izuku hearing his friend talk so openly about it.

"Kacchan! Don't speak out in the open about that someone could hear us!" Izuku whisper shouts with his finger over his mouth.

"Hurry up and make all those damn quirks yours already. I'm tired of waiting and I want a real fight. You using everything you got. I'm going to prove to you that I will be number one. No matter how many quirks you have." He says walking past him.

"Oh yeah? Well then I better start training to become the greatest." Izuku retorts with a smirk on his face, one his friend returns.

"Ha! I'll be greater than the greatest." He says punching Deku in the shoulder.

"Excuse me..." A child's voice is heard from behind the two older men, Deku and Kacchan turn to see little Katsuma standing outside the gate to the hero agency holding the ends of his shirt.

"Katsuma? What are you doing up so late? Is something wrong?" Izuku asks, walking over and crouching down in front of the young boy.

"Yes... I came to tell you that, There's a villain!" This alarms both Katsuki and Izuku to the news, a villain? Here on the island? Surely that villain wasn't too smart brains wise to attack an island under UA protection or just plain unlucky that Deku was on that island.

"A VILLAIN?! WHERE?!" Izuku shouts before Bakugou grabs him by the side of the face and shoves him out of the way.

"ALRIGHT BRAT START TALKING!!!" Katsuki shouts rushing forwards with an explosion and grabbing Katsuma by the nape of his shirt.

Katsuki and Izuku bolt from the agency headquarters in no particular direction, speeding down the hill that leads up to the agency. Katsuki bickers with Deku as Izuku flies behind them using his wings and shoulder jets to keep up with Katsuki's blasts.

"Hey, Where is this damn vilain anyways." Katsuki demands as one hand propels himself with explosions and the other holds Katsuma close to him.

"U-um Over there in the castle ruins." Katsuma answers before getting Katsuki to grumble once again complaining about Katsuma not telling him earlier and accelerating to the castle. Deku quick on his tail, flapping the large black wings on his back to gain incredible speed.

Over the landscape a small sandbar connects a small peninsula to the main island of Nabu, where an ancient castle sits degrading and crumbling on the top of the hill. Thousands of years older than the buildings the shogunate had built in feudal era japan. Katsuki propels himself tens of meters in the air as Katsuma shouts in fear of the heights. Closing the distance to the castle in a couple of minutes. Izuku attempts to fly ahead of Bakugou but instead has little Katsuma dropped into his arms allowing Bakugou to increase his speed further. Izuku compensates for this creating a second set of wings and catching up to Bakugou as the two fly from the island to the peninsula in moments.

There in the castle is a cartoonishly huge praying mantis villain that roars upon seeing Katsuki appear. Bakugou starts boasting about himself as the creature takes a swing at him and misses. He launches himself into the air and creates a controlled stun blast with his hand that acts as a concussion grenade and flash bang at the same time. The creature doesn't react but Bakugou recognises something on the ground behind it. As Izuku arrives Bakugou lands on the ground and waits, the creature swinging at him with it's pincers. The holder of One for All shouting to his friend to see if he is alright only for Bakugou to merely walk out of the creature's pincer revealing it was an illusion. His eyes shadowed by anger, he slams his hand on the ground and creates a seismic blast that upheaves dust and shakes the ground. Several meters away, Mahoro is shaken from her hiding spot and falls down on the grass. When this happens the praying mantis monster fissles out and disappears.

"Hey! What's the big idea! You were supposed to be scared of that thing." She protests this mistreatment as she rubs her backside from having fallen on it.

"Oi. I'm guessing you're the idiot responsible for that illusion?" Bakugou guesses stamping his foot on the raised stone above Mahoro, this startles her and she grabs her hat before looking away sheepishly.

"Um... How did you know it was an illusion?" She asks before looking at him in fear. His face contorted with anger and rage as he glares down at her.

"I'M NOT AN IDIOT! IT DIDN'T HAVE A SHADOW! TELL ME YOU BRAT, IS TAUNTING HEROES SOME HOBBY?! ANSWER ME!" Bakugou shouts causing her to squirm in fright. "THAT SHIT WONT WORK ON ME! I'M NOT LIKE ANY HERO YOU'VE MET BEFORE!!!" He shouts, Mahoro looks on in horror as if staring into the face of an Oni instead of Katsuki's own face. He proceeds to shout and monologue about how he will be better than all might and blah blah blah. Katsuma protests this shouting at his sister causing Bakugou to change his attention to him and continue shouting.

"Kacchan! Stop it they're just kids they don't know any better!" Izuku says grabbing Katsuki and restraining him with his tendrils.

"WHO TOLD YOU YOU CAN TELL ME WHAT TO DO?!" Katsuki shouts back in anger launching an explosion at Deku only for it not to do anything. In the commotion, the two kids manage to run off leaving Izuku and Bakugou to quarrel with each other. 

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