Chapter 12

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Winter's inner circle are faeries I feel threatened by. It is something I wasn't looking forward to, I suppose - fae are dangerous and unpredictable creatures at best, and at worst... sadistic and murderous.

But, although I feel threatened by his inner circle... I cannot deny that they are much more human than I had ever thought.

There is an older female, with antlers speckled with moss and flowers. She is silent, and she watches me with liquid golden eyes. But although she is eerie and quiet, I feel almost protected by her piercing gaze.

There is a male that is all bright smiles and curly hair. He looks more human than any faerie I've ever seen, and I definitely did a double take when I saw him. But he is warm, and he is kind.

Winter smiles at me, which takes me by surprise. But it is a short-lived smile, almost dangerous. I have to be wary here. I do not belong here any more than the stars belong in the sky during the day. And I'm equally as noticeable. I can't find any way to blend into the background at all - which definitely serves to send shivers up and down my spine.

The woman with antlers gestures to Winter, and they walk into the large home before us. In front of me is a mansion like no other - climbing vines across it, roses and beautiful topiaries across the front. Marble steps and columns and gardens, balconies and countless rooms. Do they stay here? Do more faeries stay here?

Winter pauses and turns around to regard me. His eyes are bright and are clearly yearning for his return. "Adras-" he breaks off for a moment. "Morel will take you to your residence. I will return soon. Please let me or him know if you need anything."

The slightest of smiles, that makes me feel happier and a little more like I am somewhere that could eventually feel like home. I watch as Winter leaves, his straight white hair blowing in the wind, as if the wind tugs at it and asks him to stay.

Someone touches my arm, and I startle, jumping and turning to face whoever has brushed their fingers against my clothed shoulder.

The male faerie smiles at me. His smile is radiant, somehow more so than Winter's. I never truly looked at him when I arrived - I was busy trying to fend off pixies from pulling my hair, which was difficult when I could hardly even see them. But... he looks far more human than any faerie I could have ever imagined. I almost start to doubt that this is the faerie I'm looking for.

His smile is not the only radiant part of him. His eyes are a bright shade of blue, piercing and sharp. His skin is pale and pearly, without any marks whatsoever - except for two freckles on his face, one under his lip, and one beside his left eye. His hair is black and wavy, falling to just brush his shoulders. His left eyebrow has three little black balls directly above it, which move when his eyebrows do. His nose is upturned slightly and pointy, but not harshly. His left ear peeks out from his hair, pointed slightly and pierced with a golden hoop.

"I-ah, sorry-" I start, unsure what to say after he startled me so, and after I blatantly examined his looks so obviously. "I wasn't-"

"It's ok," he says with another of those soothing, toothy smiles. His voice is gentle. "I'm Morel. And you.. you're Adras, yes? Winter's faeling?"

I start at the word. Faeling. Is that what I am? All I am? I am in a faerie court, not a faerie, but they do not call me a human. A faeling. Not faerie, not human. Not human at all. And I find that I agree with that statement somewhat. What is being human?

Morel's smile falters a little, but he regains it quickly. Almost undetectable, if I wasn't already staring at that smile. "Do you want to go to the kitchens? You must be starving after your journey. I heard it wasn't long, but sometimes those journeys make new faelings hungry." He holds out a hand.

I stare at his hand in surprise. He has long elegant nails, perfectly trimmed and filed. But they are not what surprise me, no. Not even the smooth, pale skin without marks, like a still lake surface. It is the plants that wind themselves around his hand, the beautiful leaves and twining vines. Reaching for sunlight.

I try not to hesitate as I take his hand and let him lead me up the marble steps. The plants are cold on my fingertips and so is his hand, but it is a pleasant cool. It's as if I was warm and seeking the cool, and it is exactly what I needed.

Morel turns to look at me, his smile still bright and ever present. "Do you know what to expect, here?" He asks. His voice is still calming, and I find myself grow weak with exhaustion, as if his song lulls me to sleep. I shake my head quickly.

He takes that as an answer, and tilts his head. He releases my hand and goes into a large expanse of tile and cupboards and smells. He opens pots and flicks his hands, plates and cutlery and food floating out of countless cupboards and places I cannot place a name to. I've never seen so much food on a single plate in my life.

He shows it to me and I realise it's mine to eat. I take the plate tentatively, starting to nibble on something that looks like fruit.

"You'll get your own room, and Winter will be around often. But he has to do a lot of stuff with a lot of faeries, bleh." He pulls a face as he sits on the counter, tapping his fingers against his knees, which are clothed with trousers that look to be a bit too big.

I pause and startle at a realisation. "Wait- you- how did you know I named him Winter?" And why do they have names, and not Winter? I let the other question die on my tongue.

Morel cracks a cheeky smile, more toothy and crooked than the other. "Faeries know things, Adras."

A shiver runs down my spine, but I keep it in check. I continue to nibble on the succulent fruit. I'm not that hungry, surprisingly, but the sight of the fruit is enough to make me convince myself I am. I finish off the pink fruit, then look at the suspicious black one. Perhaps not the best idea.

Morel laughs softly and looks at me. "It's safe. I wouldn't feed you rotten Anaska, you know." He leans back against a cupboard where he sits, and looks away as I nibble on the curious fruit I have never heard of. Definitely a faerie fruit.

When I finish, Morel smiles and waves the plate away, and it busies itself in the sink nearby before disappearing into a cupboard. I watch it go, curious and also surprised. Winter didn't use his magic very much, and Morel seems nonchalant in its use.

"Anyway. You'll get your room, and Winter will come through every now and then. He has a lot to do, but I'm sure he has time for his own faeling," he laughed softly. His eyes were gentle, sweet. I couldn't look away.

He hopped off his counter and held out his hand. "Want to go to your quarters? I'm assigned to look after you, so you won't be getting rid of me too easily," he laughed, a bright and cheerful sound.

I smiled back at him, shaky and unsure. I found I didn't mind that I wouldn't get rid of him easily. I suppose... I wanted him there.

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