To Overcome Cowardice

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The footsteps from their boots echo through the escape tunnel, the emergency lights above them flicker with each thunderous blow delivered from All Might. Deku is being carried by Vlad King as he escorts both classes towards the dormitories. Similarly Ochako is carrying Eri in her arms as the small girl hyperventilates as she is in the midst of a panic attack. Another thunderous blow shakes the entire tunnel causing dust to fall down from the surface onto the terrified students. Nana herself was assisting in getting the class away from the battle that was going on, she had already made the decision to return to the fight once they got to safety. Even through the layers of concrete and stone that the emergency tunnel is buried under they still hear Aizawa begin firing at the swarm of Nomu. Coming to a fork in the tunnel Monoma stops running, every part of his being is screaming at him to get the hell away from here but he stops himself. This prompts Kendo and Tetsutetsu to stop running and turn to face him.

"Neito, this isn't the time we need to move!" Tetsutetsu shouts prompting the rest of the class to stop their movement. "Seriously dude snap out of it. Fear isn't manly."

"No." Monama says in a nearly inaudible voice. "Why are we running?"

"What do you mean why? The school is being invaded by an S class or higher villain of course we need to run!" Kendo declares as the others walk up closer to the formerly boisterous and near narcissistic hero in training.

"And leave All Might and Aizawa against these things?" He replies, his voice cracking slightly before he clears his throat. "Bakugous right. I am a coward but here is where that changes."

"Monama what are you thinking?" Shindo asks in a panicked voice.

"Midoriya is down for the count, and Bakugou and there's only one other person that can use All for One." He says getting the attention of Nana and Vlad.

"Shigaraki? Do you think he somehow got on campus?" Setsuna questions.

"No. Me." Neito says, prompting the class to fall silent. "I can copy his quirk, I can copy All for One and go out there to help them. I'll have five minutes but it should be enough time to take one of the villain's quirks and use it."

"Deku had to train for months to learn how to use that quirk, what makes you so sure?" Sero asks, Neito walks past him and to Vlad King who is holding the unconscious deku still wearing the iron mask.

"I can use any quirk I copy because my quirk lets me know how to use them the moment I copy it. It might not be the same for All for One taking quirks but if I can't use the quirks I take at least there will be less quirks on the villain's side. I can't sit here and do nothing, not after today. All of you should be turning around to run into the fight to help them." He declares in an accusatory manner. "Not just me!" he shouts before ripping the iron mask off of Izuku's face and placing all five fingers over the unconscious All for One user's face.

Immediately the light in the room dims as the copy manifests, his fingers begin to turn black and arch with red plasma just under the skin. The sclera of his eyes darkens and turns black causing the blue irises to begin to glow. The center of his palms collapse in on themselves forming an abyss in the center of his palm. He takes a deep breath before feeling his body feel weightless as he begins to levitate off the ground. "I think it's time to give these freaks a taste of their own medicine." He says as confident as he ever was. "1-A you've dealt with villains before, and I think it's time 1-B had their own turn against them." This is met with his classmates preparing their own quirks. "All Might protected us all our lives. It's time we return the favor." Monoma says before taking off back the way they came.

"Uraraka, you and Eri stay with me. I'll keep Izuku here by my side. The rest of you can go fight if that's what you want. There's no point in convincing you all otherwise." Vlad says, prompting the rest of the two classes to take off running down the hallway back towards the observation room and back to the fight. "Miss Shimura, it's best that you assist them as well. I'll keep these three safe until this one wakes up."

"I'll go assist the other heroes on the campus. All Might and Aizawa are already fighting the villains near the observation room so with the assistance of both classes they should be able to end the battle." Nana replies before relaxing slightly, allowing herself to begin to float. "And Vlad, if anything happens to those two. The villains on campus will be the least of our worries." With her parting words, Nana takes off down the hallway heading towards the main campus opposite in which the class is going.

"We better get moving." Vlad said, the room shook once again after another thunderous blow from above. "If it gets any worse up there this whole tunnel is going to come crashing down on our heads."

"Shh it's okay Eri. we're going to be fine, the heroes are here, the bad guys won't get to you." Ochako tries to calm the small girl's fear and her cries but to no avail. Instead the small child much like her original quirk loses control of her gifted one. As she takes in a breath to recover from crying the quirk activates and it's on a scale none of them could anticipate...

With the classes, the group was gathered back in the main entrance to the observation room. Hagakure removes her gloves and boots taking full advantage of her invisibility while the others begin preparing themselves physically and mentally for the confrontation they're about to wade into. However as they're preparing to wade into battle, the room vibrates violently from a crash of lightning that had struck nearby. Every single student freezes when the thunderbolt shakes the room before looking at each other in slight fear. "Yaomomo?" Mineta asks, prompting the black haired woman to turn to the midget of 1a. "If I die out there, I just wanna say I'm sorry for the pervy stuff I've done." This statement from Mineta really causes fear to shiver its way down their backs. "Guys... look at the monitors... it's..." Koda's voice trails off as he points towards the monitors on the other side of the room. Displayed on the screens Aizawa and All Might are facing off 2 on an army of the mad doctor. Overhaul's face is prevalent on every single clone that is marching towards the lone heroes, and there must be thousands of them.

"Oh god we are fucked." Iida lets his inner thoughts slip upon seeing the horde of the dead on the screen before them.

"We're gonna die... we're gonna die and I'll never get to touch a titty." Mineta says before falling down into the fetal position clutching his knees.

"No one is going to die!" Neito declares before backhanding Mineta in an attempt to get him to come to his senses. " We need to help All Might and Aizawa. Face the facts Deku aint coming to save us for this one. We're heroes too, and this is our home they've decided to attack." Neito declares. "Fight to kill as they're gonna do the same to you. It's you or them and we have much more to lose than they do. Our friends, other classmates and the staff that don't have licenses or quirks are depending on us and the other heroes on campus."

"We need a plan, with the storm out there Kuroiro and Hagakure will be completely undetectable. Honenuki you need to use your quirk in order to trap most of the overhauls out there. Monoma you will attack and try to steal any quirks you can from them. It's safe to assume that these are clones so you might not be able to take their quirks but with Midoriya's all for one you might not half to as his combative skills and strength are leagues higher than anyone else here." Momo begins. "I am going to be out of combat since Aizawa is going to run out of ammo soon so I need to make him a new weapon to deal with more of them and fast."

"Some of us here don't have quirks that can be used to fight a villain like Overhaul so those who can't assist against him need to go help the others on campus. Most importantly Setsuna, your quirk gives Overhaul a massive advantage over you since if he touches you, you die." Tsuyu adds looking about the room of apprehensive and startled faces. "Of class 1-B, Kendo, Setsuna, Awase, Tetsutetsu, Kaibara, Jutora, Hiryu, Shoda are going to be at a major risk in this fight. Kinoko unless you can make cordyceps mushrooms, kero" she croaks, "You probably won't be able to help against overhaul either."

"What about 1-A?" Kendo asks, "Shoji, Mashirao, Koda and Sato are also at major risk in this altercation."

"Even with the additional quirks we were given during the invasion of Nabu Island I'm still a vulnerable target against Overhaul and so is Koda. Sato can fly with the quirk he was given and Shoji can shoot lasers from his eyes but that still won't help if he's touched." Iida says before having the two classes separate into groups, those who will assist in the attack and those who will fight the infinite Overhauls.

With Hagakure being completely invisible she takes it upon herself to make sure the coast is clear so that the others can make their way to the battle at large. The open door reveals craters and rubble that is now mostly mud due to the intense typhoon that has manifested over the school. Thankfully for Hagakure, the support course was able to make her an invisible mesh suit that assists with regulating her body heat to avoid hypothermia in cases like this. In the distance, she sees a tree get knocked over and dozens of body shapes be blown away, she also hears gunfire from the same direction. "We need to move, their fight is getting closer to the USJ and the other fake cities." Hagakure announced as the classes begin to run towards the battle at hand. The groups separate, one heading to the main campus and the other towards the fight close at hand.

The new All for One user leads the way as the combined class sprints to All Might and Aizawa's aid. Momo is doing her best to continue thinking up the combination of mental equations and chemical compounds needed to create the weapon she's working on internally. From her palm a large black metal barrel emerges before the rest of the weapon manifests. Her fingers wrapping around the grip of the firearm before her thumb flicks the safety off the same model handgun that killed Overhaul the first time. Coming up on Aizawa and All Might they see the quirk eraser reduced to a tanto knife he had drawn from his belt, cutting through the throat of an Overhaul clone that had gotten too close to comfort. All Might himself was mid air being ganked by two of the nomus made just to kill him as well as a wall of Overhaul clones reaching up to him like waves of flesh. Hagakure uses her gifted new quirk to produce a long blade from her forearm over and past her wrist almost 3 feet long though no one can see the biosteel weapon protruding from her dominant hand. Kuroiro sinks himself into the ground becoming just another shadow created by the typhoon and Dark Shadow grows to near behemoth size but is still under the control of his master. Fumikage himself somewhere within the mass of shadows and entropy that is the sentient quirk.

Deciding that he should be the one to announce their presence to the fight, Monoma extends both hands out in front of him. His fingers immediately creating a web of tendrils that shot out like bullets due to their sheer speed. The copy of Overhaul that was about to scratch Aizawa in the millisecond between blinks is suddenly impaled by dozens of tendrils that immobilize and wrap themselves around the cloned nomu before retracting. The cocooned nomu being pulled to the spider's maw, Aizawa turns his attention to where the Nomu was pulled for a split second getting a glimpse of who he expected to see but was surprised to see that it was Monoma who came to his rescue and not Deku.

"I might just have Vlad move you to my class for that save Neito." Aizawa says, jumping backwards and flicking the blood off of his knife. "I'm out of ammo and there's thousands of them."

"I appreciate it but I'm gonna stick with my class." Monoma responds before grabbing the face of the Nomu, the clone of overhaul screaming in pain as the quirks are stolen from it. "I could get used to this." He says with the rush of endorphins that All for One releases into his brain each time a quirk is taken.

"You have less than 4 minutes with that quirk and you won't be able to get back to Deku to get it again. Deal with as many as possible!" Momo announces before aiming the pistol and firing into the mass of Overhaul clones. The hollow point bullets putting down several clones but more come to take their place. "Aizawa!" Momo yells before setting off a concussive blast underneath her. The back of her costume rips open and a minigun is created from her back. The weapon being belt fed by a backpack full of ammunition that soon follows. "Catch!" She shouts, grabbing the ammo backpack and throwing it to Aizawa.

The erasure hero immediately dashes to where she threw the weapon, slashing and stabbing several dozen copies of Overhaul before having to dodge a field of spikes that erupts under his feet. Managing to evade getting gored by the field of concrete spikes, Aizawa grabs the handle of the minigun before snagging the bullet belt and yanking the pack towards him. Throwing an arm through one of the straps over his back he tightens it as much as he can before grabbing the handle of the minigun. The normally stoic teacher grins from under his helmet as he pulls down the trigger and the minigun spins to life. The roar of bullets that scream out of the gun mow down the clones like a lawnmower of flesh. Dozens upon dozens of the overhaul clones fall to the hose of bullets that tear out of the spinning barrels reducing the clones to the brown sludge they were created from.

Now with a multitude of quirks from the nomu he trapped, Monoma scratches the pad of his finger on the side of the nomu reducing it to sludge. The copied All for One telling him he had stolen all the quirks from Overhaul except for the one that let him clone himself. This new level of power was itching to get to taste battle and Neito wasn't about to prevent it from that. He immediately places both palms on the ground before curling his fingers and activating the quirk. The concrete beneath him shifts and morphs due to the effects of the quirk, as the effects take hold a crevasse 10 meters wide and 25 meters deep opens up filled with twisted rebar and spikes. The crevasse causes dozens of the clones to fall into it before becoming skewered on the mock punji spikes below. The tide of war has taken its turn and it's for the better. 

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