Under The Starlight

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Ochako hums along with a jazz piece as she puts different dresses over herself in the mirror trying to decide on what to wear. Momo had been kind enough to create a few outfits for her to use for tonight. She and Izuku are going to go to dinner, walk around the gardens at the resort then relax in the furthest hot spring from the resort under the starlight. Izuku himself is lying down on their shared bed in the couple's resort, watching a hero news report on the television in the corner. A bottle of champagne is sitting in a bucket chilling and waiting for them to return that evening. She's having trouble deciding between a black high thigh cut sequin dress and a longer red dress that goes down to just above her knees. She puts the black dress up to her chest, looking at it once again before deciding that this is the one she's going to wear for their night out. Noticing her choose the dress, Izuku snaps his fingers causing the dress in her hands to vanish before her body is covered by the black green smoke of his warp gate quirk before parting revealing her dressed in it.

"Way to take all the fun out of getting gussied up, Izuku." She pouts, puffing her cheeks out indignantly at him before turning away.

"I mean..." He says with a shrug before suddenly appearing in front of her with a seductive smirk on his face. "I could just take all of it off of you." He says, trailing his finger up the spaghetti strap on her left shoulder giving it a quick tug. Ochako's face lights up bright red with blush as she quickly pulls away from him to hide her embarrassment.

"Stop teasiiiinnnnggg..." She wines, before pounding her fists on his chest embarrassedly. "You meanie, Deku-kun." She scolds, which only earns a smirk from him in return. "What are you gonna wear then?" She asks, changing subjects so he doesn't get any more fresh ideas.

"Just this." Izuku responds, using the same quirk to change his own clothes, he stands up from the bed clad in the green black mist before it disappears revealing his date wear. Dressed in black steamed slacks, a white button up shirt that stretches against the muscles of his forearms and upper body, black tie and black vest.. "What do you think?"

"Woah." Ochako says seeing him wear this, "Kinda giving me super villain vibes Izuku." He deadpans when she says this.

"We just have a habit of running into well dressed supervillains. Nine, All for One, even Overhaul to some extent." Izuku responds before running a hand through his hair, pulling it back slightly so it isn't as unruly as usual. "Do you still need time to get ready?" He asks as he pockets his wallet and phone.

"I was going to put makeup on, but since you already used your powers to do that for me, I guess I'm ready. Just need to put on my heels first then we can go." She responds, walking over to the shoe closet, grabbing her stiletto heels then putting them on. "Alright, I'm ready. Where are we heading tonight?"

"Oh, you'll just have to wait and see." Izuku answers before raising his hand towards the door, ushering his date towards it. "Shall we?" he asks as he telepathically opens the door revealing a spinning green and black portal leading them to their destination.

The portal opens a few meters away from the entrance to a three Michelin star restaurant in Tokyo. Almost at the maximum range of his portal quirk, the two exit the warp gate, startling a couple of the locals and even a few of the local pro heroes. However when they recognise Izuku, they opt to give him a wide berth as the two walk towards the entrance. Getting to the door, Izuku presses his hand against the bar before moving to the side so Ochako can walk in first and he follows shortly after. The interior of the restaurant is minimalistic, with stained oak walls and countertops. Portions of the walls meant to absorb noise from the customers are a dark tan green color that contrasts with the stained wood. The center of the room has a large fully stocked bar with simple black and white chairs lining it. A few of the patrons immediately recognise the All for One user giving him mixed stares. A few with slight fear, but most look at him in awe at the man with more power than every hero in japan has combined. Seeing the finely dressed All for One user and his date, a young woman in her mid twenties with black hair and orange amber eyes timidly walks over to them.

"Do you have a reservation with us this evening Mr Midoriya?" a black haired orange amber eyed woman asks as Izuku and Ochako approach the Maitre D's desk.

"Yes, it should be for 7pm." Izuku answers, prompting the woman to look through the computer for a brief moment before finding it.

"Alright, if you'll follow me please, I'll lead you to your room." She says as she collects two menus and begins walking towards the back of the restaurant. The couple follows her through the main hall, ignoring the stares from the other customers before making a right and entering a private dining room. "My name is Senna and I'll be your waitress this evening, can I get you two anything to start with?" She asks as the two take their seats at the small kneeling table in the center of the room.

"Just some tea, and soda." Izuku answers prompting the young woman to nod and exit the room, "What do you think of the resort?" He asks, turning his attention to Ochako across from him.

"It's been nice, we finally get to get away from all the chaos of UA. I swear we can't go three months without something happening at that school. First it was the USJ, then the final exams, then the training camp gets attacked, Bakugou got kidnapped, you go off to go find him, then you get kidnapped by your own dad, suddenly show up 8 weeks later with a brand new quirk, the incident with Eri happens, then we have to go to Nabu island and fight another All for One user." She takes a breath mid word vomit before continuing. "Then we had to deal with another Nomu attack and an undead overhaul and your father in the body of a Nomu. I swear I'm gonna start charging Nezu at this rate."

"You're starting to sound like me with that rambling, Ocha." Izuku says with a smirk, "and Aizawa with that last bit." he says before laughing slightly. "Want me to ask him about it?" He asks not expecting her to be serious about it.

"Might as well, he could at least comp us tuition for the year with how much trouble he's put us through." She complains, not noticing that Izuku meant it as a joke. It's only when he hits send on the email and sets his phone down does she realize he was serious. "YOU SENT THAT?! I WAS JUST VENTING!!!" She yells before reaching across the table trying to get his phone but he's too quick for her.

"Ah, thank you for reminding me Mr Midoriya, I've been meaning to send an email out to the students of the two hero courses that have gone through so much this school year, yourself included. When you return from the class vacation, you will be taking part in a world heroes mission with several top ranking pro heroes such as Star and Stripe, Endeavor and All Might who's making his out of retirement debut. I'm finalizing the details about this new provisional heroes mission and I'm happy to inform you that you will be paid for this as well as the other villain incidents you've had to endure. I am going to discuss this with my accounting and treasury staff as well as parliament to discuss compensation. Remember everything you purchase on this reprieve is to be billed to the school account and the card you, Iida and Yaoyorozu all have." Izuku reads off the return email causing Ochako to perk up.

"World hero's mission? Oh great, we're gonna end up fighting more super villains. I thought hero work would be rescuing some little kid's kitty cat from being stuck up a tree, not throwing hands with every super villain across Japan and now the world."

"Ochako, fire departments handle cats up trees, heroes handle villains, natural disasters and other big events like that." Izuku says before patting Ochako on the top of her head as the waitress comes back with their drinks.

"Have you had a chance to look over the menu or do you still need some more time?" Senna asks as she returns to their private room.

"What's the chef's choice?" Ochako asks, noticing the item on the front page of the menu.

"He's partial to Fugu, wagyu and otoro bluefin when he gets to choose. It's a multi-course meal with an appetizer, palate cleanser, two entrees, sushi and a dessert." Senna responds, prompting Ochako to shoot a look at Izuku. "I can let him know that it's for a couple's dinner so there's plenty for you two to share."

"With his appetite? Probably a good idea to make it for 4 people in all honesty." Senna turns to Izuku for a moment trying to see if Ochako was telling the truth but she quickly writes it down. "Do we get to choose dessert or is that his choice as well?"

"No, you can get whatever you wish." Senna responds and Immediately Ochako asks for Mochi.

"Can you give us as much ice cream mochi as you're allowed to?" Senna chuckles at Ochako's enthusiasm before writing it down on her little notepad and leaving the room. "You know anything about the world hero's mission?" She asks.

"Aside from us being split up into separate hero teams for this, not really." Izuku answers. "I do know that Kacchan, Todoroki and I are all gonna be together for one. I know that we're likely gonna be heading to either Otheon or to London."

"Better brush up on English then if you're gonna go there." Ochako says before taking a sip from her soda. "They're keeping you in the dark on this? That's weird."

"From what Principal Nezu said when we spoke last, the public safety commission has it out for me." He responds, "Especially after the incident with Nine and now with Overhaul. They wanted to try something to keep me in check by force if they had to."

"Do you know what that was?"

"Something they called Project Achilles." Izuku responds, "Nezu said that they were going to exploit my only weakness and force me to do what they say."

"That means me and Eri doesn't it?" Ochako asks, her voice now hiding a tinge of fear in it. "If they're willing to go that far to control you then what about the PLF? Think they're going to go after me, Eri and your mom?"

"If they're smart then they won't." Izuku answers sternly, "Let's not focus on all that right now, just try to enjoy ourselves through dinner and then head back to the outside springs for a night under the stars."

Ochako was slightly afraid of eating the fugu that the chef had prepared for them as a first course, but that fear didn't last very long. Izuku didn't hesitate in grabbing a small piece of the sashimi and eating it. He didn't have any sort of reaction to it and this gave her the confidence to eat the normally poisonous fish. The strange tingling sensation of the fugu is supposed to be its attractant and the possible danger of it being deadly but the chances of dying from that fish are less than a typical car ride. Their next round came after a palate cleanser of pickled ginger and consisted of wagyu nigiri as well as bluefin tuna Otoro and a seaweed salad dressed with sesame seed oil and a small amount of soy sauce. Their last course had a full wagyu ribeye for the two to share, an entire king crab, spotted prawns and Maine lobster. At the end of it, Ochako got a tower of mochi ice cream balls to eat and to take home. Exiting the restaurant, Izuku walks his date over to the crosswalk before opening a portal right before they would cross the street bringing them back to their resort room in just a few steps. After putting away their leftovers in the small fridge, the two undress and cover themselves in towels before going out to the snow covered hot springs near their room, experiencing each other for the first time and a night under the stars. 

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